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Mallory McDonald #1

Mallory on the Move

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Mallory McDonald does not want to move! When eight-and-a-half-year-old Mallory McDonald’s parents tell her that they are moving, she’s mad—really mad! It’s not fair! How can they make her move away from Mary Ann, her best friend in the whole wide world? Who will she paint her toenails with, tell secrets to, and make scrapbooks with? When Mallory arrives at her new house on Wish Pond Road, things are terrible. Her room is too small and the girl next door is mean. But Joey lives next door, too. Even though he doesn’t paint his toes, he tells jokes, helps teach her cat to do tricks, and shows her how to skateboard. Mallory’s having so much fun she forgets the pact she made with Mary Ann never to make friends with a boy next door. But, when Mary Ann comes to visit, what will Mallory do? Will she have to choose between her best friend and her new friend? Meet Mallory McDonald, a spunky, energetic young girl whose comical exploits and joke-telling will hit the mark with early chapter book readers. Check out Mallory's website at mallorymcdonald.com. Kids can meet Mallory's creator (author Laurie Friedman), find out fun facts about Mallory's family and friends, and see how many details they remember from her books. The "Fun Stuff" section is loaded with goodies—a fan club certificate, screensavers and wallpaper, recipes, bookmarks, stationery, even a Mallory Calendar! (And educators, the website has a downloadable teacher's guide with great ideas for using the books in the classroom.)

160 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2004

About the author

Laurie B. Friedman

206 books136 followers
Laurie Friedman is the author of over 50 award-winning picture books, chapter books, and novels for young readers including the bestselling Mallory McDonald chapter book series, The Mostly Miserable Life of April Sinclair teen journal-format series, and many rhyming picture books, including the Ruby Valentine series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews
Profile Image for Ashlyn.
62 reviews
August 11, 2010
In this book Mallory's parents decide to move to a town 2 hours away from her best friend. Mallory is postive she won't like that new town but...her parents are convinced she will like it, she just has to give it a try.
So I think the message that the author is trying to get across your mind is always have an open mind 'cause you never know, you might like something.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
10 reviews
June 12, 2011
Profile Image for Katt Hansen.
3,699 reviews104 followers
September 5, 2023
Mallory is moving and doesn't want to. She hates leaving behind her best friend and her new neighbor is a boy. None of this makes for a positive outlook.

Mallory is very genuine. Her feelings about moving are spot on, especially for that age. I remember moving before 3rd grade and feeling much the same way. Wanting to be shipped 'home' in a box is exactly right. Sibling stuff was also right on target. At times Mallory and her brother sound an awful lot like my sister and I did at that age.

On the other hand, Mary Ann really annoyed me. As a best friend worth holding onto...she feels too dominant in the relationship and if anything I feel like she's stifling Mallory. This isn't a big drawback at this point and might be something we'll explore more in future books.

I look forward to seeing where this series goes. I hope we see a lot more of the new neighborhood and make some more friends than just the kid next door (even if he seems pretty decent).

One note? Please don't eat non-food items. I was horrified at this 'game' they play. Really this is NOT a good idea! Even mixing everything in the fridge sounds pretty awful. What a way to make yourself sick!

Profile Image for Karen Patrick.
547 reviews9 followers
September 18, 2020
I am thoroughly convinced that the Mallory in this book is basically the same Mallory in the book Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

1. Red hair = check
2. Sassy, spunky personality = check
3. Love for letters and vintage stuff = check

When I first read this book, I was nine and my mother had just come back from the library, bearing a bag full of goodies that she knew I'd love. The world was a much simpler place then. Life was good. Reading this brings me back to happier times.
(Also, I was just plain surprised to find out that the series has not ended yet??? like...wow)
June 9, 2021
This book is really interesting it has many unusual things like a wishing pond were your wishes actually come true! And loads more in this book Mallory was told by her parents that they are moving she gets upset and thinks about her best friend Mary Ann Mallory convinces her parents not to move into a different neighborhood but it was no good soon they moved into wish pond road and Mallory finds some interesting people and places! I recommend this book to ages 8-11
8 reviews
November 22, 2017
I loved this book so far. It has so much detail and expression! it's about a girl named Mallory moving away from her friends and her house. she moves to a street called wish pound lake.
1,210 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2021
We listened to this on audiobook and eventually DNFd at 80% when I just couldn’t take it anymore.

