Checks word count in Google Docs™ file.
Дата оновлення:31 травня 2024 р.
1 тис.+
✔️ Totally free ✔️ No signup ✔️ Works on Google Docs™ files ✔️ Free from advertising or branding ✔️ Fully online ✔️ Ideal for SEO

This doc extension can be used to check the count of a word or multiple words used in the doc. This tool is helpful for SEO and content writing. 

⚙️ How to make it work :
▶ Choose any Google Docs™ file.
▶ After adding the add-on select SEO - Content Assist from the add-on menu.
▶ Enter keywords into the sidebar and click submit.
▶ Enter multiple keywords separated by a comma ( , ). 
▶ You can use single words or multiple words. 

✒️ Contact Us
Designed by Multivariate Ai Pvt Ltd
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