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Write for Life: Creative Tools for Every Writer

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A 6-Week Artist’s Way Program

Julia Cameron has been teaching the world about creativity since her seminal book, The Artist’s Way, first broke open the conversation around art.

Now, in Write for Life, she turns to one of the subjects closest to her the art and practice of writing.

Over the course of six weeks, Cameron carefully guides readers step by step through the creative process. This latest guide in the Artist’s Way:

- Introduces a new tool and expands on powerful tried and true methods.

- Gently guides readers through many common creative issues ― from procrastinating and getting started, to dealing with doubt, deadlines, and “crazymakers.”

- Will help you reach your goals, whether your project is a novel, poetry, screenplay, standup, or songwriting.

With the learned experience of a lifetime of writing, Cameron gives readers practical tools to start, pursue, and finish their writing project. Write for Life is an essential read for writers who have completed The Artist’s Way and are looking to continue their creative journey or new writers who are just putting pen to paper.

208 pages, Paperback

Published January 10, 2023

About the author

Julia Cameron

112 books1,962 followers
Julia Cameron has been an active artist for more than thirty years, with fifteen books (including bestsellers The Artist's Way, Walking In This World and The Right to Write) and countless television, film, and theater scripts to her credit. Writing since the age of 18, Cameron has a long list of screenplay and teleplay credits to her name, including an episode of Miami Vice, and Elvis and the Beauty Queen, which starred Don Johnson. She was a writer on such movies as Taxi Driver, New York, New York, and The Last Waltz. She wrote, produced, and directed the award-winning independent feature film, God's Will, which premiered at the Chicago International Film Festival, and was selected by the London Film Festival, the Munich International Film Festival, and Women in Film Festival, among others. In addition to making film, Cameron has taught film at such diverse places as Chicago Filmmakers, Northwestern University, and Columbia College. Her profound teachings on unlocking creativity and living from the creative center have inspired countless artists to unleash their full potential.

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Profile Image for June Price.
Author 7 books73 followers
October 21, 2022
I've read Cameron's "The Artist's way" and loved it. I am happy to say that I immediately fell in love with this one, too. Cameron has a very descriptive, conversational way of writing and I found it an easy, informative read. I also fell in love with her pen-stealing dog Lily. My Daisy isn't a pen thief but she is also part of my daily routine.

Routine is an important element of being a writer. Cameron describes hers early on in the "Prime the Pump" section, so to speak, and I found myself wishing my dog and I could join her on their daily walks as she detailed the colors, views, and smells, even the dust that cars might kick up along the way. At the very least, she had me wishing I could be one of those receiving her regular notes and cards. I imagine I could find more than a few from here in Alaska to share.

In any case, on to the book. Since the book blurb did a wonderful job detailing the contents, I'll simply add a few thoughts as I read. First, I liked the seeming simplicity and that Cameron seemed to be talking directly to me as she shared writing experiences and what she's learned. There's something to be learned here whether you're tackling the next great novel or simply writing a note to friends. Each section ends with a list of things to ask yourself at the end of each of the six weeks suggested. I found those interesting as all too often we tend to think of the writing process being a "do this" and "do that" routine, thinking when we complete one step, we can forget about it and move on. Sorry, doesn't work that way. You'll note there is much repetition in the checklists, for instance.

Bottom line, written in a friendly, conversational tone, this book is packed with practical information on writing and examples from both Cameron's own experiences and those of others. I got a chuckle out of her humorous, poetic response to one critic of her book, for instance, a reminder that no one is immune to criticism. More importantly, she takes us from getting the first words on paper through the moment a copy of the book is in your hands, giving both suggestions and support. Cameron believes anyone can write and it shows.

Thanks #NetGalley and #StMartinsPress for reminding me of the joy or writing, not to mention simply enjoying your life and goofy dog. My Daisy sends Lily a lick and suggests pencils are better than pens for chewing. That's a whole other story.
Profile Image for Ann Dudzinski.
363 reviews20 followers
November 13, 2022
I remember buying The Artist’s Way many years ago. I started working through it but didn’t make it very far. Possibly it was the writing prompts (I really dislike writing prompts). I may have stalled on Morning Pages. Maybe I was more concerned about what color pens to use. Who knows, it was a long time ago. But I did keep writing consistently for years. Until life got in the way early this year.

