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Bone, Vol. 8: Treasure Hunters

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The Bone cousins, Gran'ma Ben, and Thorn reach the city of Atheia, where they prepare to battle The Lord of the Locusts. Meanwhile, Thorn's visions are becoming more threatening and Phoney Bone is convinced Atheia is rich in gold, and he is determined to find it!

144 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

About the author

Jeff Smith

585 books1,365 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See other authors with similar names.

Born and raised in the American mid-west, Jeff Smith learned about cartooning from comic strips, comic books, and watching animation on TV. In 1991, he launched a company called Cartoon Books to publish his comic book BONE, a comedy/adventure about three lost cousins from Boneville. Against all odds, the small company flourished, building a reputation for quality stories and artwork. Word of mouth, critical acclaim, and a string of major awards helped propel Cartoon Books and BONE to the forefront of the comic book industry.
In 1992, Jeff’s wife Vijaya Iyer joined the company as partner to handle publishing and distribution, licensing, and foreign language publications. In the Spring of 2005, Harry Potter’s U.S. publisher Scholastic Inc. entered the graphic novel market by launching a new imprint, Graphix with a full color version of BONE: Out from Boneville, bringing the underground comic to a new audience and a new generation.
In 2007, DC Comics released Smith’s first non-creator owned work, SHAZAM! Monster Society of Evil, a four-part mini-series recreating a classic serial from comic’s Golden Age. Between projects, Smith spends much of his time on the international guest circuit promoting comics and the art of graphic novels.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 398 reviews
Profile Image for Ellis.
1,225 reviews152 followers
December 17, 2014
I'm crying foul on this one because Thorn's bare leg poking out of a big pile of bad guys makes me sort of queasy. I've not been a big fan through this whole series of her shorts/skirts/whatever she's wearing having to end precisely where her thighs split, and come on, did she have to get her clothes ripped off in that melee?
Profile Image for Chad.
8,976 reviews988 followers
August 4, 2021
A much better balance of humor and action than in Ghost Circles. The Bones, Rose, and Thorn have made to Atreia in secret. They are laying low until they get the lay of the land. Which is smart because the city is now run by a corrupt Veni Can named Tarsil. Meanwhile, Phoney Bone is once again obsessed with finding gold now that he's in a big city. Some people never change but it does make for a lot of humor like Fone Bone getting in a fight with a giant bee.
Profile Image for Ritika.
277 reviews43 followers
April 17, 2021
The second last volume and still so much left! So excited to see how this beautiful, gem of a story will end. Onto to Volume 9!
Profile Image for Michelle.
622 reviews86 followers
September 5, 2015

Why I Read It: Next in a series. The penultimate volume!!

This penultimate volume was considerably more exciting than the previous volume Ghost Circles. Thorn, Gran'ma Ben and the Bone cousins have finally made it to Atheia and are getting things ready for the final battle with Briar and the Lord of the Locusts. There's other stuff going on too: for example, since the royal family had to flee Atheia, it's been taken over by this a-hole named Tarsil and he's not keen on the royal family coming back. Also, Phoney is up to his schemes again and is convinced that there's treasure hidden in Atheia, so of course he wants it.

So really, this volume wasn't good because there was a whole lot of action, but there was definitely a lot of PREPARING for action to come, which is to be expected since the next volume is also the last one (which I've already read and it's AWESOME.) There was also a lot more humour in this volume than the last one, which was grim as hell.

As far as art goes, Ghost Circles definitely wasn't bad, but it needed to have a really plain and monochromatic colour palette because the group was navigating through a barren landscape; this time around it was much more colourful, which was nice on the eyes. Other than that though, it was the usual stuff you can expect from Smith, which is consistently good.