The narrator’s voice was annoying enough that even my 8yo commented on it, unfortunately. Also, I had to pause the book to talk with my kids about why it’s not okay to use the word “moron” to describe people; the language the siblings use with each other is consistently awful; and the main conflict is all due to this idea that boys and girls can’t be friends with each other. My 8yo son’s friends happen to be almost all girls, just by chance, so he’s never had that idea and I don’t really want to introduce it as a “thing.” I hate stuff that pits boys and girls against one another when they can really and truly just be friends with no problems.
7 reviews2 followers
June 12, 2011
this is a really good book that my teacher showed me then i showed it to my best friend who now loves it
50 reviews
April 19, 2020
Mallory McDonald is eight years old and she is about to face a big new change in her life. Her parents have decided to move! Mallory is not ready for this big change, in fact she is very upset! Mallory does not want to leave her best friend Mary Ann behind. Before Mallory leaves for her new home, she makes Mary Ann a promise as a symbol of their friendship. A promise that Mallory swore she would never break. Mallory arrives at her new house and she is surprised to find that life isn't so bad. She meets a boy named Joey and they become really good friends. Mallory has so much fun with joey that she forgets about her promise with Mary ann. When Mary Ann is supposed to come visit, Mallory becomes very nervous! She is afraid she will have to chose between her new friendship and her old friendship. Fortunately Mallory is able to come to terms with the changes in her life. She is able to identify that she is thankful for the friendship she had with Mary Ann but is ready to explore the many new friendships she has made. Mallory promises to never forget about Mary Ann, and that was a promise she knew she wouldn't break.
I gave this book five stars because it was relatable, easy to read, and it included illustrations. Multiple students can relate to having to move at some point in their life. Its nice to have a book that explores the many feelings, emotions, and challenges that a child may be experiencing during a move. Additionally I enjoyed that the book was simple and easy to read. Its content makes this book great for readers who are transitioning into higher levels of reading such as chapter books. Lastly I enjoyed that the book included illustrations. I feel as though illustrations help spark readers imagination while reading a book.
Profile Image for Kryssy.
479 reviews
February 28, 2024
Page graphics: cheeseburger the cat and a suitcase

Max is seriously challenged. I get that sibling fight, but every conversation max is always talking bad about mallory or something she does. He just can’t leave her be

Mary ann also has a bit of an attitude but i can tell her heart is in the right place. She loves her friend and doesn’t want to lose her. But it just makes her seem like a mean girl

