November 1, 2021


October Changelog: What’s New at Axiom

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Tola Ore-Aruwaji

Developer Relations Engineer

👋 Hi folks!

This October was all about lots of performance improvements, bug fixes and we also shipped lots of exciting product updates.

Read on to discover what’s new at Axiom!

Monitoring using Axiom’s Data Explorer

This month, we published the latest tutorial on Axiom Data Explorer. The newly published tutorial includes lots of helpful links and guide on how you can discover valuable insights, explore, store, run super-fast queries and monitor high volumes of fresh and historical structured data using Axiom Data Explorer.

Learn about enabling comprehensive monitoring using Axiom Data Explorer

Modified APL Function

The now() function now accepts a parameter to build relative queries (e.g. now(-5h))

Read more about this update.

Dashboards now support “compare against”!

We introduced the “compare against” feature to Dashboards for you to quickly see how current values compare against a previous point in time i.e. compare this hour to the same hour a day ago. This will enable you to compare your charts to a specific time and see if it’s behaving differently or not.

Explore this feature

New Dashboard Experience on Axiom Play

Dashboards are now accessible on Axiom Play. It is a read only dashboard experience that provides you with query information across multiple datasets which are visualized in one place.

Explore this feature

We introduced New Functions and Aggregations in Axiom Processing Language:


The countif() aggregation function returns a count of rows for which Predicate evaluates to true

Learn more about the countif() aggregation function


Returns an estimate of the number of distinct values of Expr of rows for which Predicate evaluates to true

Learn more about the dcountif() aggregation function


Replaces all regex matches with another string.

Read more about the replace_regex() function.


Replaces all string matches with another string.

Read more about the replace_string() function.


Calculates the variance of Expr across the group.

Learn more about the variance() aggregation function


Calculates the standard deviation of Expr across the group.

Learn more about the stdev() aggregation function

To stay up to date on changes like these, head over to our blog and you can also follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. We can’t wait to see what you build next!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates next month! 😇

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