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Elementor Website Builder – More than Just a Page Builder

Elementor Website Builder – More than Just a Page Builder



Elementor, the leading WordPress website creation platform, empowers you to build professional, pixel-perfect websites seamlessly.

Revolutionize the way you build websites with Elementor AI, a native AI integration. Create complete sections, original text, code, and images instantly, or reference another website to recreate its layout in your website.

Lås upp alla funktionerna med Elementor Pro.

🌟 Create Professional Stunning Websites

  • Intuitive Drag & Drop Builder: Build any website with our no-code, drag-and-drop Editor. Achieve design precision with full control over layout and style.
  • Pixel-Perfect Design Tools: Upload SVGs, apply masks, gradients, box shadows, headline effects, shape dividers, and use built-in CSS controls for advanced customization.
  • Template Library: Apply complete website kits for instant setups, or choose from a vast library of single pages, blocks, and pop-up templates. Create and export your own templates for reuse.
  • Advanced Widgets: Access over 40 FREE widgets, including heading, image, text editor, video, button, gallery, carousels, and more. Customize and style widgets to fit your design needs perfectly.
  • AI Capabilities: Revolutionize your design and content creation process with native AI integration. Instantly create sections, text, code, and images, or reference layouts from other websites.

🗝️ Key features:

  • Design System: Utilize Elementor’s Design System to ensure consistency in colors, typography, and other design elements across your entire website, promoting a cohesive and professional look.
  • Responsive Design: Optimize your design for any device with custom breakpoints and device-specific adjustments. Ensure a seamless experience for desktop, tablet, and mobile users.
  • Mask Shapes: Turning any element, like an image or video, into whatever shape you desire to create standout designs.
  • CSS Transform: Use CSS Transform to rotate, scale, and skew elements, adding dynamic styling to your site.
  • Entrance Animations: Add entrance animations to elements to create engaging and interactive user experiences.
  • Revision History: Elementor’s Revision History feature enables users to track and revert to previous versions of their designs, providing peace of mind and flexibility during the creative process.
  • Developer-Friendly: Equipped with extensive documentation, API, developer tools, and custom code areas at the widget and page level, Elementor offers a conducive environment for developers to extend its capabilities and create custom solutions.
  • Floating Buttons: Enhance user interaction with customizable, floating action buttons that stay in view as users scroll.
  • Theme Builder [Pro]: Elementor’s robust Theme Builder empowers you to design every part of your website, including headers, footers, single post layouts, and archive pages, providing complete control over the site’s appearance.
  • Popup Builder [Pro]: Create eye-catching popups with Elementor’s Popup Builder, equipped with advanced targeting and triggering options to optimize user engagement and conversions.
  • Forms [Pro]: Design and integrate custom forms, utilizing advanced features and integrations to capture and manage submissions effectively.
  • WooCommerce Builder [Pro]: Seamlessly integrate Elementor with WooCommerce to design custom product pages, shop layouts, product archives, menu carts, checkout pages, my account, and more, enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of online stores.
  • Dynamic Content [Pro]: Leverage dynamic content capabilities to create personalized and interactive web experiences by connecting your designs to various data sources.
  • Notes [Pro]: Enhance team collaboration by using Elementor’s Notes feature to leave feedback and comments directly on the design interface.
  • Custom Code [Pro]: Insert custom code to extend the functionality of your site, offering flexibility for advanced customizations.
  • Custom CSS [Pro]: Apply Custom CSS to fine-tune the styling of elements, ensuring precise control over the design aspects.
  • Motion Effects [Pro]: Add advanced motion effects to elements for a more dynamic and engaging user experience.
  • Custom Fonts & Icons [Pro]: Upload and use custom fonts and icons to match your brand’s identity.

😍 Elementor FREE widgets

Unlock the potential of Elementor with our comprehensive suite of free widgets and tools, designed to empower your website creation process and elevate your design capabilities:

