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Coverage.json not generated with Jasmine RequireJS and Istanbul in grunt

I have trying to generate coverage report based from grunt using grunt-template-jasmine-istanbul. The Specs are executed correctly but no coverage report is generated. Below is my code in the config ...
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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How to start jasmine tests with grunt?

I want to create a grunt task for running jasmine tests automatically when the code changed. For AMD support I installed grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs. I added these lines to my gruntfile: connect:...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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RequireJS, Jasmine and Grunt Error: scripterror: Illegal path or script error

I have an application which uses requireJS, and I would like to use grunt-contrib-jasmie to test it. In order to get jasmine to work with require I am using cloudchen's grunt-template-jasmine-...
Dean Nasseri's user avatar
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Jasmine Grunt, Backbone, Require, Routes etc

i have a question. I have a full app, a lot of view(backbone), models, everything using require, routes etc. When my app is on production i have a single file main.js, like this: <script data-main=...
Guilherme Cruz's user avatar
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Why is grunt-contrib-jasmine hanging?

I'm asking this for posterity because it took me some time to figure this out. I have an application that uses require.js and tests based on jasmine, automated with grunt. I have grouped my modules ...
leftclickben's user avatar
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Why is PhantomJS hanging when running Jasmine tests on RequireJS project with Grunt?

I'm trying to use the open source Grunt-Boilerplate project, described in this blog post. I download the (commit ref: e7e6b15c2f) and extract the package. I ran the following to update ...
tommarshall's user avatar
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5 votes
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ReferenceError: Can't find variable: define at ... with 'grunt test' using jasmine in require.js

I'm a little confused. In my little project I'm using Jasmine, Require.js, Phantomjs and Grunt (all these via Yeoman). So when run I grunt test in the terminal, I get the error: >> ...
Shaoz's user avatar
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Using Jasmine.js Warning:boot is not defined

I'm using Jasmine 1.3 with RequireJS and Grunt. I have a grunt task that does this: jasmine: { app: { options: { outfile: "<%= config.testPath() %>/...
jth_92's user avatar
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requireJs can not find modules when running on travis

I am trying to use requireJs first time in my javascript project. i have written my test cases in jasmine and using grunt to run them. everything is working fine on my local machine but when I deploy ...
nitesh sharma's user avatar
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Yeoman: testing with jasmine and requirejs not working

I'm testing my Backbone app with Jasmine via Yeoman/Grunt/Phantomjs. When I do grunt jasmine in command-line I get the error Warning: No specs executed, is there a configuration error? Use --force to ...
Shaoz's user avatar
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Jasmine specs not being executed when injecting dependencies with Squire.js

I am attempting to run some Jasmine unit tests for a Backbone view, mocking out dependencies in Squire. The dependencies of my view are a Baseview, an ICanHaz template and an i18n translation. I ...
Simon Adcock's user avatar
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Grunt Jasmine task using full path so it does not automatically append '.js' onto the end of my requirejs files

I am trying to set up grunt to run a jasmine task. Here is my jasmine json for the Gruntfile.js jasmine: { src: '../app/src/**/*.js', options: { specs: '../app/test/spec/**/*.js', ...
Jonathan Romanowski's user avatar
5 votes
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Jasmine, Grunt, RequireJS Stalling on the test output

I am trying to create a node boilerplate and am trying to create a task to run Jasmine test. I have the following configuration in my Gruntfile.js: jasmine: { src : ['static/test/spec/**/*.js'], ...
Kianosh's user avatar
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6 votes
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Grunt test for UMD

I'm trying to figure out the best approach to testing a Javascript module definition using a UMD factory, similar to this: I don't want ...
badsyntax's user avatar
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Configuring Grunt, Jasmine and RequireJS all together

I'm a complete noob with Jasmine and RequireJS so any help is appreciated. We have the following directory structure /assets /libs <- populated by Jam /scripts /tests I'm trying to ...
BarendB's user avatar
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