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Princess Academy #2

Palace of Stone

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In this second book in New York Times bestselling, Newbery Honor-winning author Shannon Hale's Princess Academy series , Miri embarks on a brand new life in the city.

Coming down from the mountain to a new city life is a thrill to Miri. She and her princess academy friends have come to Asland to help the future princess Britta prepare for her wedding. There, Miri also has a chance to attend school--at the prestigious Queen's Castle.

But as Miri befriends sophisticated and exciting students, she also learns that they have some frightening plans for a revolution. Torn between loyalty to the princess and her new friends' ideas, between an old love and a new crush, and between her small mountain home and the bustling city, Miri looks to find her own way in this new place.

336 pages, Hardcover

First published August 21, 2012

About the author

Shannon Hale

114 books13.5k followers
Shannon Hale is the New York Times best-selling author of six young adult novels: the Newbery Honor book Princess Academy, multiple award winner Book of a Thousand Days, and the highly acclaimed Books of Bayern series. She has written three books for adults, including the upcoming Midnight in Austenland (Jan. 2012), companion book to Austenland. She co-wrote the hit graphic novel Rapunzel's Revenge and its sequel Calamity Jack with husband Dean Hale. They live near Salt Lake City, Utah with their four small children, and their pet, a small, plastic pig.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,612 reviews
Profile Image for Mitch.
355 reviews620 followers
August 11, 2016
Miri and Princess Academy grow up in this sequel, and I'm not sure I really like it. Part of the charm of the original Princess Academy is the innocence of the characters, these simple mountain girls being exposed to the extravagance of royalty and court life for the first time yet finding inner strength in their own simplicity, and while Miri does grow as a character here, it's just not the same. A good book but without what made the original great.

According to Shannon Hale, the keyword here is revolution so I expected a lot of changes in the wind. Some of them are good, like Miri finding Asland not to be the shining city by the sea she's always dreamed of from poor, isolated Mount Eskel, but some not so much, like the massive amount of politics that's thrown into the story. I have the feeling Hale took a lot of inspiration from Les Miserables for this sequel, from the discontented masses of urban poor on the streets of Asland to the whispers of plans to overthrow the king in salons around the city, it all makes Palace of Stone a very different book from Princess Academy, a far more mature book. And that's one of my problems, Miri isn't Cosette, the way she goes around the city and things she does here just felt completely alien to her character from the first book, like she's swept up and deposited in a story that's not her own.

And for a sequel, I'm disappointed by all the returning characters except Britta. Every one of the girls who made such a huge impression in the first book, Katar, Gerti, Esa, Frid, Liana, and Bena, they all felt like they're here in name only. Princess Academy had little parts that made each of the girls feel individual, interesting, and unique, there isn’t anything here like that and I really miss it. I miss Katar as the dissatisfied girl with the chip on her shoulder, I miss Frid and her strength despite the amputated arm, I miss vain Liana, gentle Esa, little Gerti. Britta's the only returning character who gets much to do, and at least she shows the trust and respect she earns from Miri in the first book isn't misplaced. But Peder, somehow, like the girls, he's in the story without really being in the story, I just didn't feel the connection between him and Miri as I did before, even if he steps in at the right times for her.

As for new character Timon, yeah, I know Hale has a tough balancing job, he can't be way better than Peder, but he can't be much worse either. It works at first just because the story requires Miri to spend time with Timon while Peder's off doing his own thing, but the resolution between Miri and Timon I felt really weak. And Miri herself, yeah she grows as a character and learns something about the kings, the history, the politics of Danland. But in Princess Academy, her growth is only part of the story, her community of Mount Eskel also grows. Palace of Stone, maybe because the story is so familiar to me already, I didn't feel the same way about what happens with the royal family, with Asland, with Danland.