I kept telling myself to just sit down and write. Or rather, edit since I needed to polish up a novel before I started on anything new. Nothing worked. The only writing I was doing was book reviews and critiques for friend’s work. So, when I saw NetGalley had Write For Life on offer, I jumped at the chance to read it. Maybe, just maybe, I could get my writing routine back in gear.

While I’m normally reading one or two novels at a time, I also have a non-fiction book “running in the background.” Meaning it’s one I’m actually working through, not just reading. And I’m incredibly glad I took the six weeks to put this one through its paces.

I think of this book as An Artist’s Way light. A lot of the same instructions are in here that I remember - Morning Pages (journaling three pages of stream-of-consciousness thoughts every morning), Artist’s Dates, etc. But this isn’t a daunting tome. It’s a streamlined, week-by-week guide to getting your writing groove on. It’s obvious the author loves her craft - her low-key enthusiasm is contagious in every essay that covers tips for setting a daily page count, keeping the inner critic at bay, and finding critiquers and beta readers, among many others.

So, how did this go around work out for me? I did the Morning Pages, reluctantly at first. They take awhile to complete but after a bit, I started making time for them on days I had to go into the office. I missed them on the days I didn’t wake up early enough to do them. I didn’t find any great novel ideas in my ramblings, but they are certainly cathartic. If I need an angsty character, I know where to go to find him or her. Artist Dates were hit or miss and I already know I could work out problems or get ideas while walking. However, I LOVED how she named her inner critic - that little voice that pipes up when it’s not wanted, telling you you’re no good. I named mine Reggie. He’s much quieter now that I can talk back directly to him.

Is this book a magic pill that got my butt in chair and editing my novel every day? Sadly, no. But that’s on me because for whatever reason, I’m not feeling pulled to it. However, I have thought about it a lot and I know how to redraft it. In the meantime, I’m going to continue to enjoy doing my Morning Pages, work in some more Artist’s Dates, and see where things go from there.

Definitely a great resource if you’re struggling with keeping your writing momentum going or just want some more tools in your toolbag. And it’s a joy to read.

4.25/5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐+

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing the ARC ebook. I’ve left my review honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Karen.
894 reviews114 followers
October 8, 2022

3.5 Stars!

Julia Cameron has said she has written over 40 items. Whether they be poetry, screenplays, non-fiction or novels. What I got the most out of this short book on writing, that can be quickly read, is her exercise on writing "morning pages." From which she swears by taking an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper and writing three pages in a stream of conscious way. Much like the way Virginia Woolf wrote. In fact she brings up Virginia Woolf. This Author swears by these morning pages as unlocking writers block. She describes her home in Santa Fe, New Mexico as a place outside as being a place where she writes sometimes describing the view as well as the local floral and fauna. This is one out of four places she says that she writes from in her home. The other three are her library at her desk. An uncomfortable couch beside her treadmill that she will jump off from to quickly jot down ideas. Her love seat in her living room with a coffee table with aromatic giant roses, that I'm assuming she picked from her yard. She mentioned taking five or six mile long walks. That is one that I can say that I found helpful, when I used to run at least that, but I do agree that long walks for the amount of miles when I do it, improves my creativity. She mentions taking yourself out of the house and doing something enjoyable for yourself as "artist retreats," is another device she does. I was expecting more from this, I'm not exactly sure, but I'll see if the tools that she has incorporated into this book make me a better writer.

Publication Date: January 10, 2023

Thank you to Net Galley, Julia Cameron and St. Martin's Press for generously providing me with my ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

#WriteForLife #JuliaCameron #StMartinsPress #NetGalley
Profile Image for Maryam M.
48 reviews3 followers
September 2, 2023
I really enjoyed "Write for Life" by Julia Cameron, but I did have a few criticisms. To start, the book offers great advice for writers, such as writing morning pages, having multiple places to write, writing by hand, going on walks, and taking yourself out on dates. I've personally found morning pages to be incredibly helpful in my own writing journey, and I appreciated the encouragement to try new techniques.

