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  • See You Later, Generator

    We are building a mobile app with NativeScript-Vue and Vuex that allows a user to search for events nearby. The user can specify what type of events they want and how far they are willing to travel. The API we integrated…

    Scott Batson
  • Interview with Maggie Shannon

    Photographer Maggie Shannon has been thriving, recently working with editorial giants Wired, The New York Times, and Vice.

  • Last (Vuex) Action Hero

    At Upstatement we’re currently developing a pair of mobile apps using NativeScript-Vue, which lets us build fully featured Android/iPhone apps with a framework we already know and love: Vue and Vuex. Apart from the general challenges of native applications…

    Scott Batson
  • Make Tech Research More Fun (and Effective!) with a Little Design Thinking

    How engineers at Upstatement design & facilitate workshop activities You’ve probably seen the aftermath of a design workshop — Sharpies and Post Its everywhere, walls covered in confetti colored paper. If you walk around the Upstatement studio,…

    Bea Huang
  • Antoni Muntadas — Between the Frame: The Forum (1983–1992)

    Welcome to the Postdigital

    We spent three decades becoming digital, what’s next? We’ve been thinking a lot about how to describe the work that we do, and the work we think we’ll be doing in the next few years. As designers and engineers, we’re…

  • 3 rules for visual storytelling 2016 edition: 1. If you make the reader click or do anything other than scroll, something spectacular has to happen. 2. If you make a tooltip or rollover, assume no one will ever see it. If content is important for readers to see, don't hide it. 3. When deciding whether to make something interactive, remember that getting it to work on all platforms is expensive.

    Discussing Data Visualization with Andrew Garcia Phillips

    Andrew Garcia Phillips tells stories with data. After years at The New York Times and Wall Street Journal making graphics, he moved into data visualization for sports superfans at, as well as freelance projects for newsrooms…

    Will Millar
  • Creating Powerful Editing Experiences with Gutenberg

    At Upstatement, we use a variety of content management systems to power the websites we build. When choosing the right CMS for the right job, one of the factors we consider is what the client needs from an editor.

    Jon Heller
  • Composing Code

    Before I get to the bulk of this thread, I’d like to preface it with a little bit of background about myself. My college education is in music, with a BM from the Eastman School of Music in Viola…

    Andy Maskiell
  • Is a JAMstack right for your site?

    When tasked with refreshing the brand website of Emergence, an iconic venture capital firm, we realized the framework on which it was built needed a makeover, too. We turned to the JAMstack, a modern methodology that matched the project’s…

    Bea Huang
  • Choosing a JAMstack for a flexible static site

    In Part 1 of this series, we determined that we’d migrate our client’s website from WordPress to a JAMstack. We now needed: A static site generatorA headless CMSA hosting provider 1. Static site generator: Gatsby The first thing we needed…

    Bea Huang

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