I think I would've liked Palace of Stone way more if it wasn't the sequel to Princess Academy. It's just too different of a book from the original, without any of the charm, and the changed tone and writing style felt very jarring. I guess Palace of Stone is a good book, just not a good sequel for Princess Academy.
Profile Image for Kate Willis.
Author 24 books547 followers
May 5, 2017
What is there to say about this book except “Wow!” and *heart squeeze*?!! Frankly, it surprised me. Second books are usually the boring filler one--not so this time around. Although this is set far from the charming Mount Eskel, the strong value of friendship and the rules of diplomacy were taken to a whole new level. I loved reading about all of the academy girls again, and it’s exciting to see the possible future laid out for each of them. I especially loved Britta in this book. She was such a noble and brave dear! . The more I read this series, the more I love how real the author made Miri. Her fears of forgetting home...her weakness to be ...and even her hilarious letters home were some of the reasons I connected with her. I loved how she went to Peder’s house when she needed help. Even though there was , I knew that all along . I’m really happy with how that turned out. :D The political problems were so complicated, that I was wondering for awhile how it could possibly be solved and eager to see how Miri would conduct herself. It was a good ending. ;) Just a note that I would recommend this book for a slightly older audience than the first one because of discussion of , Timon’s , and some .

Best quotes: “How do girls do that…” He twirled a finger beside his head. “The curly thing with the hair.” “We heat an iron rod in the hearth and then wrap a lock of hair around it. It takes forever, but some of us aren’t as lucky as you.” She ran her fingertips through his curly hair.

Altogether, I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the third! It promises to be fun. :D
Profile Image for Gretchen Alice.
1,133 reviews117 followers
June 17, 2012
I didn't think that I needed a sequel to Princess Academy, but it turns out that I absolutely did. I felt right back at home in the world of Miri and her fellow academy girls, this time in the big city. Effortlessly combining brains and beauty, Palace of Stone is an excellent primer to politics and ethical reasoning. I was left reeling at the end, wishing I could have stayed there forever. This book is also awesomely feminist--I can't wait to read this to my daughters one day. Once more, Shannon Hale has proved herself to be the master of words and worlds.

{There is a special place in heaven for my librarian friends that lend me their ARCs.}
Profile Image for Vee.
595 reviews90 followers
March 28, 2021
2.5 Stars Pretty alright, but lacking the usual Shannon Hale sparkle that I love so much. Breaks my heart to give it such a low rating but it must be done.
Profile Image for Magrat Ajostiernos.
643 reviews4,346 followers
June 27, 2018
No me lo puedo creer, con lo que me gustó la primera parte de esta trilogía!!!
Aquella primera parte era una historia dulce, cálida, original y sutil, que hablaba de amistad, de familia, de superación personal... Le di 5 estrellazas bien merecidas, pero esta segunda parte no hay por donde cogerla.
Casi parece escrita por otra persona. Y la idea no es mala (¡Revolución!), hay partes interesantes pero aún así es espantosamente previsible, cursi, los personajes de la primera historia parecen otros y los nuevos son auténticos estereotipos.
Es una historia que ya os digo que me ha decepcionado muchísimo, quizás mis expectativas estaban demasiado altas pero es que BUF. Es entretenido, sí, pero fuera de eso, me parece una historia llena de clichés y sin gracia...
Una pena con todo el potencial que tenía y el cariño que le había cogido a los personajes :(
Profile Image for Niki.
57 reviews27 followers
April 13, 2018
Okay. I really really liked the first book. It was one of my favourite books growing up so I was really excited to read this one. I had my hopes up and...well, this was horrible. First off, I thought that quarry speech was kind of cool in the first book. In the second it didn't feel like quarry speech anymore. Miri's quarry speech got transformed into some kind of superhuman power.

Then also Miri's friends didn't really play a big part in this book. And Britta, don't get me started on her. Britta may have done things that helped salvage the royal family but the things that she did could not have caused the people to like her. It didn't make sense.

Timon. I think you're supposed to hate Timon but he was the only character I actually liked in the book. He had a purpose, a plan and he executed it well. I don't remember if he genuinely liked Miri or if it was fake. I think it was real and if that's the case then it's a major flaw. In this book, Miri is not likeable or noticeable. If it was fake then, go Timon!

There were so many really illogical things in this book that either didn't make sense or was too out there to really work. And Miri isn't smart anymore. She gets tricked again and again by almost every new person she meets. Her friends aren't funny anymore. They just sit around and wait for Britta's wedding to come along. Miri does and says a whole bunch of really immature things and everyone seems to think that she's so smart and witty . The whole plot felt like a jumble of random things happening one after another and then the author just magically makes sure it all works. There is no logic to the plot. There were so many wrong things in this book that I can't even begin to list them. And I won't waste my time doing that either.

