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Microsoft About Microsoft typography
Microsoft typography
ClearType: ClearType tuner posted & ClearType proofing added to VTT - details
Download: Microsoft Web Embedding Fonts Tool version 3 "WEFT" - download it
OpenType: Windows glyph processing - an introduction to OpenType - read it
OpenType: Visual OpenType Layout Tool version 1.1 "VOLT" - details
News: All the typography news fit to post - News, links and contacts

Links, news and contacts
Featuring daily typography news headlines and access to a constantly updated database of over 600 type and typography related sites on the Web.

Features of TrueType & OpenType
This section includes articles on hinting, font smoothing, font availability, an FAQ, ClearTypeTM and much more.

Site link of the day...

Introducing NinaTM
announced 31 August 2000
Nina is a new condensed sans serif typeface designed to be highly readable at small sizes, whilst squeezing in as many characters per inch as feasibly possible. This typeface was designed for Microsoft by Matthew Carter, and hand-instructed by Tom Rickner.

Free utilities and TrueType fonts
Download our Web core fonts tuned for maximum screen legibility. Free utilities include the Font properties extension (updated 5 March 99) and the Windows 95 font smoother.

Typography on the Web
Web developers - download Microsoft WEFT 3. The Web Embedding Fonts Tool version 3 lets you link 'font objects' to your Web site so visitors will see text displayed in your choice of font.

Developer information
The developer section also includes articles, specifications and tools.

What's new!
Details of what's new on this site.

This page last updated 1 January 2002.
Links, news and contacts updated daily. See what's new for other update info
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