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Jetty 12 with Scala "Unable to locate class corresponding to inner class entry for Scope"

After upgrading jetty-server from 11 to 12, the compilation (using mill as the build tool) fails with: Unable to locate class corresponding to inner class entry for Scope in owner org.eclipse.jetty....
Amaterasu's user avatar
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Could not resolve type id 'org.redisson.codec.SmileJacksonCodec' as a subtype of `org.redisson.client.codec.Codec`: no such class found

No Such class found error where class already exist at class path. Initially looking at error it looks like as if class does not exist but actually class are available as can be seen in below ...
Chandan Gawri's user avatar
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UnavailableException: Servlet class is not a javax.servlet.Servlet with Jetty

The example given on the plugin page throws an exception when updated with the latest version of the jetty container and the jakarta package. It expects old class 'javax.servlet.Servlet' not new '...
Heitor Barbieri's user avatar
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Scalatra - not found: object scalate

Context: I'm looking to pick up Scalatra for the first time. I'm following instructions from Scalatra In Action as well as the sample code repo provided. I'm able to get a template project created ...
emalcolmb's user avatar
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Jetty http client enforces WWW-Auhenticate

I'm using JettyHttp Client to call external API code below: object Test extends App { val client = new HttpClient(new SslContextFactory.Client()) client.start() val response = client.POST("...
Passarinho's user avatar
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Adding custom handler to jetty throws ClassNotFoundException

I am trying to inject a custom handler to jetty. I have written the handler in my application code which is packaged as a war. package import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletRequest, ...
Arpit Jain's user avatar
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no context on this server matched or handled this request

I have built a web app with http4s that uses Jetty as Servlet container. The code below shows the implementation of the server: @WebListener class Bootstrap extends ServletContextListener with IOApp {...
softshipper's user avatar
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How to secure http4s webapp with keycloak?

I would like to secure my Http4s based webapp with Keycloak, which is described on The http4s webapp runs on Jetty as ...
softshipper's user avatar
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Why does it show Jetty?

I have built my web app with object UserSvcServer { def stream[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect](implicit T: Timer[F], C: ContextShift[F]): Stream[F, Nothing] = { val helloWorldAlg ...
softshipper's user avatar
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What is the difference between jetty:start and jetty:quickstart in xsbt-web-plugin

I am running a scala 2.11.12 app on lift 3.3.0 built with sbt 1.3.8. I have tried 4.0.3 and 4.2.0 of xsbt-web-plugin. My app launches fine when I use jetty:start but when I use jetty:quickstart it ...
Andrew Bucknell's user avatar
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Scala Jetty webapp on Heroku 404

I'm testing around with a Scala web framework (Udash) and trying to run a toy-example in Heroku. I have it running without issues in local following the instructions in the Heroku docs: sbt compile ...
pmbrull's user avatar
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How to call Scala functions in Jade?

I am learning Jade, which is the daddy of HTML template engines for Scala. My servlet: package com.test.web class StatusServlet extends HttpServlet { var mystatus: MyStatus = _ override def ...
BAE's user avatar
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unable to run web-app developed using scalatra scala

I have developed a web app using scalatra 2.6.3 and scala 2.11.8 for the first time and it is not getting executed using jar. Below are my dependencies in build.sbt scalaVersion := "2.11.8" val ...
Monika's user avatar
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Jetty doesn't throw exception when I bind to already used port

I create a server using jetty, and it is weird it would not throw exception I bind it to port which is already used by another process. But it would throw exception when this used port is used by http ...
zjffdu's user avatar
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How should I embed a Jetty server in an Apache Ignite service?

I'm trying to embed a Jetty server in an Apache Ignite service (as per this thread) so I can make the HTTP endpoint the entry point to my data pipeline. Here's my basic test: Main.scala object Main {...
Isvara's user avatar
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