Formative Writing Tool for Turnitin Customers
Informações atualizadas:21 de junho de 2024
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Turnitin Draft Coach™ serves as an integrity coach that helps students develop citation, research and writing skills. By providing formative feedback on how to address citation issues, incorrect grammar, and matches with our vast database of internet, student papers and academic content, Draft Coach cultivates more independent learners and confident writers. 

A Turnitin Feedback Studio, Originality or Feedback Studio with Originality license is required to use Draft Coach. Your institution’s Turnitin and Google Workspace administrators need to enable Draft Coach before you can start using it.

Learn more:

Address Unintentional Plagiarism Early On
Students can ensure their work is authentic in a low-stakes environment prior to final submission.
- Easily compare paper and matching source text side by side.
- View full Similarity Report for more details.
- Refine Similarity Report to exclude different types of sources, bibliography, quotes, and minor matches for a more accurate Similarity Score.
Master Citation Skills
Powered by cutting-edge machine learning technology, citations checking helps students cite properly.
- Quickly identify all references and citations in a paper.
- Flag citations that are missing references and references without citations.
- Make the most out of an unlimited number of citations checks. 

Correct Grammar Mistakes
Grammar Guide provides rich feedback to guide students on how to edit grammar errors on their own and deepen learning.
- Flag errors with grammar, structure, usage, and mechanics.
- Detailed explanations instruct students on how to address mistakes.

Get More Than Just a Check
Students learn how to correct issues identified by similarity and citation checking with in-depth guidance. 
- Guidance covers topics such as what to do if Similarity Score is too high and a citation is missing its reference.
- Understand how best to use Draft Coach according to personal revision preferences.
Informações adicionais
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Termos de Serviço
O Turnitin Draft Coach™ pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O Turnitin Draft Coach™ precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Turnitin Draft Coach™ faça o seguinte:
Ver e gerenciar documentos nos quais este aplicativo foi instalado
Exiba e execute conteúdo da Web de terceiros em prompts e barras laterais dentro dos aplicativos do Google
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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