
啓碁科技創立於1996年,專精於通訊產品的設計、研發與製造,提供包含RF天線設計、軟硬體設計、機構設計、系統整合、介面開發、產品測試與認證等完整的技術支援。全球總部位於台灣新竹科學園區,在美國、英國、法國、西班牙、德國、日本、中國與越南等地設有服務或製造據點,提供全方位解決方案與在地支援。WNC 的專業技術涵蓋各類應用,從寬頻、多媒體與物聯網到有線和無線通訊,產品範圍涵蓋網路通訊、網路基礎建設、智慧家庭和先進駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS) 方面的解決方案。

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    20 Park Avenue II

    Hsinchu Science Park

    300 TWHsinchu




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    The Financial Times and market research company Statista have announced their Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders 2024 list. For this year’s list more than 2,000 Asia-Pacific enterprises were surveyed. #WNC is honored to have been included on the list for the first time. ✔️ Signed the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) commitment letter, pledging to achieve a 42% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030 (base year: 2022) and reach net-zero by 2050 ✔️ Became a member of RE100, pledging to achieve 100% renewable electricity usage across all WNC sites by 2040 ✔️ Scored a B rating in CDP’s 2023 climate change and water security questionnaires ✔️ Achieved a 22.4% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions intensity compared to 2022 ✔️ Expanded (Scope 3) GHG emissions inventory scope   啓碁首度榮獲由英國《金融時報》(Financial Times)與國際調研機構Statista共同評選之「2024亞太氣候領袖」,展現公司對永續的高度重視與積極落實。 ✔️ 加入SBTi,承諾「以2022年為基準年,2030年達成範疇一和範疇二溫室氣體排放減量42%,2050年達成淨零排放」 ✔️ 加入RE100,承諾「2040年100%使用再生能源」 ✔️ CDP「氣候變遷問卷」和「水安全問卷」皆獲得B(管理等級) ✔️ 範疇一和範疇二溫室氣體排放強度較2022年減少22.4% ✔️ 擴大盤查範疇三溫室氣體排放量 #Sustainability #ESG #SBTi #RE100 #CDP

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    WNC’s first forestry project was undertaken in Xiluo Township, Yunlin County in 2023. Now WNC’s second forestry project is underway! Working with National Taiwan University’s Experimental Forest Management Office, #WNC has planted one hectare of native saplings in the Xitou Nature Education Area. As a follow up measure WNC is embarking on local ecological monitoring surveys, database establishment, and biocredits promotion as part of its commitment to protecting and cherishing Taiwan's natural resources. 還記得2023年,西螺大橋下的第一座啓碁小森林嗎? 2024年,第二座啓碁小森林正式落成! 啓碁與臺大實驗林管理處合作,於南投溪頭自然教育園區栽種1公頃的臺灣原生種樹苗,落實「生物多樣性暨不毀林承諾」,攜手利害關係人支持並推動生物多樣性計畫,打造更友善健全的生物鏈,同時展開本土生態監測調查,建立資料庫並推動生態信用額度,齊心守護環境,挹注愛護臺灣土地的原動力。 攜手種下希望,關懷咱的土地 #一啓去造林!  精彩活動影片熱騰騰上架囉! 更多內容請看 https://pse.is/5yxbu7 #Biodiversity #ESG #Sustainability #SDG #LifeOnLand #啓碁科技 #生物多樣性 #永續 #聯合國永續發展目標 #陸地生態

