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Squirejs : requirejs is not defined

We have an amd/requirejs based web app. We came to a point to add a unit testing to our code. Googling returned that squireJs is best amd-require based mocking library. after installing, The problem ...
ISkandar's user avatar
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"define is not defined" - jasmine-node requirejs in Nodejs

I am trying to run jasmine tests on files that are using requirejs. I have a require.config.js file which provides all the configuration for the requirejs and I am passing to this command to run the ...
Nephilim700's user avatar
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Jasmine & requirejs support for multi modules?

I am currently using Jasmine ("jasmine": "^2.4.1") with Node v6.1.0 I am both trying to provide and consume multiple modules in one file - however keep getting errors like object undefined or null ...
shenku's user avatar
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Running Jasmine tests from Node against code that uses RequireJS

Is it possible to run Jasmine from Node to test code that uses RequireJS? I am using the Jasmine NPM. I can run some tests from Node but can't work out how to test my code that uses RequireJS. V2 of ...
James's user avatar
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How to start jasmine tests with grunt?

I want to create a grunt task for running jasmine tests automatically when the code changed. For AMD support I installed grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs. I added these lines to my gruntfile: connect:...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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require.config TypeError: undefined is not a function

I want to write some tests with Jasmine. Therefore I first want to load RequireJS. Thus I put a reference in the Jasmine.json file: { "spec_dir": "spec", "spec_files": [ "**/*[sS]pec.js" ], ...
Garrarufa's user avatar
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Karma: project using requirejs

I'm newbie using Karma+Jasmine and I'm working in a project which uses requirejs to load JavaScript modules. When I run Karma it shown the following error: C:\node\myproject λ node node_modules/karma/...
Miguel Q.'s user avatar
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How can I get istanbul working with node, mocha, jasmine and require js

I have an existing test suite that runs fine in node.js using mocha, require and jasmine, with the tests being run via a psake powershell script. I am attempting to add test coverage, so to run the ...
user2576666's user avatar
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Grunt test for UMD

I'm trying to figure out the best approach to testing a Javascript module definition using a UMD factory, similar to this: I don't want ...
badsyntax's user avatar
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testing require modules with jasmine in nodejs

I ma trying to load require modules in node to test with jasmine. Hers my spec runner var coffee, isVerbose, jasmine, key, showColors, sys, i, len, jasmine = ...
rigaman's user avatar
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How to configure RequireJS (require.config()) with jasmine-node?

I have an init file that provides a function that bootstraps RequireJS via require.config(). The configuration ends up looking something (mostly) like this: ... config = baseUrl: sysDir + 'lib/' ...
Xavura's user avatar
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