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Adding new Rows to Spark Partition while using forEachPartition

I am trying to add a new Row to each Partition in my Spark Job. I am using the following code to achieve this: StructType rowType = new StructType(); rowType.add(DataTypes.createStructField("...
Sateesh K's user avatar
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IntelliJ Scala 2.13.0 no longer compiles - Error compiling the sbt component 'compiler-bridge-2.13.0-66.0'

I am working on a hobby project on my desktop using Scala 2.13.0 and JDK 22. The project compiles and runs perfectly fine there. This project is also on my personal GitHub. Because I went on holiday ...
Jumper Snipèra's user avatar
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Using spark 3.4.1 lib in Java when extending StringRegexExpression to a java class

I am using spark 3.4.1 in maven project where I am configured scala (2.13.8) lang as well. I am trying to create a class in project by extending spark's StringRegexExpression package com....
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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Scala/SBT/Java - When running app locally with java 21 getting InaccessibleObjectException

Hi all I am using scala version 2.12.18, sbt version 1.9.0 and java jdk 21.0.3. When trying to run my application locally through sbt run -Dconfig.resource=local-qa.conf I am getting this error: [...
M. Barabas's user avatar
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Importing libraries with same names

I have two libraries that both follow the same names for importing, but one has more functionality than the other. How do I make scala choose the right library to use when importing? Currently, it’s ...
Derrick Cheah's user avatar
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Is it safe run blocking call in OS executor when using virtual thread?

When using virtual thread, can I safely use a separate thread pool while interacting with a library we don't have a control over, such as HikariCP DB connection manager, which uses synchronized blocks,...
LoranceChen's user avatar
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For any given project built using SBT, is there any way, by creating a plugin/other ways, to get and STORE the details of modules and dependencies

I have a sample SBT built JAVA project Apache Pekko v1.0.0 I need to setup automation in such a way that I get the name of the modules in this project, or ...
Sri Shylesh's user avatar
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issue with unit-testing spark scala project related to json4s

I'm using scala 2.12, spark 3.1.2, and jdk 1.8, and I'm facing what looks to be a dependency issue: A needed class was not found. This could be due to an error in your runpath. Missing class: org/...
dataviews's user avatar
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DataFrameWriter.partitionBy does not guarantee sort order

I have a dataset that have the following schema: (timestamp, partitionKey, logValue) I want to have the dataset to be sorted by timestamp, but write to file in the follow directory layout: outputDir/...
leeyc0's user avatar
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use java udf in pyspark, raise type exception

Step 1: Define a scala UDF: import import scala.collection.mutable class GetMidVal extends UDF1[mutable.WrappedArray[Double], Double] { override def call(arr: ...
jz w's user avatar
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java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: UTF16 String size exceeding default value

I was trying to load a tsv files from urls (max file size was 1.05 GB or 1129672402 Bytes) I used for it. But, it throwed the below error (for the largest one)- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:...
prisoner's user avatar
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Scalafx: UnsupportedClassVersionError [duplicate]

I'm trying to use Scalafx in project. Dependencies are: ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.1" libraryDependencies += "" % "jsr305" % "3....
Jelly's user avatar
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Serialization.writePretty format JSON the same way that pre-commit-hooks pretty-format-json does

I'm coding in Scala, using these packages package org.json4s package jackson and the function writePretty of Serialization class. The thing is it's not formatted the way that pre-commit-hooks pretty-...
Mickaël N's user avatar
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Are there Scala 3 Specific enum Equivalents of Java's EnumSet/EnumMap?

Specifically using the new enum keyword provided by Scala 3... enum Translation(val bit: Byte): case FlipX extends Translation(1) case FlipY extends Translation(2) case RotateClockwise ...
chaotic3quilibrium's user avatar
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How can I set environment variables via gradle script

I have a gradle script that in the test section sets a lot of testing environment variables. These testing variables are used across different packages and I would like to extract this into a separate ...
cogle's user avatar
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