Maximising comfort for staff and guests

Create a unique experience that emphasizes comfort and sustainability.

In the hospitality business details matter—including indoor air quality. We can work with you to create an ambient experience that helps define your brand, with calming thermal consistency and vibrant fresh air. Our latest control systems make it easier to manage temperature, humidity and air quality everywhere: in guest rooms, kitchens, conference centers, swimming pools, spas and restaurants…while working on reducing carbon impact. 

Reducing energy costs

Energy is the second highest operating cost component for hotels and 50%-80%* of these costs are related to HVAC system operation. Hoteliers and other hospitality managers must balance this cost alongside the imperative of providing visitors with high and consistent levels of comfort including temperature, air quality and acoustics. Systems must also meet very different demands – from food preparation to auditoriums, from hotel rooms to swimming pools.

Intelligent system design can balance all these concerns. Trane airside and waterside options can capture energy that would otherwise be lost in the atmosphere and use it elsewhere. This creates cost and energy-efficiency advantages with no compromise on comfort.

*European Commission

Guest Satisfaction

Savvy travelers are increasingly concerned about the energy intensity of their journeys. But at the end of the day, they don’t want to sacrifice comfort. We can help you build a brand that’s recognized for both: no tradeoffs required. From energy-efficient products to intelligent, data-driven services and renewable energy solutions, Trane offers many ways to strengthen your sustainability profile. Meanwhile, our technology helps property management teams, hotel brands, franchisees and independent owners provide customized comfort with optimized air quality that supports a positive guest experience. From quiet in-room comfort to load-responsive event venues, our advanced technology supports customer service at every level.

Digital technologies make buildings more responsive

Our Connected Building solutions enable you to collect and use data from your buildings to reach higher levels of comfort and energy efficiency. Since you may not always have a facility manager on site, we have user-friendly tools that simplify comfort management. Trane’s app-based building control systems make it easy for your general staff to manage systems serving different areas and rooms—even across multiple buildings.

Customer success stories

Rental success stories


5 Warning signs your HVAC system is failing
Blog post
Why breaking down energy silos is the key to decarbonisation
Blog post
Bedbugs: How low-temperature cold stores or heating units can be the solution for hotels and other industries
Blog post
Cold storage solutions for events: Enhancing efficiency with Trane containers
Blog post
Still not sure which system is right for you?

Additional services to help you succeed

Guest Comfort at all times

When planned shutdowns, emergencies or seasonal temperature peaks occur, Trane Rental Services have the expertise and equipment to minimize the risk of discomfort for guests and staff.

Learn more


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