However, I did feel that some of the advice was geared more towards established writers or those trying to make their way in the writing world. As someone who is just finding my way back to writing and whose work is mostly personal at the moment, I didn't always feel like the book was speaking directly to me.

Additionally, I found the book to be a little repetitive at times, with concepts being repeated unnecessarily. I also would have preferred a physical format of the book, as I like to be able to refer back to specific concepts, questions, and instructions as I work through a guide. Overall, I would give "Write for Life" 3.5 out of 5 stars. Despite my criticisms, the book was still helpful in giving me the courage to share my writing more publicly and try new techniques. I am also hoping to pick up "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.
Profile Image for Kerri Lukasavitz.
Author 5 books60 followers
March 13, 2023
Another great book from Julia Cameron. This time she focuses on writers/writing. Only a 6-week course versus her 12-week one in the Artist's Way, but it's still full of great advice and inspiration for writers. Her 2-page daily quota was new for me. I've actually made great strides on the novel I'm currently working on because of this one new habit she introduced to her readers. Wonderful book. Would definitely recommend it to others.
Profile Image for Ruby.
305 reviews
September 5, 2022
"Write for Life" is an essential book for anyone who writes or dreams of writing. I am familiar with Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" and this newest book did not disappoint. Full of practical advice and real-life examples, I found this book infinitely helpful as a writer and have already implemented some of the ideas. Highly recommended for writers and artists. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!
January 10, 2023
BOOK REVIEW: Write for Life by Julia Cameron
2023 Publication Date: January 10


T.I.M.E. Most Anticipated Books Of 2023

Pages: 208
Genre: Nonfiction
Sub-Genre: Creativity
Publisher: St. Martin's Press | St. Martin's Essentials

A 6-Week Artist’s Way Program...

Julia Cameron has been teaching the world about creativity since her book, The Artist’s Way, first broke open the conversation around art.

Now, in Write for Life, she turns to one of the subjects closest to her heart: the art and practice of writing.

Over the course of six weeks, Cameron carefully guides readers step by step through the creative process.

This latest guide in the Artist’s Way Series:
• Introduces a new tool and expands on powerful tried and true methods.
• Gently guides readers through many common creative issues ― from procrastinating and getting started, to dealing with doubt, deadlines, and “crazymakers.”
• Will help you reach your goals, whether your project is a novel, poetry, screenplay, standup, or songwriting.

With the learned experience of a lifetime of writing, Cameron gives readers practical tools to start, pursue, and finish their writing project.

Write for Life is for writers who have completed The Artist’s Way and are looking to continue their creative journey or new writers who are just putting pen to paper.


All my book reviews can be seen at This Is My Everybody | Simple Living | Denise Wilbanks at thisismyeverybody.com/blog/what-book-...

♡ Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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Profile Image for Mimi.
37 reviews1 follower
March 13, 2023
I read this book in community with other writers. The process of supporting one another and weekly check ins, inspired me to use Cameron’s tools and build them into my own creative process. I was hoping to learn perhaps one thing as I made my way through this book but I was pleasantly surprised. The book is packed with tools that can be easily incorporated into a writers daily routine. I am now writing morning pages daily and I have also built in what Cameron calls “artist dates” into my weeks. This has been a boost to my mood and creativity. I find myself exploring places and attractions I would have ignored in the past. I recommend this book to anyone starting a writing project - it will help you blossom!
23 reviews2 followers
August 29, 2022
Thank you netgalley for the ARC! This book gave me so many tools for writing and most importantly for building fun habits to keep the writing process going.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
280 reviews32 followers
March 27, 2023
Thoughts on completion in March 2023 to come.

Original review posted Feb 7, 2023:

I still haven't finished this book (I'm about 45% of the way through) and Julia Cameron's Morning Pages are the real deal. I was extremely skeptical but every time I finish doing Morning Pages, I can think more clearly, I sleep better at night, and ideas spring to me much easier.

