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    Integrating the Report Viewer Control in ASP.NET Core App: Ultimate Guide | Bold Reports

    This video tutorial will walk you through integrating the Bold Reports Report Viewer Control into your ASP.NET Core application. It includes the steps for creating an ASP.NET Core application, adding the dependencies, referring report viewer script and styles, and loading a report to the Report Viewer Control.
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    Integrate a Report Viewer Control into Blazor Server Easily: Step-by-Step Guide | Bold Reports

    This video tutorial will walk you through integrating the Bold Reports Report Viewer control into your Blazor Server applications. Enhance your mastery of Blazor Server development with expert techniques and clear, step-by-step instructions to enrich your applications with robust reporting capabilities.
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    Rendering Millions of Records Fast: Printable Reports for Data-Driven Decisions [Webinar]

    Watch this tutorial video to learn about rendering millions of records fast: printable reports for data-driven decisions.
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    Step-by-Step Guide: Adding Headers to Every Page in Your Report | Bold Reports

    In this video, you will learn how to repeat headers on each page in an RDL Report to enhance readability and maintain context across multiple pages using the Bold Reports Designer.
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    Securing PDFs in a Blazor Server App Using the Report Writer | Bold Reports

    This video will guide you through the steps of generating RDL reports as password-protected PDFs within your Blazor Server web application utilizing the Bold Reports Report Writer. Secure your data and ensure your reports are accessible only to authorized users with this guide.
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    Securing PDFs in a Blazor Server App Using the Report Writer | Bold Reports

    This video will guide you through the steps of generating RDL reports as password-protected PDFs within your Blazor Server web application utilizing the Bold Reports Report Writer. Secure your data and ensure your reports are accessible only to authorized users with this guide.
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    Enhance Your Matrix: Step-by-Step Guide to Alternating Row Colors | Bold Reports

    In this video, you will learn how to apply colors to alternate rows in a matrix to improve its visual appearance in Bold Reports Designer.
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    Secure Your Reports: Generate RDL Reports as Password-Protected PDFs with Bold Reports Report Writer

    This video guides you through the process of generating an RDL report as a password-protected PDF in an ASP.NET Core web application using the Bold Reports Report Writer. You will learn how to load an invoice report RDL from a local source and convert it into a secure PDF document with password encryption.
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    How to Apply Colors to Alternate Rows Based on Group | Bold Reports

    In this video, you will learn how to enhance the visual appearance of the Tablix data region by applying an alternate row color based on groups in Bold Reports Designer.
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    Adding the Report Designer to Your React Boilerplate TypeScript App | Bold Reports

    This tutorial video showcases how to incorporate the Bold Reports Report Designer within a React Boilerplate TypeScript App. Step-by-step instructions will guide you through downloading a React Boilerplate TypeScript project and embedding the Report Designer feature into the application.
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    How to Create a Master-Detail Report Using a Subreport in Bold Reports

    This video guides you through the process of creating a master-detail report using the SubReport report item in Bold Reports. You will learn how to display high-level employee information in a master report and comprehensive employee information in a detail report built with the SubReport report item.
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    How to Apply Colors to Alternate Rows in a Table Report Item | Bold Reports

    In this video, you will learn how to apply colors to alternate rows of the Table Report Item in Bold Reports Designer.
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    How to Create a Master-Detail Report Using the List in Bold Reports

    This tutorial will show you how to create a master-detail report using the List in Bold Reports. You'll learn how to efficiently organize and present data, from setting up the master list to detailing relevant information in the details table.
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    How to Apply Conditional Formatting to a Tablix Data Region | Bold Reports

    In this video, you will learn how to apply conditional formatting to the Tablix data region in Bold Reports Designer. You will also learn how to enhance the visual appearance of the Tablix data region by utilizing conditional formatting and highlighting table rows with the value selected in the parameter.
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    Generate Invoice Reports Using Invoice IDs in a Blazor Server App | Bold Reports

    This video will guide you through the steps of generating invoice reports as PDFs within your Blazor Server web application utilizing the Bold Reports Report Writer.
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    Generate Invoice Reports in an ASP.NET App| Bold Reports

    In this video, we'll walk you through the process of generating professional invoice reports and PDFs in your ASP.NET Core web application using the Bold Reports Report Writer.
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    How to Create Your First RDLC Report Using Bold Reports Report Designer

    In this video you will learn the steps to create an RDLC Report that displays product details using Bold Reports designer.
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    Unleash the Power of Report Parts for Faster and Reusable Reporting

    Watch this tutorial video to learn about the power of report parts for faster and reusable reporting.
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    How to Enable Interactive Sorting in Bold Reports

    In this video, you will learn how to enable interactive sorting in Bold Reports Tablix.