I do like the rest of Shannon Hale's books. I've read most of them and I really enjoyed them so it's not that I don't like the author. I love her books.
Profile Image for E.F. Buckles.
Author 1 book47 followers
December 10, 2017
Note: I listened to the full-cast audiobook from Audible. Pardon any misspellings I make because I haven't actually seen the words or names. :)

Another very sweet and exciting story! I'm glad I discovered these books! It was great seeing Miri and friends continue to grow and explore beyond Mount Eskel, discovering who they are what they want to do with their lives. I also loved a plot twist related to the royal family, the continuing use of quarry speech, and discovering new things about linder. Then there were the deeper themes about ethics, loyalty, the importance of history, and so on. Something I particularly appreciated was the value placed on human life in this book. While change needed to happen in the government in order to make things better for the people who were suffering, it was good to see Miri realizing that the ends DO NOT justify the means, and striving to find a balance between the two extreme viewpoints and find a solution that didn't involve violence and the murder, and yet still brought the change that was needed. In our modern day world where there are so many extreme viewpoints that, sadly, often result in violence in various forms, this concept of taking the time to really think and take ethical actions instead of knee-jerk reactions is a concept I think should be put on display more often.

The only thing I truly could have done without was the love triangle. It wasn't the most prominent or infuriating triangle ever, and I do feel Miri learned some things from it, but A) I liked the guy from the first story a lot better (Sorry, I have no idea how to spell his name!) and B) I was feeling like the new guy was being awfully fast moving. Like, you've known her for how long and you're already proposing marriage?

Anyway, while I would have preferred Miri not be divided between two guys, that sub-plot didn't take away from things enough for me to subtract from my rating, and it worked out in a way I found satisfactory. I plan to read the last book and finish the series.

5 stars.

Content advisory for those who want to know

Violence: There was more violence and threatened violence in this book than in the first one, but none of it is graphic or gross. There were mobs who threatened violence and shot at people with guns, attempted assassinations mainly involving gunfire, non-descriptive mentions of fallen bodies after one attempted assassination, someone being held at gunpoint, someone actually being shot and a brief mention of blood, threats of execution, learning (in a non-descriptive way) about executions by beheading that happened in other cities due to violent revolution.

Swearing: None. Infrequent name calling mainly included "stupid".

Sexual content: A few hand-kisses, a cheek kiss, about three kisses on the lips, two described in terms of warmth and racing hearts, the other not described at all. Hand-holding, nearness, and the warmth these things cause.

Worldviews: Like in the first book, there are very brief mentions of a "Creator God", mentions of chapels and going to chapels, but I don't recall any description related to methods of worship or anything along those lines, and we see nothing in relation to individual character's faith or lack thereof.
Profile Image for Phoebe A.
339 reviews115 followers
October 5, 2020
I really love the Princess Academy. So I was surprised and happy to know that it has a sequel. As I started to read Palace of Stone, I felt giddy but I got disappointed--only at first.

I love Peder and he was one of the reasons why I've grown to love Peeta of the Hunger Games. I see them a bit the same. And as I read this book, I saw some resemblances: 1) Miri was like Katniss, 2)Peder was like Peeta, 3) Timon was like Gale, 4) the dystopian setting, 5) the shoeless were the citizens of the districts, & 6) they give tributes.

So I researched about these series. Princess Academy was the first but the Hunger Games came before the Palace of Stone. I was disappointed because I thought Hale was influenced by the hype of Collins but I found out what's wrong, it's me! I associated it with Hunger Games because I didn't read enough dystopian stories yet. lol. But the half of it was very different & I like how the author ended it. :)

I will recommend Timon to sing I know I loved you.
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life


It's because of this:

But enough of Timon! *Z snap!* I'm with Peder all the way!!!
Hale could make another one,
Profile Image for Shantelle.
Author 2 books372 followers
October 12, 2016
Palace of Stone was pretty good. I think I liked it better than the first book. It dealt with some tough issues, such a revolution; and also had many a heartwarming moment. I enjoyed spending time with Miri, Peder, Britta, Steffen, and their friends again.

I think I'll take a break from this series and read a different book before reading Princess Academy: The Forgotten Sisters.
Profile Image for Beatrice Blakeney.
12 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2013
*sigh* I'm not sure, exactly, how to go about reviewing this book. See, the thing is, Shannon Hale, until this book, had never disappointed me. And then I read this book and decided it was not up to par with her usual stuff. I know two stars may seem harsh, but GoodReads says two stars means "It was ok." And this pretty much sums up how I felt about this book. Was it just so painfully dreadful that I feel the need to stab my eyes out after reading it? No. And to be honest, it's a lot better than a lot of the crap books on the YA shelf today.

