Editorial Features & Collections

We are constantly exploring the Audible universe to ferret out the best of the best, to bring you closer to the creators, and to elevate genres and titles you might not have discovered yet. ���The Audible Editors

Recent Features

The Audible Editors Answer the Audible Questionnaire


The Hit Lists

Must-listen picks in your favorite genres and themes, carefully curated by our editors.

Molly Harper got the goods from her longstanding narrator Amanda Ronconi when they finally met.

Also, click this link to check out the full video from this dynamic duo's first face-to-face meeting!

A Conversation With Iron Druid Chronicles Author Kevin Hearne and Narrator Luke Daniels

The lauded duo met up with Audible to discuss their hit Urban Fantasy series, the Iron Druid Chronicles, as the last in the series, Scourged, launched.

A Deeper Dive

Articles and personal stories that give you thrillingly diverse insights into the listening life.

Perennial Favorites

Award-winners, listener favorites, and Audible essentials in every genre, guaranteed to feed your passion.