  • Rubrik. Lägg till iögonfallande rubriker.
  • Bild. Kontrollera storlek, opacitet och mer.
  • Textredigerare. Precis som WordPress-redigeraren.
  • Video. Lägg till videoklipp från YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion eller från egen server.
  • Button. Create interactive buttons.
  • Link in Bio. Build link in bio components to promote your business / services.
  • Bildruta. En ruta med bild, rubrik och text.
  • Omdömen. Kundomdömen.
  • Ikon. Placera en eller fler av mer än 600 tillgängliga ikoner.
  • Ikonruta. En ikon, rubrik och text med en widget.
  • Social Icons. Link to your social pages with the Facebook/X (formerly Twitter) icons.
  • Bildgalleri. Visa dina bilder i ett rutnät.
  • Bildkarusell. Skapa roterande karuseller eller bildspel för valda bilder.
  • Ikonlista. Använd valfri ikon för att skapa en punktlista.
  • Counter. Show numbers in an escalating manner.
  • Förloppsindikator. Inkludera en eskalerande förloppsindikator.
  • Nested Tabs. Display content in vertical or horizontal tabs.
  • Nested Accordion. Display any type of content in collapsible sections.
  • Slå på/av. Använd slå på/av för att dölja eller visa innehåll, som vanliga frågor.
  • Betyg. Visa hur många stjärnor (eller annan ikon) andra besökare gav.
  • Alert. Include a colored alert box to draw visitor’s attention.
  • HTML. Infoga kod på sidan.
  • Kortkod. Infoga kortkoder från vilket tillägg som helst på sidan.
  • Menyankare. Länka menyer till detta ankare.
  • Read More. Set the Read More cut-off for the excerpt in archive pages.
  • Sidopanel. Lägg till sidopaneler på sidan.
  • Google Maps. Bädda in karta på sidan.
  • SoundCloud. Add SoundCloud audio bits.
  • Avdelare. Separera innehåll med en designad avdelare.
  • Spacer. Add space between elements.
  • Text Path. Attach your text to a path.
  • Och mer kommer …

🚀 Enhance Your Website

High-Performing Websites: Website performance impacts your visitor’s experience and search result ranking. Elementor, in partnership with Google Chrome, continuously enhances performance without compromising design.

Key features include:

  • Reduced DOM Output: Streamlined HTML structure for faster rendering.
  • Improved Media File Loading: Optimized loading of images, videos, and other media assets.
  • Reduced CSS and JS Files: Minimized and concatenated stylesheets and scripts for quicker loading times.
  • Lazy Loading: Deferred loading of non-critical resources to improve initial page load speed.
  • Faster Font Loading: Efficient delivery of web fonts to enhance text rendering speed.
  • Optimized Front-End Asset Loading: Efficient loading of assets like JavaScript and CSS to minimize render-blocking.
  • Element Caching: Cache frequently accessed design elements to reduce server response time and enhance overall performance.

Looking to boost sites performance? Meet the Image Optimizer plugin by Elementor: an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that effortlessly reduces image sizes without sacrificing quality. Compatible with popular formats like JPEG, PNG, WebP, and GIF, it ensures a visually stunning, high-speed website – download now!

📈 Accelerate your web creation process

To speed up your workflow, Elementor offers tools that enhance collaboration and efficiency, such as:

  • Finder – quickly navigate between different pages and website components, or create new website parts.
  • Add to Favorites – pin frequently used widgets to the top of the widget panel.
  • Copy & Paste Between Editors – copy elements or layouts from the Editor of one website to another.

🔥 Elementor Pro Features

Create unparalleled websites while saving time, money and resources with Elementor Pro’s full website builder. Get access to 100+ professional widgets, features, and tools.

Pro Design Widgets:

  1. Posts: Display your blog posts with customizable layouts and styles.
  2. Share Buttons: Allow visitors to easily share your content on various social media platforms.
  3. Portfolio: Showcase your work or projects with stunning portfolio layouts.
  4. Slides: Create dynamic slideshows with custom animations and transitions.
  5. Form: Design and customize advanced forms for user interaction and data collection.
  6. Login: Add a login form or user registration module to your website.
  7. Nav Menu: Customize and style your website’s navigation menu for better user experience.
  8. Animated Headline: Create attention-grabbing headlines with animated effects.
  9. Price Table: Display pricing plans or packages in a structured and visually appealing format.
  10. Price List: Showcase a list of prices or services with customizable styling options.
  11. Gallery: Create beautiful image galleries with various layout options and lightbox support.
  12. Flip Box: Add interactive flip animations to highlight content or features.
  13. Call to Action: Encourage user interaction and conversions with compelling call-to-action sections.
  14. Media Carousel: Showcase a carousel of media files such as images or videos.
  15. Testimonial Carousel: Display client testimonials in a carousel format for social proof.
  16. Nested Carousel: Create nested carousels for more complex content organization.
  17. Loop Carousel: Display content in a looped carousel for continuous viewing.
  18. Table Of Content: Generate a table of contents for longer articles or guides to improve navigation.
  19. Countdown: Add countdown timers to create urgency for promotions or events.
  20. Facebook Page: Embed your Facebook page feed or content onto your website.
  21. Blockquote: Highlight quotes or testimonials with stylish formatting options.
  22. Template: Save and reuse design templates for consistent branding and layout.
  23. Reviews: Showcase customer reviews and ratings to build trust and credibility.
  24. Facebook Button: Add buttons to promote interactions with your Facebook page or content.
  25. Facebook Embed: Embed Facebook posts or content onto your website.
  26. Facebook Comments: Enable Facebook comments on your website’s pages or posts.
  27. PayPal Button: Integrate PayPal buttons for easy online payments.
  28. Stripe Button: Integrate Stripe payment buttons to facilitate secure online transactions.
  29. Lottie Widget: Add Lottie animations to enhance visual appeal and engagement.
  30. Code Highlight: Display code snippets with syntax highlighting for better readability.
  31. Video Playlist: Create and customize playlists for video content on your website.
  32. Mega Menu: Customize advanced mega menus to improve navigation and display complex content structures effectively.
  33. Off Canvas: Create off-canvas content areas that slide in and out of view to display additional information or menus without cluttering the main page layout.

