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Microsoft Typography | Font information | Impact


family variant - Impact version 2.20 for Windows
created by - Geoffrey Lee
font vendor - Agfa Monotype CorporationRegistered vendor information
number of characters - 660

about version 2.20 - Impact version 2.20 was one of our original Core fonts for the Web posted on 1 March 1996. It was also supplied with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 released on 13 August 1996.

other versions - 1.10, 2.20, 2.30, 2.35
products - Access 2000, Access 97 SR2, Creative Writer 2, Excel 2000, FrontPage 2000, FrontPage 98, Greetings 99, Home Publishing 99, Internet Explorer 4.0, Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1, Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2, Internet Explorer 5, Motocross Madness, Office 2000 Premium, Office 4.3 Professional, Office 97 Small Business Edition SR2, Office 97 SR1a, Outlook 2000, PhotoDraw 2000, Picture It! 99, PowerPoint 2000, Publisher 2000, Publisher 97, Publisher 98, TrueType Font Pack 2, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Word 2000, Works 4.5a

About the font

Geoffrey Lee designed this face, first issued in 1965 by the famous Sheffield foundry, Stephenson Blake. The mid-1960s marked the height of a fashion for bold condensed faces that probably originated when Paris Match cut up prints of the Schmalfette Grotesk font, which had been drawn by Walter Haettenschweiler. Because Impact was less condensed than Schmalfette, designers often used the two fonts together as companion faces. Even without Schmalfette, you can use Impact for, well, impact.

Impact version history

Version 2.35 - This version includes some minor table updates, but no new glyphs.

Version 2.30 - Impact version 2.30 extends the WGL4 version to include the euro currency symbol.

Version 2.20 - Impact version 2.20 was one of our original Core fonts for the Web posted on 1 March 1996. It is also supplied with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 released on 13 August 1996 and Internet Explorer 4.

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Microsoft Typography | Font information | Impact