TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at three premier universities across the United States in 2019.


Hear from a Former Graduate of the IEEE TryEngineering Summer Institute!

IEEE TryEngineering Summer Institute (TESI)was able to meet with the mother of student Carl C., a former TESI student! Here is what she had to say about her son’s experience at the Summer Institute, and what he had accomplished in the following 4 years.

What is Carl up to now?

Carl is a senior at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX studying mechanical engineering. He did an internship at Uren

co USA, a nucle

ar energy company in Hobbs, New Mexico last summer. He currently has a job offer to work for Texas

Instruments in Dallas after graduation. He’s also busy restoring a 30-year-old vehicle in his spare time.

Why did you choose to register in our program initially? 

The program had good reviews but most importantly I wanted  our son to experience life away at a university campus with exposure to various engineering disciplines. Our hope was for him to see what he liked and disliked about going away and to reconfirm his interest in studying engineering. The overnight dorm style life with a roommate, field trips, group projects and lectures was a way for him to get a taste of college life with like-minded high school students. The program was geared to not only an academic approach to engineering, but to give real world applications and solutions to everyday issues. It tested problem solving skills from understanding the problem, drafting an approach and managing the solution.    

After camp, did you notice any breakthroughs your child may have had as a result of attending our program, academically, socially or in any other way? 

I think he realized that he could survive living away from home. His confidence grew and he matured. He realized that if he continued to work hard that could get into a great engineering program. I think it also helped him during his college visits to look for specific course programs, facilities and teaching approaches.   

In the 4 years since attending our program, can you see where our program has had any impact on his life? 

Carl is definitely a very methodical person. Always looking for ways to solve issues. He’s a stronger person believing that he can succeed. He came home from camp with a very positive attitude and was hard working and very disciplined.  

What is your student up to these days?  Does it relate to their work in our program? 

Carl is a senior mechanical engineer attending Texas Tech University expected to graduate next summer.

Did attending our program alter the course of your student’s life in any way? 

Carl found his path and continued following his interest in mechanical engineering. He did not give up even with the lock down and switch to on-line classes that Covid brought.

As you can see, Carl’s experience at the TryEngineering Summer Institute proved to be beneficial, and propelled him on his journey to success! If you would like your child to benefit from similar opportunities and guidance, enroll them in the Summer Institute today — registration is now open!