Pro Theme Widgets:
Build and customize all the key parts of your website including headers, footers, 404 page, global archives, and more

  1. Post Title: Customize the title of individual blog posts or pages.
  2. Post Excerpt: Display a brief summary or teaser of your blog posts.
  3. Post Content: Customize the main content area of your blog posts or pages.
  4. Featured Image: Set and customize featured images for blog posts or pages.
  5. Author Box: Display author information and bios on blog posts.
  6. Post Comments: Customize the appearance and functionality of comments sections on your website.
  7. Post Navigation: Add navigation links to adjacent posts for easy browsing.
  8. Post Info: Display additional information about blog posts, such as author and date.
  9. Site Logo: Upload and customize your website’s logo for branding purposes.
  10. Site Title: Customize the title of your website.
  11. Page Title: Customize the title of individual pages.
  12. Search Bar: Add a search bar to allow users to search your website’s content.
  13. Breadcrumbs: Display hierarchical navigation paths for better user navigation.
  14. Sitemap: Generate a sitemap for better search engine indexing and user navigation.
  15. Loop Grid: Design and customize grid layouts for blog post archives or product listings.

Pro WooCommerce Widgets:
Design and customize a complete online shopping experience across your entire website.

  1. Product: Display individual products with customizable layouts and styles.
  2. Breadcrumbs: Display hierarchical navigation paths for better user navigation within your store.
  3. Product Title: Customize the title of individual products.
  4. Product Images: Set and customize images for product listings.
  5. Product Price: Display the price of individual products.
  6. Add To Cart: Add customizable add to cart buttons for easy purchasing.
  7. Product Rating: Display ratings and reviews for products.
  8. Product Stock: Display stock availability for products.
  9. Product Meta: Display additional information about products, such as SKU and categories.
  10. Product Content: Customize the main content area of product descriptions.
  11. Short Description: Display brief summaries or teasers of products.
  12. Product Data Tabs: Organize product information into tabbed sections for better organization.
  13. Additional Information: Display additional details about products, such as dimensions and weight.
  14. Product Related: Showcase related products to encourage additional purchases.
  15. Upsells: Promote upsell products to increase average order value.
  16. Products: Display a grid or list of products with customizable settings.
  17. Custom Add To Cart: Customize the add to cart button for specific products.
  18. WooCommerce Pages: Design and customize WooCommerce-specific pages, such as the cart and checkout pages.
  19. Product Categories: Display product categories for easy navigation within your store.
  20. Menu Cart: Display a cart icon in your navigation menu for easy access to the shopping cart.
  21. Cart: Customize the appearance and functionality of the shopping cart page.
  22. Checkout: Customize the appearance and functionality of the checkout page.
  23. My Account: Customize the appearance and functionality of the customer account area.
  24. Purchase Summary: Display a summary of purchases during the checkout process.
  25. WooCommerce Notices: Customize the appearance and functionality of WooCommerce notices, such as order confirmation messages.

Bygg professionella webbplatser med Elementor Pro!


Elementor places a paramount focus on security, evident through our acquisition of industry certifications such as ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018, ISO/IEC 27701, and SOC 2 Type II. These certifications underscore our commitment to implementing robust security measures, and highlight our dedication to adhering to recognized industry standards.

To build secure and reliable software, we follow a Secure System Development Lifecycle based on industry best practices. Our development process integrates multiple services that monitor vulnerabilities and configuration mistakes, including those in third-party libraries. Each line of code we release undergoes manual and automated quality assurance to detect and address any potential issues.

We encourage ethical security research through our Bug Bounty program. We collaborate with leading bug bounty services to provide opportunities for researchers to report vulnerabilities in our services. Our bounty programs include a triage team available 24/7/365.