Final Verdict: This was great build-up for the final volume of the series. This volume isn't packed with action, but there's definitely a lot going on to keep things moving swiftly. There was more humour here as well, which was a nice reprieve from the grimness of the previous volume, and for a bit of a breather before the nail-biting finale (which I've already read and loved.) I love how this series started out as kind of slow and "okay" for me and has turned into something truly epic -- I can see why people love this series so much.
27 reviews
February 23, 2016
This book is about people trying to escape and get inside a village.And then they get inside the village and they are there for a long time. Then one day they went to the square market and saw some food and tools and wanted to see how people pay for things.And they thought you pay with eggs and they went and asked some one.And they said no you pay with gold coins. I reccomend this book to my friend from my old school.
Profile Image for Diz.
1,722 reviews114 followers
April 28, 2016
I'm not a big fan of this volume. Once Bone and his crew get to Atheia, the action comes to a stand-still. We get loads of exposition from new characters that aren't that interesting. I was a bit disappointed with the city of Atheia as well. It's pretty much a typical fantasy town. I kind of miss the quirky adventures in the valley that were featured in earlier volumes. I'm hoping that the action picks up in the next volume.
Profile Image for Sjgomzi.
272 reviews148 followers
February 1, 2018
This is just as great the second time around! Rereading this with my son, who is loving this, much to my delight! My 8 year old son had very little interest in reading for pleasure before being introduced to this series, and I now find him taking out the past volumes and reading them over and over. I will forever be grateful to Jeff Smith for creating this awesome story, and helping to finally instill a love of reading in my kid!
Profile Image for Ronald.
1,354 reviews14 followers
May 27, 2019
Finally the story is advancing. But it is just events catching up to the characters. The entire book is just people arguing about the best thing they can do to save themselves and the world. The only one actually doing anything is a blinded by greed Phoney Bone and his quest for the city's gold. After all this time no one is listening to Fone Bone or the Princes and they have been right most if not all the time so far.
40 reviews3 followers
April 18, 2016
The book I have read is a very chill book. It has lots of mystery in the book. I recommend this book to my
32 reviews46 followers
March 15, 2019
This series of books is probably one of my favorite graphic novels. I have read most of them. This is the first time I read this one, but It was really good. It is so action-packed in this book. There are good people, bad people, and good and bad animals. This book was about Bone and his friends all trying to work together to find a hidden treasure, but while that was happening they had to avoid bad people and rats. They were trying to arrest and kill bone and his friends. This book was a cliff hanger. so there has to be a ninth book! I would recommend this book to people who do not care for gossipy kind of graphic novels, only if you like action filled books.
2 reviews1 follower
August 8, 2018
The volume 8 of the Bones series is a very special one because it hits the climax of the entire comic series. In this volume, Bone and his gang finally, reach the only city that survived the Ghost Circles. Bone and the princess have a set goal: find a way to defeat the Locust. Even though humanity is on the verge of perishing, Foney Bone has some greedy intentions which revolve around stealing gold from the city. The book follows up to Smily Bone babysitting Foney Bone in order to prevent him from stealing. In the whilst of this cat vs mouse scenario the Locust makes a surprise attack on the city leaving the citizens no option, but to defend themselves.
Profile Image for Mari Mankle.
380 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2022
This started bringing everything in the story together. Can’t wait for the final installment!
Profile Image for Tanabrus.
1,907 reviews175 followers
January 5, 2016
Ci stiamo avvicinando alla conclusione, ancora due numeri e l’epopea dei cugini Bone giugnerà a termine. Un’epopea che, andando avanti con i volumi, si fa sempre più fantasy e cupa.

Sono lontani i tempi in cui pensavo “oh, guarda che buffi questi Bone… sono di chiara ispirazione Tolkeniana, paiono hobbit scagliati nel mondo esterno. E la loro estraneità al resto del mondo è evidenziata perfettamente dall’aspetto buffo”. Sono lontani anche i tempi in cui ogni cinque pagine si rideva per una scenetta comica tra Phoney e Smiley, o per la buffa nonna Ben e il burbero Lucius.

Adesso il Signore delle Locuste è parzialmente tornato nel mondo, proprio ora che i draghi sono scomparsi. Il misterioso Incappucciato, che serve il Signore delle Locuste, si è rivelato essere Briar, una delle due sorelle reali. Thorn, presa coscienza del suo ruolo di principessa, si è diretta alla capitale in incognito, assieme ai Bone e alla nonna, ma qui troverà una situazione critica.

Corruzione e brama di potere hanno trasformato la città, mettendo al bando il culto dei draghi e la famiglia reale che era loro alleata. I nostri si ritrovano a essere clandestini, ribelli, con la necessità di conquistare il potere quanto prima per sperare di poter resistere all’imminente attacco dei Rattodonti e dei loro alleati umani. Tutti tranne, ovviamente, Phoney Bone che invece punterà dritto alla ricerca del tesoro della famiglia reale, riucsendo a far soldi anche in questa situazione. E altrettanto ovviamente Smiley riuscirà, incredibilmente, a intrufolare in città il suo cucciolo di rattodonte.

I momenti comici sono sempre meno, la guerra è alle porte e i nostri sono nella situazione più cupa che si possa immaginare. La speranza per il mondo pare risiedere in Thorn, nella misteriosa Corona di corni, in Fone Bone che era stato in un cerchio assieme a Thorn, nei draghi. Ma non escluderei un salvataggio inaspettato da parte di Phoney Bone.