Cameron says that perfectionism absolutely stifles the inner artist and she's right. She's definitely onto something in regards to letting your inner artist express themselves without the restraint of the inner critic, without worrying about being perfect, being brilliant, being impressive. She advocates for writing that just exists and I was blown away by all that.

I don't agree with everything Julia Cameron says. I felt paranoid about writing longhand Morning Pages (I need absolute privacy for my inner artist), so I've switched to doing them digitally. I also cannot fathom writing a first draft by hand, I'm not doing it, and I'm not sorry about that! But her advice is sound.

I can't wait to dive deeper into this book! I just don't want to move onto the subsequent sections of the book, especially when I haven't done the work.

Thank you for NetGalley and St. Martin's press for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I ended up purchasing this book as soon as it was published because I can tell it's going to be an essential tool I'll always want within reach.
Profile Image for Angell Johnson.
456 reviews41 followers
October 16, 2023
If you read any of Julia Cameron’s other book, this one basically says the same thing. Just free write long handed every morning as practice and find different things, people, places to explore to enhance your skills.
Profile Image for Erin Branscom.
Author 8 books524 followers
December 12, 2022
Julia Cameron is the fairy godmother for all of us writers. I just love her work and she always makes me so motivated.
Profile Image for Robin Mccormack.
166 reviews8 followers
January 25, 2023
Cameron's Write for Life is an inspirational and useful book full of warm and cozy essays, filled with tidbits on nature and her dog Lily, as she provides the gentle keys to writing. I didn't take 6 weeks to read as I wanted to find out all she had to offer, sooner than later.

She begins with the beneficial reminder that morning pages are essential in letting your words flow on the page, artist dates are needed to fill the well as it empties, and walking helpful to your health and imagination.

"Morning pages train us to take risks. They dare us to move outside our comfort zone... They are a tough love friend. They challenge us to change our size, to become larger, more daring... They urge us to be more honest, to take action where action is needed... "

You aren't being negative, "You're ventilating the negative feelings, not increasing them." And in the pages, "we face our demons, and when we do, we find we have room for new and positive endeavors."

I found the morning pages to be beneficial over the years in working out problems, both with my family, and with my characters. I stopped doing them again but committed to taking them up once again. True story. This past week I set my alarm to go off 15 minutes early so I would have time to write before work, and found myself getting to work 10 minutes late. Good think I'm the boss. LOL!

After your morning pages, she recommends setting an easy daily quota of two to three pages, and 'laying tracks', slowly and steadily from a to b to c. And schedule your writing by your mood rather than the time of day and grabbing time, rather than waiting for the big chunk of time that you're never going to find.

I went through my current WIP and figured out if I revise two to three pages five days a week, the revision will be done at the end of August.

I highlighted quite a bit and took copious notes, talking to myself on the page, setting her advice in my head. She also provide useful advice for how to outline and revise your story once the first draft is finished, which brings clarity.

"A well executed outline resembles a train track with each entry a tie."

Which I really need to do, rather than relying on the outline in my head. I need to see the visual reminder to make it concrete and make better progress.

Although The Artist way is wonderful, Write for Life is a shorter version, told through wonderful essays which reiterates some of the ideas including synchronicity, crazy makers, toxic friends, patience, and asking for guidance. Well worth reading.
January 9, 2023
I eceived a complimentary ARC copy of Write for Life ~Creative Tools for Every Writer (A 6-Week Artist's Way Program) by Julia Cameron from Net Galley and St. Martin's Press in order to read and give an honest review.

...Inspiring and optimistic to writers or creatives at any stage, Write for Life is a nudge to honor your creative self by flexing your creative muscles daily...

Over three decades ago Julia Cameron first published "The Artists Way,” and I must admit I still find her books a source of inspiration. I was introduced to the author's work in my late twenties when on a mission to get back that creative passion I once had. Over the decades, my copy has been read and re-read leaving it with dog-eared pages and a rickety spine, but I still turn to it when I find myself drifting from my creative self. Like her many other books since, Write for Life is an updated and perhaps more writing focused book. The author Julia Cameron, now in her seventies, is still a productive, and prolific writer with over fifty years of writing under her belt and has had an incredibly successful career by using the tools she introduced us to in the Artist's Way.

