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Statistics rapidly changing within transaction - fixing execution plan

A problem I'm facing (Oracle 11g): I create a table, let's call it table_xyz, with index (not unique, no primary key). I create package with procedure that will insert let's say 10 millions ofrecords ...
piezol's user avatar
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Is there a way replace index fast full scan with index range scan in Oracle execution plan?

Here is a table A, and the primary keys of this table A are A1_ID and A2_ID. And to avoid Table Full Scan of PARENT_A1_ID, an index was created. /* The status of the index is as follows. */ A_PK_IDX ...
bmer's user avatar
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SQL insert and update high elapsed time happening only at certain time of the day

At about 7 PM everyday, I notice that my application runs slower than usual. Upon checking AWR report, I noticed that 2 frequently used SQL statements are having high elapsed time (about 1 second per ...
Yoong Tat 's user avatar
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How to force the use of index in a specific relation on Oracle sql sentence

First, these queries are executed on Oracle 11g I am trying to force the Oracle to execute the index on the condition manh_dist(tjoin1.fv,tjoin2.fv)<=8000 of the query bellow I am using hints to ...
Siqueira's user avatar
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choose one partition but optimizer use partition list all

I have query like this : select * from P2P_TST2.kh4rqolog t where t.kh4ldat472 between to_date('20170121120001', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') and to_date('20170121130101', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') and ...
Mahsa ehsani's user avatar
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Oracle SQL queries - explain plan big estimated/actual row differences

I have a problem which I'm finding hard to understand. I have two queries that are running slow. So I started to investigate the performance issues. All the tables in both queries have had there stats ...
Shaun Kinnair's user avatar
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Oracle SQL query running slow, full table scan on primary key, why?

I have a problem with a piece of code, I can't understand why the below query is doing a full table scan on the works table when wrk.cre_surr_id is the primary key. The stats on both tables are both ...
Shaun Kinnair's user avatar
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Performance Tuning an Existing Oracle Query

I'm a newbie to Oracle and have been given a task of improving some existing SQL queries currently running in a web based application. I've extracted the following query and ran it in SQL Developer to ...
user676567's user avatar
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Oracle ORDERED hint cost vs speed

So, a few weeks ago, I asked about Oracle execution plan cost vs speed in relation to the FIRST_ROWS(n) hint. I've run into a similar issue, but this time around the ORDERED hint. When I use the hint,...
monitorjbl's user avatar
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Oracle - why is this paging code not using the stopkey optimization

I've run across a strange situation regarding a paginated query and the stopkey optimization on 11G (I've been able to reproduce on full 11G as well as XE installs). I'm using the alexa top 1M sites ...
tterrace's user avatar
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Large amount of projected I/O with Oracle, even if only a single record is fetched

I often encounter the following situation in my Oracle execution plans: Operation | Object | Order | Rows | Bytes | Projection ----------------------------+---------+-------+------+...
Lukas Eder's user avatar
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DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR vs Explain Plan if not using gather_plan_statistics hint

Just requesting some clarification on the difference between the 2. From what I understand, EXPLAIN PLAN gives you the theoretical execution plan while DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR gives you the actual ...
BYS2's user avatar
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Oracle plan for comparing 'b' vs. 'B' 998x as slow (10g or 11g)

Have a query to set records as bad by comparing with another table. To save time, I exclude records that have already been marked as 'bad'. I wrote a query, but accidentally checked for != 'b' ...
James King's user avatar
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