But it wasn't up to Shannon Hale Standards (henceforth to be referred to SHS.)

Anyhow, moving on.

The characters in this book were pretty boring. Miri never really jumped off the page for me. In the first book, she was sweet, quiet, but strong in her own way. Unfortunately, in this book, I felt like she just sort of existed. I didn't really care for her. All of the academy girls that appeared in this book never really seemed to get any uniqueness. They just sort of merged into one giant academy girl, with no real personality. Peder got shoved into such a tiny role the romance felt fake (I'll get more into that later.) None of the new characters really sparked any emotion in me.

Except Timon. Oh, yes, Timon. I had a lot of feels for this guy, and not really for a good reason. WHAT A FRICKIN' JERK! Were we supposed to like this guy? Miri has apparent interest him at one point and HE IS SO AGGRAVATING! He's rude, he's a suck-up, and he pretty much uses Miri. ARGH!



*ahem* Sorry about that guys. My pure hate for Timon must have gotten a bit strong there.

Sorry. I had to make a Wicked reference.

And speaking of Timon and Peder: the love triangle. OH, YES, THE LOVE TRIANGLE! This might put me in another Hulk rage, so I'll try to make this short. Why did this book have a love triangle? Was it necessary? Really? Shannon Hale has never used a love triangle in her books (with the exception of Enna Burning, which doesn't really count.) So why did she decide to use one. WHY? It didn't add anything to the story. All it did was reduce poor Peder to a really minor role. Sorry, Peder. Maybe if you're good you'll get a few lines.

Once Timon the butthole was out of the picture, the romance between Peder and Miri goes at all the speed of a bullet train. In the first book, they're holding hands and being sweet and cutesy. In this book, despite their minimal interaction, they're suddenly making out quite passionately in the hay and Miri is begging Peder to propose to her.


No kidding. The sheer speed at which their relationship moved was enough to give me whiplash.

And because of Peder's minor role, a lot of what he did felt..forced. It just felt like he was saying, "PICK ME MIRI! LOOK! I'LL GET FOR YOU!" *gives Peder a pat on the head* I'm sorry Peder. I'm sorry you were relegated to such a teensy role. It's unfortunate, really. I was sort of fond of you.

Now, let's move on to my next issue with this book. The revolution. It was too simple. I know it's a middle-grade book, but still. I feel like it would have been better if Hale had just avoided a revolution plot all together.

The whole revolution just felt rushed. The poor suddenly decide that now is the time to rebel, and then the revolution ends really quickly (more on that in a sec.)

The politics were simple. So, so, so simple. The poor are mad and want to kill the king and Britta, because they think she unfairly stole the princess-ship from the other academy girls. It might have worked if it hadn't been so darn rushed and underdeveloped!

But nothing irks me more than the way the revolution ended. It was so sugary sweet it gave me a cavity.


An angry mob has gathered outside the palace and want to kill Britta and all that. Britta then proceeds to save a little boy form getting run over by a carriage and this apparently is enough to make everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) say, "You know what? This revolution was a bad idea! Let's go home and eat dinner."


Couldn't there have at least been a fight? Where the peasants saw they were outnumbered or were thinned out enough to sort of squash any hope of rebellion? I know it's MG fiction, but give me a meatier solution to your revolution, darnit!

Really, Britta saving a little boy ends the revolution? That just makes people give up? *grr* BEING NICE TO CHILDREN DOES NOT RESOLVE A REVOLUTION! Sorry. But, really, look at all those pictures we have of Stalin and Hitler with children. Does that suddenly make them good? According to this book, yes it does.

Anyway, long story short: thin characters, rushed plot, and a simplistic revolotion did not a good book make.

I really hate being so harsh on this book, since it's MG, and giving Shannon Hale a low rating, but this book was not up to her usual. I'd recommend reading Princess Academy and skipping this book all together.
Profile Image for ˚✧ Kenzie ✧˚.
155 reviews9 followers
May 16, 2024
The second book in this trilogy was really good, with important themes and messages. I liked the first book better but there were some parts I liked more from The Palace of Stone. The characters were well-done, and I really liked seeing how they developed over the story, like the other mountain girls and their passions for certain subjects.

