Loose Lips, which is City Paper's D.C. politics vertical, written in red text

Loose Lips is Washington City Paper‘s flagship political column, covering all things D.C. politics. Here you will find stories about the D.C. Council, local politicians, the mayor, attorney general, ANCs, elections, government agencies, and more.

Initiative 83 Looks Close to Making the November Ballot. Can Opponents Still Derail It?

The backers of the election reform measure turned in 40,000 signatures to put I-83 on the ballot, possibly signaling enough support to survive a variety of challenges.

Adam Eidinger may have questionable fashion sense, but he undoubtedly knows his way around a D.C. ballot initiative. So when he says backers of Initiative 83 have collected the most petition signatures in D.C. history, Loose Lips tends to believe him. The D.C. Board of Elections has until July 31 to decide whether Eidinger and…

The Push for a D.C. Council Resolution Demanding a Ceasefire in Gaza Is Roiling the Wilson Building

Councilmembers are squabbling with each other, and even with their own staffers, about how to answer the demands of activists.

The Israel-Palestine conflict has led to arguments and hurt feelings all around the world for centuries. The Wilson Building is no exception now. The Middle East may be thousands of miles away from the District, but Loose Lips hears that the violence in Gaza has prompted all manner of conflict among D.C. politicos over the…

A D.C. Employee Got Caught Having Sex on the Job and Filming It On His Work Phone

A manager at the Public Service Commission faces $10,000 in fines from the D.C. ethics agency.

The Public Service Commission, an otherwise sleepy agency charged with regulating D.C.’s gas and electric utilities, seldom makes the news. But for the past few months, the PSC has been hiding a sexy secret. A now-former chief at PSC was caught having sex with a co-worker while on the clock and filming it with his…

The Council Saved Pay Raises for Child Care Workers. But Another Battle with the CFO Forced Painful Cuts.

Christina Henderson and other lawmakers fended off the worst cuts to the Pay Equity Fund, but big problems loom on the horizon.

You’re probably as tired of reading about the Pay Equity Fund, the chief financial officer, and the 2025 budget as Loose Lips is of writing about them. Nevertheless, there has been enough new drama that LL begs forbearance as he regales you with what is (hopefully) the final chapter in this story. The Council closed…

Council Hearing Exposes Gaps in the John Falcicchio Investigations

The mayor’s lawyers said they’ve had Falcicchio’s cell phone since he resigned but haven’t bothered to look through it.

The more the public has learned about the investigations into John Falcicchio’s sexual harassment of women, the more inadequate those efforts appear.  The latest example came during Wednesday’s Council hearing on the scandal that has cost the city more than $1 million (so far) and sent Mayor Muriel Bowser’s top aide packing. Councilmembers and witnesses…

AG Brian Schwalb’s Criminal Investigation of John Falcicchio Has Touched Off a Turf War Over Documents

The AG is demanding materials from some of the other agencies that investigated the former mayoral aide’s sexual harassment scandal.

Nothing has been easy or simple about the investigations into the sexual harassment allegations against John Falcicchio, and Attorney General Brian Schwalb’s probe of potential criminal charges is no exception. Loose Lips hears that a messy turf war has broken out among the various entities to examine the scandal embroiling Mayor Muriel Bowser’s former right-hand…

D.C. Judges Keep Tossing MPD Gun Seizures Out of Court. Have Cops Changed Their Ways?

Notorious “jump-out” searches persist in D.C., despite judges repeatedly finding them discriminatory and unconstitutional.

Any die-hard sports fan knows this simple truth: When a call goes in your team’s favor, the refs are wise and impartial. When one goes against it, the refs are incompetent and biased. Why think too hard about what really happened when you can just blame the people calling balls and strikes? Prosecutors and police…

Trayon White Left for Vacation Before a Key Budget Vote—Again

After rejecting an initial version of the budget, White failed to fix any of the issues he identified but still found time to take a birthday vacay.

The remote work revolution means you can join a meeting from just about anywhere. But even the most dedicated remote employee will tell you that their level of engagement in those meetings tends to drop when joining from, say, a tropical destination. So Loose Lips has to wonder whether it was really the wisest decision…

D.C.’s 2025 Budget Is the Worst on Housing Issues in a Decade, Advocates Say. What Happens Now?

The Council made some improvements on a brutal housing budget delivered by Mayor Bowser, but huge problems remain.

Loose Lips wrote a little over a year ago that the city’s budget amounted to a retreat on housing and homelessness issues. Perhaps he spoke a bit too soon. If the District’s 2024 budget was a step back from the city’s commitments to keeping people housed, then the 2025 budget approved by the Council Wednesday…

The McDuffie-Mendo Sports Betting Overhaul Looks Safe, Despite Attempts to Scuttle It

Zachary Parker’s push to remove the plan from the budget looks dead on arrival.

If a sinkhole had somehow opened up under the Wilson Building Wednesday, Loose Lips wagers that there would hardly be any sports betting lobbyists left in D.C.  Just pick your preferred influence peddler and you could find them in attendance as the Council prepared to take a highly consequential vote on the future of sports…

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