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Chartkick problem with child models in Rails 7

I'm stuck with the following issue in Rails 7 (Ruby 3) with the chartkick and groupdate gems: I have two child models that I want to group in the following graph: <%= column_chart @childs....
mguz's user avatar
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Using "after" does not have any effect in a Rails Migration

I have generated the migration file and added t.string :address. before ''' rails db:migrate''' I added the line- add_column :users, :address, :string, limit: 10, after: :email but it was added last ...
Abhishek Tanwar's user avatar
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Rails admin with zeitwerk

Hi i am having a application built in rails 6 and i am trying to update it to rails 7 but there's some problem i am facing with zeitwerk. in the rails admin initilizer # initilizer/rails_admin.rb ...
Prateek Vyas's user avatar
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rails credentials inside of docker is no longer opening

My rails environment runs from a Docker. Previously using a Docker ruby:2.7.5 (when I created th project credential, but I think it doesn't matter), and currently using ruby:3.2.2. Suddenly, when I ...
Andrey Agra de Andrade's user avatar
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Process jobs with Sidekiq Scheduler

I'm not sure what I'm missing with my Sidekiq Scheduler setup. I can process jobs manually, but the scheduled jobs aren't running. Pressing Enqueue Now from the Web ui runs the job correctly. Starting ...
teddybear's user avatar
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Getting all nested objects belongs to a model

I have a Location model that can have many sublocations, or one parent location. Let's say location-A is a parent location, has location-B and location-C as sublocations. But location-B also has a ...
cnn's user avatar
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Upgrading to haml 6 causes ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `safe_concat' for {:add_to_stack=>true}:Hash) error

We are using haml 5.2.2 + Ruby 3.2 + Rails 7 + haml-rails 2.1 in our app. When I to upgrade to haml 6.1.1, my rails views start failing with the exception: ActionView::Template::Error (undefined ...
lucas's user avatar
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Sweet Alert 2 is not working properly in Rails 7 Application

I attempted to integrate the Sweet Alert 2 java-script library for customising standard alert boxes into a Rails 7 application, but I received the following error message: "Swal is not defined.&...
Abhishek Badmaliya's user avatar
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boolean field not updating in Rails

I am building a basic crud app; with my controller method for updating a task as follows :- def update @task = Task.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| if @task.update(task_params)...
hannahSugahp's user avatar
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Authlogic NameError - wrong constant name Object.const_get(camel_cased_word)

I am trying setup Authlogic gem with rails 7. I have simple controller: class UsersController < ApplicationController def new render_page 'Registration' end def create @user = User....
Kavachaj's user avatar
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undefined method `escape' for URI:Module in ruby 3

After updating my Rails application from Rails 6.0.1 to Rails I am getting issue with the gem "paperclip", '~> 6.1.0' while using it in application is gives error: ActionView::...
vidur punj's user avatar
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Docker: TCP/IP connections on port 5342? connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host

I am using rails 3.0.0 with rails 7. My dockerfile is as: FROM ruby:3.0.0-alpine RUN apk add --update --virtual \ runtime-deps \ postgresql-client\ build-base \ libxml2-dev \ ...
vidur punj's user avatar
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rails new creates Rails 7.1-alpha instead of Rails 7.0

i am just wondering. I want to create a new rails app and have following setup on my linux system: ruby 3.0.3 via RVM yarn v1.22.17 and gem install bundler -v 2.2.33 gem install rails -v 7.0.0 If ...
F.M.'s user avatar
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