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Questions tagged [javascript]

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2 answers

Stop web pages from disabling shortcuts in Internet Explorer

How can I stop a web site from taking over my browser? Example: When I visit a web site, it blocks my keyboard short cuts such as copy and paste. I want to use these short cuts when I need them.
Bilgin Kılıç's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Does IE 6/7/8 have an addon that is similar to "Web Developer" for Firefox?

I am looking for the same JavaScript functionality (Errors/Warnings/etc.) that the Web Developer add-on for Firefox has. Does such a thing exist and where can I find it?
ricbax's user avatar
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How Do I Disable URL Pre-Pending in the FireFox 3 Title Bar When Opeing A New Window With JavaScript?

For (understandable) security reasons, Firefox does not allow JavaScript to open a new window without the address/location bar AND without pre-pending the page's URL to the title in the title bar. ...
Nick's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Javascript error console in Chrome?

I know how to do it in Firefox - how do I see Javascript errors in Chrome?
Epaga's user avatar
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3 answers

How to stop flash and javascript on any browser page except the currently viewed one

I'm fed up with browsers eating up CPU cycles by running useless flash and javascript. This question is related to this one but it's slightly different. Is it possible to automatically switch all ...
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2 answers

How to prevent flash and javascript from consuming my CPU?

I fed up of browsers eating CPU by rinning useless flash and javascript. A few questions how to have my CPU power back: Are there any Opera or Firefox plugins which show which exactly webpage eats 80%...
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10 votes
4 answers

Prevent javascript from resizing IE window

I am looking for a way to prevent JavaScript on a webpage from resizing and repositioning my Internet Explorer window. This option is available in Firefox, but I can't find anything similar in ...
Jared Harley's user avatar
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How to improve the way I use Textmate for Ruby on Rails, HTML and Javascript?

I use the latest version of textmate for all my Rails development needs and I feel that I'm under-using the possibilities or this software since I only installed the ruby on rails bundle and use ...
marcgg's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Greasemonkey script (or Firefox extension) to stop sites from disabling copy-paste?

Is there a GreaseMonkey script to disable the JavaScript-disabling of copy-paste in Firefox (3.0)? Or should I just run NoScript or some other extension on any site that attempts this (other things ...
Jared Updike's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to open javascript functions in new tabs?

So, I'm trying to use a website that allows searching, and is pretty slow. Naturally, I'd like to open all of the interesting results in tabs, so I don't have to wait for them all to load. ...
tfinniga's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

Is there any *good* HTML-mode for emacs?

I love emacs, and I want to do my web-programming work in it, but I can't find a way to get it to edit HTML properly. I mean it's seriously awful. It will do HTML fine, but not PHP, javascript, etc....
Carson Myers's user avatar
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Is there a way to install Greasemonkey (or similar) for Windows' Safari 4?

There is a way to install greasemonkey on MAC OS X Safari. But I didn`t find a way yet to install it for Windows Safari 4. Do you know a way to do it?
user1088's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get rid of this IE message "Internet Explorer can not display the webpage"?

Whenever I access my website ( in Internet Explorer 7 it shows me the following message: Internet Explorer can not display the webpage operation abandoned The website ...
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3 answers

How to view a page's source when a javascript modal popup loads first?

Scenario: You go to a page. Before loading, a javascript modal popup loads. Firebug has yet to pick up on the source. However, this code is obviously living in your browser. How can you view the ...
Chris's user avatar
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3 answers

Complex JavaScript page to test browsers performance?

I have three different browsers I want to compare: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. I don't need very sophisticated mechanism; it can simply open a webpage and render. I tried Gmail, ...
OscarRyz's user avatar
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