Edgewall Software

Custom Query (48 matches)

Status: new (48 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#10267 Version controls diffs of large text files kill the system defect high version control/changeset view 0.12.2
#1233 Descriptions of Components enhancement normal ticket system 0.8
#3914 ticket change notification should contain diff'ed text, not old and new enhancement normal notification 0.10
#4519 [PATCH] Feature: component owner ticket notification enhancement normal notification 0.10.3
#5211 Ticket - Wiki Integration enhancement/suggestion enhancement normal ticket system
#7628 [PATCH] (suggested) autocomplete users on ticket forms enhancement normal general
#7820 [PATCH] Syslog Logging Not Working on FreeBSD defect normal general none
#8069 [PATCH] Support list of users as options list in ticket custom field enhancement normal ticket system 0.11.3
#9222 "full delete" of wiki page could be a non-fatal operation enhancement normal wiki system
#9331 trac-admin should upgrade static files in environment enhancement normal admin/console 0.11.7
#10040 Support for integer/float custom fields enhancement normal ticket system
#10239 Enhancement: set default_owner from WebAdmin `Components` enhancement normal admin/web 0.12.2
#10532 Show word diff when summary changes (instead of <old value> to <new value>) enhancement normal ticket system 0.13dev
#10606 GitPlugin: Improve performance enhancement normal plugin/git 1.0dev
#10672 Automatically minify Javascript and CSS enhancement normal general
#10802 Cleanup Javascript code task normal general 1.0-stable
#10948 [PATCH] Clone functionality should also be available for users with TICKET_CREATE permission enhancement normal ticket system 1.0
#11024 Losslessly compress images enhancement normal general
#11148 Generic ChangeListener events enhancement normal general 1.1.1dev
#11339 Swappable Configuration implementations enhancement normal general
#11343 Retarget tickets when executing the "trac-admin milestone remove/completed" commands enhancement normal admin/console 1.0-stable
#11367 Ticket change history not updated when deleting or renaming Components, Versions and Ticket System Enums defect normal ticket system
#11409 Add a "Versions released" filter to the timeline enhancement normal timeline
#11432 The href of customized navigation items doesn't work as documented defect normal general
#11675 IAttachmentStorage interface for pluggable attachment storage enhancement normal general
#11706 "Can't synchronize" warning message persists longer than it should defect normal version control
#11856 Default values of ticket workflow fields should be configured in the [ticket-workflow] section enhancement normal ticket system
#11861 Add email fields property to TicketSystem enhancement normal ticket system
#11870 Optional notification subscribers for watching components, users, groups, individual resources, ... enhancement normal notification
#11871 Notification subscriber for @name mentions enhancement normal notification
#12161 Add a Revision Log macro enhancement normal version control
#12567 Image macro should support protocol-relative URLs enhancement normal wiki system
#12646 Add group toggle functionality to timeline filters defect normal timeline
#12893 Empty time values should be stored as NULL defect normal general
#12898 Add interface for changes on cached repository enhancement normal version control
#12912 AuthzPolicy fine permissions for timeline and search defect normal general 1.2.2
#12928 Pass author to wiki_page_deleted and wiki_page_version_deleted defect normal wiki system
#13014 Deprecate and remove IPermissionStore.get_users_with_permission enhancement normal general
#13029 Attachment notifications despite Never notify: I update a ticket defect normal attachment 1.2.2
#13080 Add [trac] mysql_storage_engine option instead of editting my.cnf enhancement normal database backend
#13081 IWikiMacroProvider.is_inline should take macro name as argument defect normal general 1.0
#13185 Keywords: remove duplicates and fixup separators enhancement normal ticket system
#13206 Add ICustomFieldTypeProvider interface enhancement normal ticket system
#13208 Add methods or property that formats default value for NotificationSystem.smtp_subject_prefix enhancement normal notification
#13277 Add a macro for rendering code from the repository enhancement normal version control
#13283 Per-realm always_{cc, bcc} options enhancement normal notification
#13304 Implement code formatting and style checking tools enhancement normal general
#8989 Milestones should have a 'Back to Roadmap' link in the contextual navigation enhancement low roadmap 0.12dev
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.