For more information: Trust Center.

♿ Accessibility Best Practices

Elementor offers accessibility tools and enhancements to help you provide a better experience for all users. Including HTML 5 semantic, full keyboard navigation menu, ongoing improvement of features, widget, and more.

🌐 Translated to 63+ languages, includes RTL support

Elementor supports multiple languages and typographies and is RTL compatible, with Editor translations to over 63 languages OOTB. Elementor is also compatible with WPML, Polylang, TranslatePress, Weglot, and more.
If you would like to contribute, add a new language via See our guide on how to translate and localize the plugin.

⏩ Use of 3rd Party Services

To improve the user experience, Elementor may use the following 3rd party services if the required feature is enabled:

  • Google Fonts – are loaded to add additional fonts to your website. Google’s TOS and Privacy Policy
  • Some Elementor features require loading additional assets from …


  • Visual Drag and Drop Editor – Design your website layouts and place any element anywhere on the page for pixel-perfect designs.
  • Full Design System – Enjoy a professional workflow and ensure consistency across your site. Define your settings, use them globally, and instantly adjust them any time.
  • Responsive Design Fully edit your website and customize the behavior on desktop, tablet, & mobile to optimize the visitor experience on every device.
  • Kits and Templates – Jumpstart your web creation process or get inspired with professionally-designed templates or full website kits available for your immediate customization.
  • Nested Elements Leverage Elementor’s Nested widgets to place any widget inside the content area of another widget – like Tabs, and Accordion for complete design flexibility.
  • Motion Effects – Add entrance animations and transitions to any element in your website to captivate visitors.



  • WordPress 6.0 eller senare
  • PHP-version 7.4 eller senare
  • MySQL-version 5.0 eller senare

Rekommenderade krav

  • PHP-version 8.1 eller senare
  • MySQL-version 5.6 eller senare
  • WP-minnesgräns på 64 MB eller högre (128 MB eller högre föredras)


  1. Installera med WordPress egen Tilläggsinstallerare, eller packa upp zip-filen och lägg innehållet i katalogen wp-content/plugins/ i din WordPress-installation.
  2. Aktivera tillägget via menyn ”Tillägg” i WordPress.
  3. Gå till sidor > lägg till ny
  4. Tryck på knappen ”Redigera med Elementor”.
  5. Nu kan du dra och släppa widgetar från den vänstra panelen till innehållsområdet, samt lägga till nya sektioner och kolumner som bygger sidstrukturen.

För dokumentation och handledningar, besök vår Kunskapsbas.

Vanliga frågor

Hur installerar jag Elementor?

To install the free version of Elementor, follow the steps below:
From your WordPress dashboard -> Go to Plugins -> Click on ’Add new’-> In the Search field, enter Elementor and choose Elementor website builder.
Press install -> After installation, click Activate.

Fungerar Elementor med alla teman?

Elementor works all the themes that respect the coding standards of WordPress set by its Codex. It is recommended to use Elementor’s Hello Theme, a lightweight blank canvas, to enjoy full flexibility when using Elementor, and optimize your experience.

Är Elementor kompatibel med Gutenberg?

Elementor och Gutenberg fungerar sömlöst tillsammans. Som användare kan du enkelt bestämma vilken redigerare som ska användas vid varje tillfälle när du redigerar din webbplats.

Kan jag skapa en onlinebutik?

Ja, med Elementor Pro WooCommerce Builder kan du anpassa varje sida i din butik för att skapa en fantastisk kundupplevelse som ökar försäljningen.

Fungerar det med andra WordPress-tillägg?

Det fungerar med nästan alla tillägg. Om du upplever ett inkompatibilitetsproblem, rapportera det till oss och vilket tillägg som är i konflikt med Elementor.

Behöver jag veta hur man kodar?

Nej! Elementor ger dig alla widgetar och funktioner som du behöver för att bygga en professionell webbplats utan att använda kod.

Behöver jag veta hur man designar?

No, you can choose between professionaly designed kits and templates that fit toevery industry and have all you need to create your own profesional website.

Will elementor slow down my website?

Eftersom Elementor prioriterar hastighet och prestanda får du bättre och snabbare prestanda med varje ny version av Elementor. När du testar samma sidlayout på äldre versioner kan du se en betydande prestandaförbättring, från en poäng på 82 i Google PageSpeed ​​Insight i version 3.1, till en poäng på 95 i i version 3.5.

Är min webbplats säker med Elementor?

