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How to fix Form Data via XHR returns 400 Bad Request

This is my code, quite simple. just a POST request to my api endpoint with FormData. but for some unknown reason the api says the data is a bad request. i tested my api via curl and it works fine. ...
X3R0's user avatar
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User ID not found in UserDefaults or invalid UUID string

I am trying to display previously created events on my calendar page using a fetch events function. I have made an api that has a route to fetch events from my database. In my database, when an event ...
AppleDev3's user avatar
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disable auth for OPTIONS method in apache

We have third party authentication and it was configured in apache.conf as below. <Location /myapi> MyRequireAuth on </Location> means, when anyone send request to /myapi, it has to be ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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How to show just only one of the headers in the REST API request with Pino logger?

We use Pino as logger for our REST API. We have set the pino options to redact the headers for req and res with redact: ["req.headers", "res.headers"], as we do not want to show ...
Julio Martínez's user avatar
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How to use import in JavaScript while using Spring Boot

I ve been looking for a way to use import Chart from 'chart.js/auto' in my webpage. Im currently using Spring Boot, with Thymeleaf. Problem is, none of the things I tried worked. I have a node_modules ...
Felix Caba's user avatar
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How to Solve 403 Error in Spring Boot Post Request?

I'm creating a simple project in Spring Boot, but im having some difficulty in creating this POST Request. Basically every time i try it gives me the 403 error (the payload is correct only the status ...
Diogo Freire's user avatar
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Databricks SQL REST API w/ Javascript

need to use Databricks SQL Statement Execution API w/ Javascript (see example post ) For some reason, Curl Works, Python works, but Javascript fails. This works : (curl) curl --request POST \ https:/...
Mehdi LAMRANI's user avatar
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MVC issue,request not processing

index.js (main) const express = require("express"); const app =express(); const {connectMongoose} = require("./connection.js"); connectMongoose("mongodb://localhost:27017/&...
jainyashit's user avatar
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Verification of hmac signature from headers

I'm implementing payment on my SaaS, I use LemonSqueezy and my API is made in TS with AdonisJS, here's my problem: When a payment is validated LemonSqueezy calls the webhook of my API with a signature ...
AzPogoDev's user avatar
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Postgres(t) compression of huge json data for clients fetch call

I am using a Postgres DB to store large JSON data (~2 MB). To view and analyze the data (logfiles from different applications), I have implemented a web server with an Ag-Grid table. Based on ...
Nike-Tom's user avatar
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Next js Api sometimes returns 404 sometimes works fine

I am using Next.js 14 and in a component of my project I need to make an api call, which works fine in the beginning but after some consecutive calls, it returns 404. The api route is as follow: ...
Naman Arora's user avatar
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Where to use function for saving data to database

I have a REST API server with Express, connects to MongoDB. Basically my app accept an input form to save some reports daily and of course the timestamp has to be that current time. My question is, ...
Wakugumi's user avatar
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json-server request not found

I can't get index value or URLs but the whole JSON file only. There is no log. Can you help me understand what I did wrong or don't know? Run server --watch/-w can be omitted, JSON Server 1+ watches ...
Raven's user avatar
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Getting 415 on initial request, after that everything is working fine

When I start my App the first time I click on the map and click on the submit button, I am getting an Error "type=Unsupported Media Type, status=415", when I click back and do the same thing ...
Николай Божков's user avatar
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Importing DeepL API in local file leads to error message (Cannot use import statement outside a module)

Context: My overall goal is to import a bunch of multiple-choice questions and the corresponding answers from a website into a Google Form. Since I'll need to do this more often I thought I could ...
yoshis_eGG's user avatar

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