I also enjoyed how the queen was involved in the end, and how they were able to create a compromise with the commoners and give them better treatment. Shannon Hale also tied in linder really well, and it did play a big role in the events, like the assasin and how Miri used quarry-speech to defeat him. My favorite part was where Britta ran to save the child from the carriage, changing the perspective of the commoners, and my favorite character was Miri or Britta. Altogether, I thought it was a great read and would recommend it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for EllieJellyBean :D.
45 reviews39 followers
April 27, 2023
It was good! An easy read and quick read to pass the time. Can I just say though, LDJCJDJCJDKDC!!
Maybe it’s because he actually had a good and interesting personality, while Peder was just kinda boring. Oh welll. Can’t do anything about it now. lol
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,807 reviews4,090 followers
September 12, 2017
Hmm, I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the first. It was interesting, but I wasn’t a fan of all the mentions of executions and such, personally. The messages of this book were also interesting and that love-triangle definitely didn’t stress me out like other readers. I wasn’t a fan of all the romance parts because this series is aimed for younger girls. For me, this one was decent, so maybe I’ll read the last book and finish up this series.

-Mentions of priests of a creator god, chapels, & going to chapels; A few mentions of prayers.
-Mobs & Gunfire (up to semi-detailed); Some eye rolling; Many mentions of gunfire, bullets, blood/bleeding, trying to shooting someone, someone shot, killing, bodies/deaths, being held at gunpoint, & screaming (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of murderers & a man who murdered a child; Mentions of killing, executions, & possible executions (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of assassins, massacres, & mobs; Mentions of accidents, injuries, & deaths; Mentions of bandits, robbing, attacks, & almost being killed (some from Book #1); Mentions of those starving & deaths; Mentions of violence; Mentions of threats & threats of killing; Mentions of hatred; Mentions of arrests, prisons, & crimes; Mentions of slaughtering animals for food (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of fires; Mentions of throwing up & vomit; Mentions of lies, lying, & liars; Mentions of gossip; A few mentions of wars & fighting; A couple mentions of hangings; Up to quite a few ‘shut up’s, ‘stupid’s.
-three hand kisses, a cheek kiss, a barely-above-not-detailed kiss, two semi-detailed kisses, and a boarder-line semi-detailed // detailed kiss; Touches, Embraces, Dancing, Hand Holding, Nearness, & Heat/Warmth (up to semi-detailed); Blushes; Noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of kisses & kissing; Mentions of those in love; A few mentions of blushes; A couple mentions of couple kissing; A mention of a man ill-using a 13 year old girl; Mentions of mothers & babies who died in childbirth.
Profile Image for Booknut 101.
849 reviews1,000 followers
November 2, 2012
I love this book.

In fact, I love Miri! I like how Shannon Hale has managed to create such a fantastic heroine, who lives, loves and acts in ways that move you and make you want to be a better person. That may sound cheesy (actually, it does) but there's no way around it - this book shows us the flaws we have as human beings. Vanity. Resentment. Jealousy. Struggle. Conflicting loyalties. Uncertain love. And the power of words.

The last one, especially - the power of words - is the main theme of this book, for me. Showing how, regardless of whether you're in the middle of a revolution, at home, in the street or conversing with an acquaintance or a friend, words can affect people. Words can start change. Words can send people to their deaths. Words can give food to the hungry and put shoes on the feet of those who work hard for a better future. Miri discovers that words are weapons - but they are also healing, loving and can repair the damage they inflict.

Of course, this wouldn't be a Mount Eskel book without the linder and the quarry speech! The whole concept is fantastic and I applaud Shannon Hale for her creation of the idea and allowing it to flourish throughout the two books. The idea that our feelings can be shared and can link to personal memories, is a wonderful one and one that lifts the spirit and emotional connection of the book to a whole new level.

And there was Peder :D

Peder annoyed me a little. I mean - hello! You like the girl. She likes you! GET BETROTHED ALREADY!! I understand, however, that that just isn't Peder. And you know what? That's an important lesson for all of us. Many of us - mainly girls - expect certain standards. Like how I instantly expected that Peder Liking Miri + New Book = Peter + Miri Kiss and Marry During First Chapter. But life isn't like that. We have to accept people for who they are - I mean, kissing her outright or professing his love to the stars isn't Peder . Miri realises this too. And she wouldn't have it any other way because that kind of Peder is not the one she loves. We have to accept that everyone approaches love differently and some people are better at expressing themselves than others.