There is nothing earth shatteringly new in Write for Life but there is a little more wisdom and thought in this book. She has carved out a long-lasting and successful career and as many of us find, with age we learn to weed out what works and what does not, often tweaking our processes until they fit for us and whatever changes our lives bring. Her focus here is more inspirational, she has practiced what she preaches and her discipline in inspiring and it confirms that you need to show up for your creative self every day. This book, although it might feel repetitive to some, I think acts as a gentle reminder when sometimes we forget that like anything worth having in life our creativity needs our attention and dedication.

Inspiring and optimistic to writers or creatives at any stage, Write for Life is a nudge to honor your creative self by flexing your creative muscles daily. In a slump it came at a perfect time for me to re-establish this practice as it has worked for me in the past but this book acted as a reminder. If you are trying to reignite your spark this is the book I would highly recommend.
Profile Image for Jill.
1,338 reviews7 followers
January 17, 2023
Anyone who has felt blocked creatively should know the name Julia Cameron. Her The Artist’s Way has been helping writers, filmmakers, photographers, painters, musicians, and so many others find their voice again after it’s been silenced. Since then, she has continued to write. She had written plays and novels, screenplays and music, and she’s also written more books to help artists find their way out of silence into success. Her latest book, Write for Life, is for the writers.

When Cameron says this book is for the writers, she means it’s primarily for those who want to write. But she also believes that everyone has the ability to be a writer. It’s just a matter of putting pen to paper and getting started. So for anyone who wants to start writing, or for blocked writers, or for those who don’t really believe they can writer, this book is for you. And for the record, Cameron believes in you, even if you don’t yet.

Anyone familiar with her work on creativity will have heard all about her tools—the Morning Pages, Artist Dates, and daily walks. In this book she talks about them all in depth, emphasizing how the Morning Pages (3 pages of freehand stream-of-consciousness writing done every morning) will help you figure out what you want to say and how you want to say it. The weekly Artist Date and daily walk help refill the well, so when you sit to write there is plenty there to draw from. In this book, she adds a daily page quota, one that’s low enough to be achievable (2-3 pages, depending on the project, is what she recommends), offering steady progress without too much pressure.

But mostly, Write for Life is a book about writing, page by page, essay by essay. It’s a six week course where you can learn to begin where you are, to lay track (that’s the process of putting words on the page, to get from point A to point B), to learn the best way to deal with your inner critic, to trust the process, to protect yourself and your art, to take on perfectionism, and to celebrate when you reach a milestone. Because she’s not interested in teaching you how to write a screenplay in 30 days or how to publish your novel in 6 months. Cameron wants you to focus on the process and to face all the obstacles that stand in our way of a creative life, whether that be anger, fear, jealousy, competition, ago, or toxic friendships.

While a lot of Cameron’s works are written for artists in general and can help anyone wanting to tackle a creative project or wanting to become a full-time artist, Write for Life is crafted in a way that is specific to writers. A lot of her advice will apply to any artist, the nature of this writing is different. It’s very repetitive. She talks a lot about the weather that happens outside her Santa Fe house. She talks about humility over and over, about dealing with perfectionism and ego, about how her dog tries to bite her pen.

These essays are about the moment she is experiencing and how that translates into her writing, word by word, sentence by sentence. I think writers would be helped by this sort of writing, to see the way she circles back to her main ideas through the small moments of each day, to see how she uses her feelings and her doubts and her fears on the page. Although, now that I think about it more, these lessons would probably be good for any artist, for anyone wanting to get more grounded in their life, for anyone wanting to express their authentic voice.

I have been a fan of Julia Cameron for a very long time. And while I love her writing and find it warm and moving, I think it should also come with a warning label. She makes you believe in possibilities. She makes you want to write a novel. Or a movie. Or a play. And she makes you think you could do it. (Actually, you can. I have written long projects based on her tools). But she makes you—okay, I’m talking about myself here. She makes me think that I could start writing a novel tonight, and that I should get started right away, because she makes it seem so achievable. But I’m tired tonight, so I can’t. But then, there’s always tomorrow.

