Discussion paper on biodiversity footprinting approaches for financial institutions

This document is a discussion paper that presents an overview of the current landscape of biodiversity footprinting approaches, including their limitations and sets out six steps to help market participants select and disclose these approaches appropriate for their requirements.

TNFD developed this paper in partnership with the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF). It builds on the significant work on biodiversity footprinting of PBAF, the Align project, the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and others to help companies and financial institutions make informed decisions on where to start and the approaches to use as they navigate this area.

Key focus area

  • A definition of biodiversity footprinting
  • An overview of the current landscape of footprinting approaches
  • Summary of the limitations of existing approaches to footprinting
  • Six steps to help market participants select and disclose biodiversity footprinting approaches appropriate for their requirements

Key outcomes

  • Inform the ongoing development of the TNFD’s measurement architecture
  • Assess the decision utility of biodiversity footprinting methodologies to help market participants
  • Present draft guidance on biodiversity footprinting approaches for market feedback
  • Stimulate further innovation by developers and data providers in nature-related methodologies, tools and analytics