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Questions tagged [three.js]

Three.js is a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library/API used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics on a Web browser. Three.js scripts may be used in conjunction with the HTML5 canvas element, SVG or WebGL.

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Camera Positioning Issue: Integrating Three.js MapControls with GSAP Animation for Precise Target Locations

I’m encountering a problem while animating my 3D model using GSAP and Three.js. Specifically, the issue occurs when I pan the model - the camera doesn’t move to the intended target position correctly. ...
Nadir Shaikh's user avatar
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How to make completely white floor with shadows?

Please help. I want white floor and shadows on it, but all I get is lightgray floor with very thin shadow: lightgray floor My floor and light configuration: const ModelSceneEnvironment = () => { ...
kprovalov's user avatar
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How to Rotate Camera Around a 3D Map in React Three Fiber Without Moving Too Far From the Map (not in a circular path)

I am working on a 3D map using React Three Fiber, and I have implemented auto-rotation using OrbitControls. However, the camera rotates in a perfect circle, causing parts of the map to appear far away ...
janaka chamith's user avatar
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Trouble with correctly triangulating a polygon on a sphere in THREE.js

tldr: help I can't correctly triangulate a GeoJSON polygon in 3D space to make it spherical and it has been haunting me for weeks. The question at the end of this novel is "Is this a poly2tri ...
kishetate's user avatar
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Three.js + Next.js Not rendering twice

The Problem Whenever I open and close my dialog in production, the threejs scene does not remount. Here's the expected works just fine running locally on my machine However, in ...
Preston Bourne's user avatar
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Environment from @react-three/drei triggering a rerender

I have a scene like this <Canvas className="App" style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', ...
user25766836's user avatar
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Why does the error While resolving: [email protected] occur while installing react-three-fiber in react-native?

I am trying to use react-three-fiber in react-native. When I try to install and run it according to the manual, the following error occurs. When I run npm install, the following error occurs. Can you ...
최윤석's user avatar
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How to deploy React Typescript Three/fiber on [closed]

I'm trying to deploy React Typescript Three/fiber and Three/drei to Deploying is success but I can't see any Html elements that I wrote. I got these messages in inspector window. I guess ...
BlackDragon94's user avatar
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How Can I fit Three js object to screen?

I have multiple objects in my scene. I need to implement Zoom Extents feature that automatically fits(shows) all the objects to screen. In my case, I'm using Orthographic Camera and Arcball Controls. ...
zenhanu's user avatar
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Add MorphTargets in the gltf file

I am searching for realistic Avatar 3D models for lipsync I found the models but in that model, there are no MorphTargets so I'm not able to do lipsync with that avatar. Manually I want to add it Can ...
kanan dave's user avatar
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How to Create 3D Family Tree [closed]

I am working on a personal project called "Family Tree" using technologies Spring Boot, React.js, Three.js etc. However, I face some difficulties in creating the 3D Tree using Three.js. What ...
EDOYou's user avatar
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Three.js outline affect problem,can't show the scene clearly

I tried to add outline affect for a cube at scene.But the scene has some problem:the scene is so vague that I can't see the cube clearly.I tried to use SMAAPass before but it didn't work.I want to ...
JsonC's user avatar
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three.js rendering spheres in wrong position

I am new to three.js and I was trying this code but I encountered unexpected output so wanted to check what I am doing wrong here or looking to find reason behind output i am seeing. import * as THREE ...
Pravin Poudel's user avatar
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Link device's gyroscopic orientation with that of 3d model on web

I am trying to build a model rocket that uses an old phone for reading gyroscopic data using a webapp (Flask and flask-socketIO). the "rocket phone" goes to /rocket and sends gyroscope data ...
SH3LDR0ID's user avatar
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Three.js sprite in mapbox combine

mapbox-gl-js version: 3.4.3 browser: chrome 126 Steps to Trigger Behavior I used the example Add a 3D model use threejs of official website to add sprite, but the display is not correct and I can't ...
Wooden man's user avatar

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