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How to update independent pieces of a web page with turbo frames and turbo streams in ruby on rails

Am building a blog post and i have a model named comments, i have used the same model also for replies . comment.rb class Comment < ApplicationRecord include ActionView::Helpers belongs_to ...
mutebi godfrey's user avatar
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How to render partials recursively with turbo frames and stream

Hello, I'm relatively new to Turbo Streams and Frames, and I'm currently facing an issue with rendering replies to comments using Turbo Frames and Streams. Let me explain my setup. I have a Comment ...
mutebi godfrey's user avatar
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Accessing target from outside Turbo Frame

Hi there, I have this modal that has a button inside: <%= turbo_frame_tag 'select_recipients_modal', id: "select_recipients_modal", data: { controller: "recipients" } do %&...
Gibson's user avatar
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How to override `turbo_frame_tag` method?

I'm using Ruby on Rails 7 with the Turbo Rails gem, which provides the turbo_frame_tag method. I would like to add default html data attributes to all the <turbo-frame> tags that are generated ...
Backo's user avatar
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Rails + Turbo broadcast_replace_later

Help with Turbo Streams & Sidekiq. Example File with code execution here: I am working on an app and I am trying to use ...
ForeignOrchid's user avatar
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Turbo Frame in Rails 7, why is the page specified in the SRC not loading?

I am writing a rails app and making use of turbo frame. I have done a very similar thing in a previous app and didn't have this same problem. All the content that changes is in a turbo frame called ...
Rob Boyce's user avatar
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Bootstrap modal in rails automatically opens when going to the previous link

I've been following this video tutorial series in creating a Rails 7 app with Bootstrap v5.3 as CSS framework and Stimulus(Turbo) in javascript side. Basically, I want to have a bootstrap modal to ...
dio-1994's user avatar
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Lazy-loaded frame by using the same view template

At the bottom of a long web page (i.e. in a view template, say long_page.html.erb) I've some heavy content that slows down page loading. Because this heavy content is placed at the bottom of the page ...
Backo's user avatar
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Turbo Frame Error "Content Missing" before Authentication

I rebuilt this Cookie Consent Tutorial with Turbo Frame and it has some weird behaviour to it that I can't understand. On the home & sign in page (therefore pages, where the user is not logged in) ...
Lisbeth Purrucker's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Getting a Turbo Frame Error of "Content Missing"

I'm trying to use turbo_frame_tag in my Rails application to manage some tasks. I created a scaffold for my tasks. I wrapped the page I want to use inside of a turbo frame tag as below: <%= ...
folwarczyk's user avatar
7 votes
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Using Turbo Frames How Can I Reload The Whole Page If The Form Submited Succeeded?

I have 1: a link in a turbo frame which loads a form into the same frame. Working Well 2: the form if it is not valid then should only update itself by marking the missing fields with errrors. ...
Boti's user avatar
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Turbo frame rule Response has no matching <turbo-frame id="name_of_the_frame">

i am unable to reproduce turbo-frame error "Response has no matching " in my rails 7 application index.html.erb <main class="container"> <%= turbo_frame_tag "...
Amir Sohail's user avatar
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Rails, Turbo-frames, how to make turbo response just simply refresh the current view?

The situation: I have a form partial that I want to use in two separate pages. After submit I want to update another part of the page with the newly added items but those differ depending of which ...
JUlinder's user avatar
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In rails, Turbo just appends the response from the server at the end of current page

The problem: Turbo just appends the response from server to the end of current page. Not replacing the page like expected. Recently upgraded from Rails 6 to 7. Also I switched from importmap to ...
JUlinder's user avatar
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Is there a way to add multiple new items using Rails Turbo Frames?

I am trying to link a button to insert a form for a new item. I want to be able to add a new form for each button click using turbo frames. I am having trouble incrementing the id of each frame so a ...
Brian's user avatar
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