- Max makes fun on mallory and mary ann
- Mary ann’s parents just divorced
- Move is 3 hours away
- Say things 3 times
- “we’ll be BLUE without you” themed party
- Family with 8 year old boy is taking mallory’s house
- Legend of the wish pond granting 3 wishes
- Mallory’s bedroom is much smaller than max’s. Is his door the only way to get to her room?
- Meets winnie - the neighbor girl
- Joke juice to make friends
- Meets joey - brother to winnie. Mom died. Has a cool dog
- Max likes winnie. Mallory remembers the promise she made to mary ann: don’t be friends with a boy neighbor
- Likes to scrapbook. Makes a separate book for each major event
- Joey come up with a joke to play on max and winnie
- Finally writes a letter to mary ann but won’t send it because she talked about the fun she’s having with joey
- Mallory tried to keep mary ann hidden from joey
- Food roulette game
- Joey is having fun but mary ann wants to get joey away so she gives him cat food and laughs about it
- Stows away in a box to marry ann’s house
- Dad has to drive 6 hours round trip to go get mallory
- Special wishing stones
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
47 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2020
This is a great book for younger readers wanted something bigger. Readers will learn about the struggles and challenges that Mallory has to face when her parents decide to go through with their plans of moving to a new home. Mallory will miss her friends at home dearly but will gain new friendships in her new town. This book will keep young readers engaged and wanting to read more. For these reasons I am rating this book 4/5 stars.
Profile Image for Kylie.
1,123 reviews14 followers
June 12, 2021
This book was great for me, learning Spanish. I also enjoyed the story. Mallory's family is moving, and she'll have to leave her best friend, who has been her next door neighbor forever. They promise never to make friends with the new next door neighbors. But this proves to be a hard promise to keep, when Mallory meets the boy who lives next door who is fun to hang out with and shares her love of jokes. Her troubles are very relatable.
Profile Image for Chloe (Always Booked).
2,473 reviews132 followers
July 18, 2024
This book was fine at best. This is about a girl named Mallory who has to leave all her friends and move. She meets her neighbors and the girl is 2 years older than her and shes so mean. The boy is really nice, but she promised her old BFF she wouldn't make friends with boys. Her old BFF comes to visit and she realizes she can make new friends and keep the old. I didn't love our main character and all the kids are kind of awful. No need to continue this series.
Profile Image for Tara Ethridge.
904 reviews31 followers
June 3, 2019
Great book about moving and all the hardships that go along with that for kids. Mallory is miserable that she has to move and leave her best friend, and they pinky promise to never be friends with boys who live next door. Of course, a boy lives next door to Mallory in their new town, and they become friends. Lots of great, relatable issues in this book that would work great for 2nd or 3rd grade.
Profile Image for Sherry Scheline.
1,584 reviews4 followers
October 9, 2019
Moving is hard. I love books that kids can totally relate to. I will certainly read more Mallory. Wonderful read for a second grader. The Mallory books are 2.0 AR points. Great short audios. Your kid could finish them on a couple trips to and from town. Listening to this book in the car 🚗 together is great because it gives you several great family talking points.
Profile Image for Nicola.
3,454 reviews
October 23, 2020
Miss 6 thought it was okay. She listened to the whole audiobook but it didn't interest her enough to try more of the series.

Miss 6 and I like to explore different books and authors at the library, sometimes around particular topics or themes. We try to get different ones out every week or so; it's fun for both of us to have the variety and to look at a mix of new & favourite authors.
Profile Image for Andrina.
1 review
January 17, 2019
My 7 year old daughter came home from school and excitingly exclaimed that she finished her chapter book at school. She said she loves this book and has already starting reading another one. She earned a 100% on the AR test too.

She is currently reading Oh Boy Mallory.
Author 1 book65 followers
June 17, 2020
Eight-and-a-half-year-old Mallory McDonald is moving. She's mad. When she gets to her new place, it's terrible. Her room is too small. The girl next door is mean. Joey lives next door and that's good.

Into the mind of a child. I love it. Funny, with jokes. Tricks also.
Profile Image for Barbara Schultz.
3,506 reviews263 followers
July 2, 2020
A have an awesome granddaughter named Mallory. I thought it was going to be a really cute read.
True it is cute but I got annoyed with the narrator’s voice. So it was a disappointing audio performance for me. I sure the age appropriate audience will love it.

Profile Image for Kelly Jahng .
503 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2020
This is the first in a cute little transitional series, similar to the Clementine or Ramona books. A step up from Owl Diaries or Magic Treehouse. I enjoyed the characters and the storyline was fun, if predictable.
59 reviews
February 4, 2021
I read this story when I was little and thought hey why not. I don’t remember Mallory being so mean or her and Max’s parents just letting him insult her all the time but overall it was really cute. When I was little this book made me want to move and make a bunch of friends
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shannon Rickert.
327 reviews3 followers
April 16, 2021
This was good. I'm glad that she is finding friends at her new home and that her best best best friend is ok with it. It is hard to fit in when you are somewhere new, but if you just be yourself it will all work out.
2,392 reviews3 followers
November 21, 2017
C. children's fiction, grade 3, moving, realistic fiction, series, (Mallory MacDonald, #1)
Profile Image for Ron Weasly.
13 reviews
January 19, 2020
Mallory is a funny, great character to read about. Read Mallory On The Move to find lots of silly, fun things to enjoy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews

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