If you know anyone who you think should get inspired to start writing, or if you yourself are struggling to find the motivation, then pick up some good pens, fresh notebooks, and a copy of Write for Life, and then just wait for the magic. Because that’s what Julia Cameron brings to the page—pure magic.

Egalleys for Write for Life were provided by St Martin’s Essentials through NetGalley, with many thanks.
Profile Image for Jackie Sunday.
580 reviews31 followers
September 2, 2022
This is a book about Julia Cameron’s love for writing. She shares what she has learned over the years and introduces a six-week program that is set up to inspire with tasks and a weekly action plan.

Why six weeks? It’s a starting point to encourage people to be creative. Readers are given an assignment to write “Morning Pages,” take daily walks and embrace spiritual practices which opens up the mind to form new ideas to put on paper.

She encourages readers to write every day in a long-hand form without the distraction of the media devices. While a lot of well-known authors are known to do this, I’m not sure this strategy will work with the new generation of adults who think and write on the keyboard with a phone within reach.

Julia Cameron is known for her prized publication, “The Artist Way.” She has inspired many that are stuck to get back in the program and renew their craft. This book includes similar wisdom and tips that may work for many types of fields. She includes several quotes from other writers. My favorite is from Mark Twain who said, “write what you know.” Clearly, her goal is to motivate those that are mostly beginners with simple writing exercises from her personal experiences. She said, “prayer works” which may not resonate with all readers.

My thanks to Julia Cameron, St. Martin’s Essentials and NetGalley for allowing me to read this advanced copy with the expected release date of January 10, 2023.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
Author 10 books14 followers
November 30, 2022
Julia Cameron hits it out of the park again. Her book The Artist’s Way helped me truly become the writer I always wanted to be, along with so many other writers and creative people. Through daily “Morning Pages,” Artist Dates, and a new work ethic of sitting down to write daily, I eventually published several books and came to understand myself as an artist.

But we all need reminders, reinforcement, and more in-depth understanding of the practices we hold dear. This new book by Julia Cameron does just that. Even after years of journaling, I had let myself slip by with writing only a page or two, not the prescribed three. After reading this book, I understood why I needed to get back to writing a full three pages each and every day. My thinking and creativity have improved already.

If you’re a devoted adherent to Ms. Cameron’s tried and true methods, you’ll want to read this book. Maybe you need to read this book, to remember why you do what you do and to understand this methodology in new and better ways. If you struggle with writing and creativity, you’ll want to read this book, too. (And you’ll probably become a fan of Julia Cameron and want to read The Artist’s Way as soon as you can!).

P.S. As a Westie dog owner, I loved the parts of this book featuring Lily, Ms. Cameron’s own Westie! Best supporting dog in a writing book!
Profile Image for Nina.
132 reviews
April 8, 2023
Author Julia Cameron is celebrated for her work in "The Artist's Way" and this book works amazing to reinforce the teachings there, or to be a starting point. While the Artist's Way shares a focus for all creatives, Write for Life speaks to writers.

While it is intended as a 6-week course, I devoured this book. It will be great to revisit for a week by week reread. I had experienced extraordinary changes in my life beyond just the practice of writing since implementing the strategies in this book. I am not exaggerating when I say that Write for Life has positively changed my life!

I most notably loved the focus on the activity of Morning Pages from the lens of a writer. Thank you, Julia Cameron for your teachings and continuing to share them!
February 21, 2023
A massively powerful tool by an incredibly powerful writer. This lovely six week course has helped me ref-frame my daily and weekly life and recommit myself to my deep love for writing and guided me through the first half of what I've decided will be the first book I ever publish. Julia Cameron is a writing genius and I'm deeply thankful for this course in showing me that I am, too.
August 14, 2022
Looking forward to reading it remembering HOW much it meant to me reading and working with "The Artists Way" many years ago. It changed my life!
Profile Image for Javier.
56 reviews1 follower
August 21, 2023
A great book for those of us who struggle when writing fiction. Highly recommended it. I love the “tasks” or “assignments” at the end of each chapter.
Profile Image for Mo the Lawyer✨.
174 reviews27 followers
March 14, 2023
Let me start by saying that I have a deep respect for Julia Cameron and, as an aspiring author, have found her tools for unblocking creativity to be very useful. A couple decades ago, a dear colleague and friend who valued my creative writing introduced me to Cameron's masterpiece The Artist's Way and I have been a fan of her work ever since.