I disegni sono perfetti, e la fantasia di Smith gli fa creare personaggi assurdi su personaggi assurdi. La colonia delle api, per esempio, o la doppia pagina con tutti i tipi di abitanti della città…

Semrpe più fantasy, e sempre più bello.
Profile Image for Hilary "Fox".
2,106 reviews63 followers
January 20, 2019
Much like the characters in this comic, I am in no way ready for everything to come to an end.

The penultimate volume is what you'd expect. Tensions are rising, everything is coming to a potentially horrific conclusion. All are ill-prepared. Even the Bones, with the exception of Phoney, no longer seem certain that they want to return to Boneville. They had forged connections in the Valley, found purpose, found identities outside of being lackeys to Phoney and his harebrained schemes. And who is the real villain in these books, after all? The Lord of Locusts and the army accumulated by her? Or Phoney Bone and his materialism? At this point, it's hard to say for sure. Although I know who I would pin more blame on, this far along in the story.

I'm not really ready for the end. I've grown attached to the characters, to the world. I have a terrible feeling about where things are going, how well the characters might be able to handle themselves in any final confrontation. Is Thorn, untrained and relatively untested, really ready for the most sacred of relics? Can she and Fone Bone both resist the Locusts call? What about Smiley, Bartleby? What about Lucius and everyone's suspicions? I'd say what about Phoney, but man am I annoyed at him and the trouble he caused.

....and what about Miz Possum and her babies? Are they OK?

So many questions now. So many things that could happen.

Guess I better dive in and hope for the best. Can't rightly just put these books down...
Profile Image for Colleen Venable.
Author 40 books392 followers
July 25, 2008
Phew! After a few slower volumes this one makes up for it! Briar has reached a new level of terrifying and the quick jumps from groups of characters made it impossible to attempt to stop once I started. The next time someone offers me tea (and I happen to holding a large sword) I am so pulling a "Thorn Thunk!". I'm always amazed at how well Smith is able to juggle humor and creep creep creeeepiness in these. This one in particular made me feel a little hopeless, which is amazing considering whenever you read epics, it's almost always obvious what the outcome is going to be. (Ex: Seriously did ANYONE think Frodo was going to not get rid of that damn ring, I mean come'on!) I hate I am insisting to read this in color, so I will sit here, right on the edge of my rump, until Vol. 9 in beautiful color winds up in my hands.
Profile Image for Santiago L. Moreno.
317 reviews35 followers
February 2, 2018
Comienza a dar la impresión de que la serie se estira demasiado. Tras la excelencia de los números contenidos en el tomo seis, estos dos siguiente volúmenes bajan el nivel. Siguen manteniendo el interés, y el maravilloso trabajo gráfico y la imaginación no decaen, pero dado lo inminente que parecía la conclusión, la trama comienza a resentirse. Quedo a la espera de la inevitable remontada en el último tomo.
Profile Image for Tommy Hancock.
160 reviews18 followers
June 30, 2015
I haven't given this series enough praise in regards to character development. I've rattled on and on about the hilarity and epic-ness(which is understandable as both are huge), but the way these characters have bonded is really amazing.

I'm scared to read the next and final volume. I'm almost positive I'm gonna be saddened.
Profile Image for Jim.
2,892 reviews68 followers
May 14, 2018
As much as I have enjoyed this series, I sometimes feel it has been stretched a little more than need be, and even introduced characters unnecessarily, but still I continue on hoping that answers will be provide that wrap things up. I suppose that is going to happen in the next volume, I hope.
Profile Image for Mariangel.
612 reviews
May 15, 2022
Daniel: This is my least favorite. I do not like the guards with the eye. Phoney is always putting riches before safety. The final war has begun.
1 review
September 23, 2017
Bone is a fiction story and the characters are Bone, Grandma Ben, Thorn And Bone cousin. Thorn was the daughter of a queen and transform to a dragon. Now her mother is the queen of all the dragon that come when somebody is dreaming. Only Thorn and her friends like Bone and Grandma Ben can see the dragons. There`s a army that is trying to capture all of them but the dangerous thing is that were they are staying is there city.Grand`ma Ben and the others where there because Grand`ma Ben had a friend on the city and it was Grand`ma Ben sensei. There`s another army coming to the city and they get there in the morning.

