Shift makes it easy to be online

Unite everything you do on your desktop into one browser window.

Download Shift

All of your apps

Integrate apps into your browser so all the ways you stream, shop, search, work, and play are at your fingertips.

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All of your apps

Add the apps you use most to Shift, and put an end to the logging in, logging out nightmare.

All of your email accounts in one

Connect all of your Gmail, Outlook, and Office 365 accounts and manage everything from one centralized window.

Everything fits into Shift

Web apps blend seamlessly with your browser to make everyday life on the internet easier.

Browse all 1500+ apps that integrate with Shift

Take control of your tabs

Access the web from inside Shift. Manage your tabs and organize them by account for a better browsing experience.

Take control of your tabs

Access the web from inside Shift. Manage your tabs and organize them by account for a better browsing experience.

More reasons to love Shift