User Posts: Jayesh Shinde

While we were busy doom scrolling through the latest Insta Reels and YouTube Shorts, laughing at viral videos and sniggering at the latest memes, how many of ...


Beyond the famous Obama or Morgan Freeman videos, the world of deepfakes is no longer just science fiction. They are definitely not a laughing matter. With a ...


Despite going mainstream two years ago, Generative AI products and services are arguably still in their infancy, and you just can’t stop marvelling at their ...


Imagine a personal finance management app that you only interact through an AI-powered chatbot and you wouldn’t be too far off the mark from MyFi. In a world ...


The tech world has seen a massive shift in the pecking order of the most valuable companies. NVIDIA, the world leader in graphics processing units (GPUs), has ...


A little over a decade ago, if you had mentioned Neural Processing Units (NPUs) at a tech conference or otherwise, you’d likely have been met with blank ...


After releasing its first ‘AI PC’ branded Meteor Lake chip in December 2023, Intel wasted no time in unveiling its successor – the Lunar Lake platform – at ...


On the opening day of Computex 2024, in a quiet demo room devoid of much fanfare, Qualcomm presented its latest Snapdragon X Elite-based OEM laptops and ...


At the Intel Technology Tour in Taiwan, the air buzzed with anticipation as Yaron Alankry, vice president of Client Computing Group, and Arik Gihon, senior ...


In the high-stakes arena of AI, Intel’s recent announcements at Computex 2024 were nothing short of a statistical tour de force. With a barrage of figures ...

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