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Mahesh Chavda
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

How to define a child element on a Jquery script

4 votes

JQuery .on("keydown") Not Working When Appended To Page

4 votes

How to collapse bootstrap column when screen small?

3 votes

jQuery - Show loading message while using replaceWith

2 votes

ToggleClass not on all divs

2 votes

Div Overflows Following List

2 votes

Cannot use object of type mysqli_result as array in php Mysql

1 vote

Divs don't span whole width.

1 vote

How to check iframe is loaded in JavaScript

1 vote

jQuery trigger event after changing multiple select options

1 vote

How to add Class to ul li

1 vote

Loop Through and Add All ListBox Items To an Access Database (into seperate rows)

1 vote

Javascript alert when space or no entered value

1 vote

Find the closest element with absolute position

1 vote

Docker: An error occurred trying to connect

1 vote

I am wikipedia api call ,page is automatically reloaded after jquery ajax content is displayed and then reloaded

1 vote

Text from user input variable not staying in div element

1 vote

Width of website suddenly overflows when using text-align: center; and display: inline-block;

1 vote

window.location.href and prevent each other?

0 votes

Remove all html tags except <img> or <img/> tags with javascript

0 votes

2 different styled <ul><li> on one page?

0 votes

Using jQuery toggle to show content, but prevent closing when the user clicks on an input element

0 votes

position:fixed not working on chrome but works in firefox

0 votes

Can't assign value to out of scope variable inside image.onload()

0 votes

Parent div not aligning to center when window scaled

0 votes

How do i stop submit form if validation failed in ajax callback

0 votes

Unable to alter the css 'background-image' with Jquery

0 votes

Trigger form submit via jQuery alert confirmation

0 votes

How to scale a div to a responsive image

0 votes

How to display text around box?