What a like about the book that it has alot of adventure.They go around and explore to find what happened to Thorn mom.Thing that a love is Phoney one of Bone cousins,he is the funny one on the group and the thing is that he gets everybody nerve`s.The thing that what i like to see different is the places that they go on there adventure.The less thing that i don`t like is when Grand`ma Ben sensei dies. The leader of the city was ready to fight the other leader of the army but the problem is that the bad guy s leader has more power and experience fighting other people.They start the fight and the bad guy leader flys and came back down and cut off the city leader head. The thing about that part was that I really like the city leader guy because he fights a dragon and he almost gets killed the only thing that happened to him was that he got a big scarf a cross his face.

I really like this book so much that I can read it again to waste my time when I'm bored. It makes me field that I'm inside of the story is like I'm fighting the bad guys army and I'm just a person that now "Thorn" because of her mother but she doesn't know that I knew her. I will recommend this book to 7 year old and up because it has to much valence on it. I will react this book a very high 5 because I really like the book that are made by there imagination. The good thing that is fast o understand the book like in the few first page you can understand what is happening because is like a real life conversation.
Profile Image for Kristina Coop-a-Loop.
1,251 reviews505 followers
May 16, 2022
In Bone Vol.: Treasure Hunters, Gran’ma Ben, Thorn and the Bone cousins finally reach Atheia where they find more problems. Phoney Bone is convinced the old city is full of gold and other treasures and sets out to find it. Smiley is worried about keeping Bartleby hidden from everyone, Fone Bone is worried about Thorn and everyone is worried about the rat creature and Pawan army about to attack the city—led by the Hooded One ().

This is the beginning of the end, the final confrontation between the Lord of the Locust and his army and Gran’ma Ben and Thorn and their supporters. This novel provides more comic relief with a female giant bee developing a crush on Fone Bone—which causes a fight between Fone Bone and the bee’s boyfriend (another giant bee). Phoney Bone is there to help, which basically means he hits his cousin with the stick more often than the bee. This melee leads to yet another one of Phoney Bone’s get-rich-quick schemes (which works as well as they always do). Meanwhile, Lucius and his army and Gran’ma Ben and her army are plotting a surprise attack.

Fun, enjoyable, quick read. The series works for young adult readers and adults.
Profile Image for Turrean.
910 reviews21 followers
October 25, 2017
Can't believe I've never entered these here on Goodreads before!

The Bone novels, written as a comic back in the '90s, read as pretty timeless. It's beyond delightful that the fate of the world largely rests on the shoulders of two women: Thorn and Gran'ma Rose Ben. And one of them is obviously OVER FIFTY!! (GASP!!) Plus, of course, a trio of goofy, non-human, "Bone" cousins.

But it's almost as if Thorn and Rose (and the recently revealed Briar) have to make up for the lack of other female characters, bar a few incidentals. The fighting villagers are all white men. So are all the ancient monk-warriors. Looking back over crowd scenes and town scenes in the earlier volumes, there's a real lack of estrogen. And there's lots of "diversity" among fantasy races, but none among the humans. Allow me, as well, to offer a heartfelt eye-roll at Bone's tongue-lolling appreciation of the nubile Thorn.

Well. I can't expect a 2017 sensibility in a nearly 30-year old series. I'll just be grateful this ground-breaking series exists.
Profile Image for Alex.
778 reviews33 followers
February 4, 2020
Πλέον, το bone γίνεται μια σειρά χωρίς νόημα για την ιστορία της και χωρίς έλεος για τους αναγνώστες της. Αυτά συμβαίνουν όταν ξαφνικά θέλεις να πάρεις το "συνοικιακό" fantasy παραμύθι σου και να το κάνεις γκράντε στα πρότυπα των μεγάλων saga. Καταλήγεις με πολλούς νέους χαρακτήρες που έχουν εισαχθεί φτωχά, χώνεις τραγικά background παντού σε σημείο να φαίνονται άκομψα και τελείως κλισέ. Και το χιούμορ που αποτελούσε πάντα σημείο κλειδί στην σειρά αρχίζει και εκλείπει, αφήνοντας μόνο του το ωραίο σχέδιο για να το κρατήσει ψιλά και προφανώς, δεν.
15 reviews1 follower
December 16, 2019
“Bone” the eighth novel by Jeff Smith is the best novel i’ve read in two years and I know that the novel just got me wondering when or how it will end but I don’t want it to end because these stories keep on getting better and better. But, I won’t stop reading this novel,that has adventure, thrills, and action. Also, if you read the novel, who knows you might learn a thing or two during your readings of the stories.
Profile Image for Adam.
105 reviews
April 21, 2023
The world grows again!! After the dark ghost circle interlude, we are back in a new setting with new adventure and tension. And all of that is introduced so efficiently and smoothly. Tarsil is such a fun character that I remember dominating this story but in reality, he is used sparingly as the small villain to set up the finale.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 398 reviews

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