Overall, I pray that this is NOT the last book in the series - I've grown far too attached to Miri, the Mount Eskel girls, Steffan and Peder to let them go just yet! I feel connected to Miri especially...a fair few years have passed since I read the first book, and now - reading the second - I feel as if I am revisiting an old friend. Miri has grown up and so have I.

And I am happy to be able to say that I accompanied her on her journey, and enjoyed every second of it.
389 reviews
September 27, 2012
I probably shouldn't have read this book right after having read Ivan Doig. Or perhaps I'm just tired of wars and revolts. Whatever - this was a disappointment. I actually had to force myself to continue reading this one clear through to the end. (Of course I recognize that it also doesn't help that I returned home from vacation to a huge stack of non-renewable books from the library - pressure, pressure.)

Mrs. Hale is still an ok writer although I echo others' thoughts that this one felt very forced. Very formulaic. Very calculated. And IMO, nearly devoid of character development other than Miri. Maybe I'm reading too many YA books right now but I'm a tad tired of the strong, beautiful (but unaware of her beauty) heroine and the weak or ineffectual or easily manipulated or dishonest male counterparts - and also the nearly missing adult role models. The book could have been shortened by about 75 pages - tightened up and been the better for it, it seemed to just drag on and on.

I read a lot of YA adult books - I want to be able to read what the grandchildren read, to have books to discuss with them. I'm always on the lookout for something to recommend to them. This, unfortunately won't be one of them.
Profile Image for LeiAnn.
702 reviews15 followers
August 12, 2013
And just like that I'm reminded how much I love Shannon Hale's books! Have I beat this horse to death yet?

Miri and her Princess Academy friends are invited to the lowlands to help Britta prepare for her wedding in the spring. As Miri spends her days as a scholar at the Queens Castle learning all she can to take back home to Mount Eskel, she becomes embroiled in a revolution that threatens all the relationships she holds dear.

I think my favorite parts of this book are the original poetry beginning each chapter and Miri's letters to home.
Profile Image for Ali❤️reading.
34 reviews18 followers
January 9, 2024
This was a great book❤️ I thought the beginning was very refreshing and had an amazing vibe, and the plot was as well written. Only downside was the ending which to me felt a little dragged on and some pets unnecessarily. Overall, it was just what I needed after reading so many recycled fantasies and dystopians 😰
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
247 reviews14 followers
August 22, 2019

I really liked this book. I think it's better than the first one. I thought plot was more interesting.
Miri and the rest of the girl's worlds grow bigger as they leave the mountain for the first time and face brand new challenges they couldn't have imagined. Friendships, Politics, Love, and Betrayal all run throughout the story to make an engaging and fun read, with a few twist and turns here and there.

There were a few small plot holes here and there, but it didn't ruin the story.
Profile Image for Avonlea Gal.
215 reviews7 followers
March 22, 2023
This was such a fun read and it got me out of my reading slump. One thing is I will always be team Peder, Timon sucks.
Profile Image for Rosalba.
71 reviews17 followers
January 15, 2013
I think I liked this second installment even more than I did the first. It was a pleasure to return to Miri, the same smart, knowledge- thirsty, plucky girl I met in Princess Academy. O nly now, she is torn between two places: her small, rural but beloved Mount Eskel,and big city Asland, with its great advantages. Also, a new love interest approaches:Timon, who's a noble but hopes Miri will be the spark which ignites the great change in Danland. There's also Peder, of course, but he's often too busy with his carving apprenticeship to catch up with her, and has not yet proposed! What will Miri choose: Mount Eskel or Asland, Peder or Timon, remaining faithful to the crown and, consequently, to her friend Britta or the Revolution which might save her home and bring justice?
Thoughts on the Book: From HERE on, there will be spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. I was very happy with the where-to stay solution, I felt as torn as Miri did for those two places. What a good way for it to end!
2. I knew Miri was going to chose Peder all along, but I found he didn't get any better. I loved him in the first book, but here, he, I don't know, was kind of inmature. Everytime Miri tried to talk to him of important matters on what was brewing up he always goofed around instead of taking it seriously. And his excuse for not having proposed to Miri! The whole time I thought he hadn't asked her because he felt she was too much for him, or perhaps he was carving an engagement ring, I don't know. Instead, he just thought it wasn't important! The thought never crossed his mind! I had to laugh, that was " so like a man" , as Miss Cornelia from the Anne books would say. He was exasperating! Timon, on the other hand, cared about important matters, and he was very romantic: to have repeated year just to know Miri! And the way he loved her even before he knew her! But I agree he was selfish and did not understand so many things...I'm glad Miri ended up with Peder, he's nice, I just wished he wouldn't act like a little kid.
3. I know politics is not everybody's cup of tea but I liked the way Shannon Hale made them easy to understand. Also how she handled Ethics and Rethoric.
4. The queen was hilarious!
5. Who would I choose, the prisoner or the painting? Both.
Profile Image for Mizuki.
3,135 reviews1,316 followers
November 1, 2016
It's a 'the story is nice and meaningful you can give it a try 3.5 stars.

