Training > Cybersecurity > Introduction to Zero Trust (LFS183)
Training Course

Introduction to Zero Trust (LFS183)

Learn the fundamentals of Zero Trust and how open source tools such as SPIFFE and SPIRE can be used to deploy Zero Trust in your architecture.

Who Is It For

This course is designed for developers, operators, security professionals, and architects working on medium to large microservice-based systems, as well as IT leaders and policy decision-makers looking to enhance security within their organization.
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What You’ll Learn

This course discusses the features and characteristics of a Zero Trust Architecture, the different models of trust and use cases, and provides opportunities for hands-on practice with open source tools such as SPIFFE/SPIRE, Open Policy Agent, and Istio service mesh.
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What It Prepares You For

You will be equipped with the tools and insights to navigate the increasingly significant landscape of Zero Trust Networks, helping prepare you to apply them in real-world scenarios.
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Course Outline
Zero Trust Fundamentals
Why Should We Care about Zero Trust
Technology Fundamentals: Cryptography and Trust
Managing Trust in the Cloud

  • Practical experience with cloud computing and Infrastructure-as-Service (IaaC)
  • Experience with deploying and operating container orchestration platforms based on Kubernetes is a plus
  • Access to a device or virtual machine running a Linux operating system. Lab exercises have been tested on Ubuntu 22.04