September 20, 2021


Improved Incident Response with Alerts from PagerDuty on Axiom

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Tola Ore-Aruwaji

Developer Relations Engineer

Whether you’re managing simple or complex services, having visibility into your digital operations, webhook, mobile app, web app, Github, REST API, and knowing what is happening throughout the day is incredibly important for availability, incident management, dynamic notifications, incident details, and stability.

Use Axiom’s monitors to keep an eye on all the important PagerDuty metrics and log streams to be notified of any anomalies immediately. Run simple checks or use APL for more complex checks and create 24/7 PagerDuty alert monitoring for your data.

Take your monitoring efforts even further by using our PagerDuty notifier. PagerDuty allows enterprise-level PagerDuty alerting for issues via a simple, accessible interface. Set up teams, on-call schedules, notes, etc. - everything you need to go from alert to resolution quickly.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect Axiom to PagerDuty to supercharge your monitoring.

With PagerDuty Monitors, you can:

  • Visualize your backends.
  • Run queries on your applications, workflows, and resources.
  • Take action on the deduplication metrics and incident details logs coming from resources in Axiom.

These insights can be visualized within the Monitor, giving you an end-to-end incident management monitoring experience for your metrics and logs.

Getting intricate alerts from PagerDuty on Axiom.

  1. Visit PagerDuty to create and set up your account

  2. Click on Add new services

  1. Create your service by entering the Name and Description. Leave everything else as default.

  1. Click on Create service without an integration

  1. On the dashboard menu, click on integration and select API keys.

  1. Enter the description of your API Key and click on Create Key.

  1. Back in Axiom Cloud setup your alerts by clicking on alerts on the Axiom dashboard.

  • Before configuring your PagerDuty alerts, you need to set up your PagerDuty monitors and notifiers.

  • PagerDuty monitors let you set up and run queries over different periods. After configuring and setting up queries on your PagerDuty monitors, you can confirm if the values created from the results exceed the threshold. If it exceeds the threshold value you configured, then the monitor will trigger and send an alert to the type of Notifier you added to the incident management monitor.

  • Notifiers are an important component of monitors that keep your team informed of issues and if any complications arise.

Notifications can be sent through four different notifiers:

  • Email
  • Slack
  • PagerDuty
  • Opsgenie
  • Webhhook
  1. Select the pagerDuty notifier, and add the INTEGRATION KEY you created in step 6. and click on Create.

PagerDuty Monitors will help you increase the incident details, checkbox performance, and rulesets availability of your DevOps applications and event intelligence services by letting you know and see specific insights into your Backend, applications, and workloads.

Monitors & Notifiers provides a single source for monitoring Axiom resources.

  1. After you have created your PagerDuty Notifier, Configure your Monitor.

  • The name of my monitor is: PagerDuty Monitoring

  • Description - Monitor Applications and resources from PagerDuty. Inserting a description is useful, especially for your team members, so they can know what the PagerDuty notifier was created for.

  • For Trigger options, I set the comparison type to above or equal to the value of 1. 1 is the value to compare the results of the query to.

  • Specify the frequency and time range for your monitor. Here I configured mine to check this monitor for every 1 minute(s) with data from the last 1 minute(s).

  • Select your dynamic notifications option. Here I'm selecting the event rules notification via PagerDuty, which I configured in the previous steps.

  • Select your PagerDuty dataset to monitor.

  • Choose the Aggregation type you want to run your Query on. Here, I configured my query using the count aggregation. It will trigger the PagerDuty monitor and send an incident management alert to my email when the value of 1 is or is equal to the threshold value of 1.

  • You can snooze your PagerDuty monitor by clicking the 'alarm clock' icon in the slide-out toolbar. By snoozing the PagerDuty alert monitor, no checks will be carried out by the monitor until the snooze time is elapsed.

  • You can use GROUP BY to get a more specific payload, DevOps, and real-time PagerDuty alert where necessary. This will trigger your rulesets, and PagerDuty monitor once for every group produced by a query.

  1. Go back to your Monitors page, and wait for 1 minute(s). You will see that the alert has been triggered from your PagerDuty notifications monitor.

  1. In your Email, PagerDuty will send a notification to you when your monitors are triggered

  • From your Email, you can now manage your on-call shifts by clicking the link attached to it
  1. Back to PagerDuty, you can manage your On-Call Shift(s) by selecting the specific Shifts you are on or the group of schedules you have worked with over time, depending on your incident details and services service directory.

  • You can configure your PagerDuty monitors to get triggered at any value, frequency, period, rate, interval, and time range.

You see how fast it is to integrate your resources and application alerts on Axiom with PagerDuty new incident deduplication metrics.

PagerDuty platform for real-time operations helps organizations address and resolve incident management issues, events API, escalation policy, and incident key errors before they affect their business.

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