Säkerheten för din webbplats är extremt viktig för oss och vi vidtar proaktiva åtgärder för att säkerställa att dina webbplatser är säkra. Elementor är ISO 27001-certifierad och har ett dedikerat team av säkerhetsexperter som implementerar branschpraxis för maximal säkerhet och efterlevnad, 24/7.

There is also a managed security Bug Bounty program, utilizing the community power by enabling 24/7/365 crowdsourced vulnerability detection.

Kan jag köpa mallar separat?

Naturligtvis kan du använda vilken mall som helst som stöder Elementor.

Är Elementor kompatibel med inlägg och anpassade inläggstyper?

Självklart! Du kan ställa in vilka inläggstyper som ska aktivera Elementor på inställningssidan.

What is the difference between Elementor’s free Plugin and Elementor Pro

Elementor’s Free version allows you to explore our revolutionary drag & drop live editor, basic widgets and templates. Elementor Pro (Essential, Advanced, Expert, Studio, and Agency) empowers you with more professional tools that speed up your workflow, give you access to human-powered support, help you build more advanced content, and convert visitors. See full comparison here.

Hur kan jag bli en bidragsgivare?

If you want to contribute, go to our Elementor GitHub Repository and see where you can help.
You can also add a new language via We’ve built a short guide explaining how to translate and localize the plugin.


18 juli 2024
I’m a Pro subscriber. Elementor was good when they focused on making the product better. Now they’ve introduced AI and I’m seeing ads and prompts all over the place. No way to turn them off. In the latest update, the changelog has ’Fix: Slow loading of WordPress admin and Elementor screens due to AI health check”. So now it’s AI slowing my site down. Not other plugins or crappy hosting. Elementor. Putting profit before people.
17 juli 2024 1 svar
My client site is broken after an update, but didn’t saw it immediately. Now the site is broken with no possibility to come back to a previous version. F*** Elementor and their shi*ty updates !
16 juli 2024 1 svar
J’ai essayé la nouvelle optimisation pour augmente le chargement et il est plus lent, vérifier sur pagespeed. Alors j’ai remis les réglages par défauts, si c’est bien ce que je crois et je reprends la performance 68 (Mobile)au lieu de 51 après le réglage optimisé de Elementor. Merci quand même pour votre travail et suis très satisfait!
15 juli 2024 2 svar
I accidently forgot to cancel the annual subscription to this service and discovered they had renewed it without any warning. They even charged a my credit card on file which had expired. I asked for a refund as I had no intention of using this software but they refused. I find this method of auto-renew by stealth highly unethical and if it is not already it should be illegal. I think it is a poor reflection on the company itself. An ethical company would understand, empathise and accept that this was an accidental purchase and refund the charge.
15 juli 2024 1 svar
In a world full of Wixes and Squarspaces, forcing updates on your user is a great way to prevent rentention. Bye bye
Läs alla 6 859 betyg

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3.23.1 – 2024-07-15

  • Fix: Slow loading of WordPress admin and Elementor screens due to AI health check

3.23.0 – 2024-07-15

  • New: Elevate engagement with Floating Buttons – Convert visitors into leads, making it easier than ever to start a conversation on any platform
  • New: Introducing Link In Bio – allowing you to create a digital business card and share it easily
  • New: Generate Featured Image with AI
  • New: Generate texts using AI within WordPress
  • Tweak: Added support for the overscroll-behavior CSS property to improve scrolling experience
  • Tweak: Activated Editor Top Bar feature by default for new sites
  • Tweak: Activated Element Caching feature for new sites and promoted to Beta status
  • Tweak: Promotes ”Lazy Load Backgrounds Images” feature to Stable status
  • Tweak: Hide ”Default Device View” from User Preferences when the Editor Top Bar is active
  • Tweak: Increased the height of the Globals popover to improve usability
  • Tweak: Improved Image style presets and added two additional ones in AI Images
  • Tweak: Added Excerpt generation option with AI in the editor
  • Fix: Performance issues causing lag and slowness while editing Nested Elements (#24076)
  • Fix: Video autoplay issues in various scenarios (props @JxxIT, #24324, #14437, #7964)
  • Fix: Writing permissions issues related to WordPress root directory (#21036, #17255)
  • Fix: Restored deprecated Google fonts that were deprecated in the previous update (#27701)
  • Fix: Vimeo link structure with privacy hash is not working correctly with dynamic link action using the lightbox
  • Fix: Validate prompt and canvas changes to allow generation in AI image edit generative fill
  • Fix: Elementor Core versions are being incorrectly added to Elementor Pro versions’ history
  • Fix: AI Connect not launching when the user doesn’t have prior connect data

See changelog for all versions.