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    #WNC scored a B rating in CDP’s 2023 climate change and water security questionnaires, respectively, which was higher than the industry average and the averages for companies in Asia and around the globe. This shows that WNC’s comprehensive and transparent information disclosure about its climate change strategies, green products and environmental management and its efforts in managing environmental issues have been recognized internationally. WNC’s Sustainability Performance Highlights in 2023 ✔️ Signed the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) commitment letter, pledging to achieve a 42% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030 (base year: 2022) and reach net-zero by 2050 ✔️Became a member of RE100, pledging to achieve 100% renewable electricity usage across all WNC sites by 2040 ✔️ Joined the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative (TNPI) ✔️ Conducted product carbon footprint inventory ✔️ Achieved 16.25% renewable energy usage, beating 2023 target ✔️ Reduced GHG emissions by 9.96%, beating 2023 target ✔️ Issued first TCFD Report ✔️ Established a supplier carbon management system 啓碁科技參與2023年CDP評比,「氣候變遷問卷」與「水安全問卷」均獲得B(管理等級)肯定,優於業界、亞洲及全球平均,展現啓碁氣候策略、綠色產品及環境管理資訊的完整度及透明度,以及氣候環境議題治理與管理行動的高度企圖心。 【2023年環境永續亮點】 ✔️ 簽署加入SBTi科學基礎減量目標倡議(Science Based Targets initiative, SBTi),以2022年為基準年,2030年達成範疇一和範疇二溫室氣體排放減量42%,並於2050年達成淨零排放 ✔️ 加入全球再生能源倡議「RE100」,承諾於2040年全集團100% 使用再生能源 ✔️ 加入「自然與生物多樣性倡議平台」(Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative, TNPI) ✔️自主盤查產品碳足跡 ✔️再生能源使用率16.25%,達成2023年目標 ✔️溫室氣體排放量減少9.96%,達成2023年目標 ✔️ 發行第一本TCFD報告書 ✔️ 建置供應商碳管理系統 #CDP #Sustainability #ESG #TNPI #SBTi #RE100 #TCFD

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    #WNC was awarded a Gold Medal by EcoVadis, the globally recognized sustainability assessment platform. This puts WNC in the top 5% of enterprises assessed by EcoVadis. WNC’s performance in the four evaluation aspects of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement was evaluated as outstanding, while in the aspects of ethics and sustainable procurement significant improvement was noted. Going forwards we will continue to monitor corporate sustainability risk, optimize sustainability performance and resilience, and promote the sustainable development of our global industry supply chains. 啓碁科技獲全球指標性永續評鑑系統 EcoVadis 評等為金級(Gold Medal),名列評比企業前 5% ,啓碁在「環境」、「勞工與人權」、「商業道德」和「永續採購」五大評核面向表現優良,更於「商業道德」和「永續採購」取得明顯的進步。未來將持續監控企業永續風險,優化永續績效及韌性,推動全球各產業供應鏈的永續發展。 #EcoVadis #Sustainability #ESG

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    WNC has collaborated with NTU to establish a one-hectare plantation of indigenous saplings in a severely damaged forest space in the Xitou Nature Education Area, home to over a hundred species of endemic and unique animal, bird, and insect subspecies. Our objective in this extends beyond biodiversity and conservation; we will also undertake local ecological monitoring surveys in Taiwan, echoing the United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity.   Chairman Haydn Hsieh, President & CEO Jeffrey Gau, and upwards of 100 senior managers participated in this endeavor to foster a more sustainable environment for future generations. WNC continues to inspire its employees to integrate sustainability initiatives into their daily lives through ESG policies and activities, showcasing the WNC Forest Park as an example. For further information, please visit https://pse.is/5slrrl.   #WNC #ESG #Sustainability #Biodiversity

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    #WNC announced a definitive agreement concluded on April 4, with Resideo Technologies, Inc., through its subsidiaries, for the acquisition of Resideo Manufacturas de Chihuahua, S. de R.L. de C.V., including the operations and employees of its manufacturing facility located in Juarez, Mexico. The transaction is part of WNC's strategy to enhance global manufacturing capabilities, streamline its supply chain, and reduce response time to ever-changing customer demands.   The acquisition of Resideo's factory in Juarez marks a significant expansion of WNC's global manufacturing capacity, helping the company expand its core product lines and ensuring its continued growth and resilience in the dynamic global supply chain landscape. For more information, please visit: https://pse.is/5shdaf   #Manufacturing #Connectivity #Networking #Mexico #Juarez

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