Before I read the first book: Princess Academy, I had never expected myself to like it. After all a bunch of commoner girls being prepared in an academy in hope to be later chosen as the Prince's bride, unfortunately remains too much of the failure which is The Selection by Kiera Cass. (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1...)

I'm very glad that *spoiler for book 1* Ms. Hale's story has a lot of things to offer other than a freaking love triangle.

Also, Ms. Hale has the good sense to make her main character's experience in the Princess Academy a journey of self-discovery, coming of age, learning and discovering what's important in life; instead of simply about a bunch of girls fighting among each other for the chance to marry the Prince.

Unlike Kiera Cass, Shannon Hale managed to write a nice and meaningful story, she also offers us a likable heroine who is caring, eager to learn and curious about the world and who also is capable of learning from her mistakes. The story is eventually being nicely wrapped up in the end and the crisis is being satisfyingly solved (although I do feel the crisis is being solved a bit too easily). However, perhaps the author was too focused on the main character, Miri; and in turn almost all of the supporting characters barely have any room to show their growth and worth.

Still, I enjoy the series and would recommend it too all teenagers to read it.
February 23, 2018
This book was VERY VERY good! The first book was good as well, but this one was amazing!! Miri is such a strong character and I love her so much. There was a lot of romance in this book. Not ROMANCE romance, just kisses. This book will make you WANT to turn the page. You will NEED to know what happens next. And you WILL stay up till 1:00 a.m. reading this book. Oh yea, it's that good. Also no curse words which is always so awesome, I will not say any spoilers but I do need to say one thing.... BUY THIS BOOK!!! P.S. This book will not make sense without reading the first. Thanks for reading!
Profile Image for Tamora Pierce.
Author 128 books84.4k followers
October 6, 2012
It took me a little while to get into it, but I love this sequel to THE PRINCESS ACADEMY, which takes Miri and the girls to the capital to prepare for Britta's marriage to the prince. In fact, I have to say this book, ominous as it is with the growing threat of street violence, higher taxes on the poor, and perhaps the beginning of a bloody revolution, is even better than the first one!
Profile Image for Carrot.
63 reviews9 followers
October 12, 2023
This, is a story of friendship, revolution, freedom, family, compassion, value, love. And through it all, it reflects human nature. It reflects truth, wisdoms that we learn from the characters, and in the end world that we live in.

For all I know, I just read the greatest masterpiece ever written.

Better review to come!
Profile Image for Renna Mira (AKA Enna Isilee).
486 reviews144 followers
June 16, 2012
In the words of someone very wise: "Holy cow. Holy holy cow. If there ever was a holy cow, I’m invoking said cow now."

I think this one may have been even better than the first for me! SO MUCH LOVE!

Also, I stayed up until 1:30am to finish. That makes this the epitome of a squeaky book.
Profile Image for Jamie Dacyczyn.
1,836 reviews102 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
February 10, 2020
Made it to about page 90....and I'm walking away. I'm getting the sense that I'm not going to like this book as much as the first one, and the things that worked well in book 1 are going to feel childish and weak in book 2. This one feels like it's trying to tell a bigger, more serious adult story, while still being packaged for middle readers....and it just doesn't fit somehow.

Before I get too far and too disappointed, I'm just going to gently place this book down and pretend that I stopped with the first book, which was fun and sweet without trying to hard.

My current mood of delete-or-read-right-now every book that's been on my TBR for more then five years is leading to a lot of DNFs, but that's fine. Sometimes there's a reason that you haven't gotten to a book after years of meaning to, and the reason might be that you secretly don't reeeaaallllyyyy want to read it, but you can't admit it until you're physically holding the book. That seems to be the case for me lately. Moving on!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,612 reviews

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