3 Things from 

I hope this email finds you well?

…I’m Molly, an art director at Upstatement, here with 3 things!
1️⃣  Cavity of the Soul
We do a lot of photo shoots at Upstatement. On a recent project for hum, Colgate's new direct to consumer smart toothbrush, we were able to commission some fun gifs from photographer and art director Emily Simms

I’m obsessed with the color and prop styling. A compelling, rather haunting perspective on oral hygiene!
2️⃣  Good Moods
At Upstatement, we use to create moodboards ranging from the highly avant-garde to the sweet ‘n’ simple. It’s free to sign up and a very chill, humane platform (we fled there from Pinterest).

Did you know that our moodboards are open to the entire world wide web? That’s right — you can contribute! It’s fun. And tbh, we could sometimes use some help — while I love his confident minimalism here, Will’s Layers mood might benefit from a few more pics. 

Can YOU help Will? There are no wrong answers in Moods™️, so don’t be shy! 
3️⃣  Truth to Power
Some people take to the streets in protest, others start an anonymous Twitter account to chronicle typos in the New York Times.

Petty, and deeply satisfying. Read all about it! 
Thanks! (I have never signed an email without a groveling exclamation point — have you? Sound off in the comments/reply and gimme the goss!)

xo Molly

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