First, here's what I liked about Write for Life. I greatly appreciated Cameron's encouragement for writers to consistently utilize her tried-and-true creative tools (e.g., Morning Pages, Artist Dates, Writing Stations, Walking, Daily Quotas, Finding Believing Mirrors). I benefitted from the review of the key principles from The Artist's Way, some which I had forgotten. After reading the first few pages of this book, I picked up writing Morning Pages again - an incredibly helpful practice that I had stopped decades ago shortly after reading The Artist's Way, thinking I didn't have the time. This go-round when I made the time to do the Pages, the Pages along with the weekly Artist Dates helped unblock my creative flow. I have since been able to brainstorm a number of fresh ideas for my next writing projects. I also appreciated Cameron's discussion of effective ways to resist or avoid known obstacles to a sensitive writer's creativity, such as toxic criticism, procrastination, self-doubt, and perfectionism.

As for the things I did not like so much... While I took a number of key nuggets from "Write for Life," I found it to be unnecessarily repetitive by the middle of the book. By the end of the book, I found myself growing a little restless from reading repetitive concepts and still expecting something more from Cameron; thus, I am rating this one a 3.25. I still think it is a helpful resource for creatives, but you could perhaps get away with skimming parts of the second half.
Please note that my disappointment may be partly due to my super high expectations and my holding the author to such high esteem, so you may want to take my review with a grain of salt.

Wishing all the struggling, blocked creatives out there much success with your projects! Don't give up!
Profile Image for Tyler.
184 reviews4 followers
January 6, 2023
The first thing that stuck out to me about this book is that it’s very wordy and sometimes repetitive—unnecessarily so, I thought. But then I thought about it more, and I think Julia did it very intentionally. Much of what she says really deserves to be heard and perhaps we don’t really hear it the first time or we don’t allow it to get past our inner critic.

I’m not a writer, although I want to be. I suppose I am a writer who has yet to begin. Julia has given me the courage to start, and I realize the importance of simply starting, not knowing where I’m ultimately going to end and being okay with that.

I do feel this book is mainly geared towards those who write full time. Obviously, anyone can apply these techniques, but it will take intense dedication from someone with a day job that is not writing for themselves. I suppose the main takeaway is simply that it takes hard work and perseverance to get it done, regardless of your background, your abilities, your attitude or your time allowance. This book provides very specific steps for starting, continuing and finally finishing, for the story never truly ends.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Publishing Group for the ARC!
Profile Image for Lovely Loveday.
2,548 reviews
January 13, 2023
Write for Life: Creative Tools for Every Writer by Julia Cameron is a much-needed guide for writers of all ages and skill levels. It contains an array of exercises and tools to help writers open the channels of their creativity on the journey towards a successful writing. From discovering the muse to choosing journal topics to understanding revision patterns, this book has it all. The strategies are broken down into small steps that can be embraced. Cameron gracefully balances profound insights with practical applications, which make these creative processes more accessible and useful in everyday life.
Profile Image for Patricia N. McLaughlin.
Author 2 books27 followers
September 29, 2023
In this excellent guide and workbook, Cameron shares her tried-and-true wisdom and advice for writers. The Tasks at the end of each chapter provide powerful tools and techniques for working through blockages, building confidence, dealing with “crazy makers,” and increasing productivity. Eliza Foss’ competent narration is an excellent companion to the book, offering a pep talk for those who need some extra encouragement through the six-week program.
Profile Image for Carolyn Francine.
162 reviews12 followers
January 29, 2023
An interesting look into someone else's methods, some of which I thought could work really well for me when I feel stuck and need reminders or prompts to get me moving again in my writing practice.
Profile Image for Edie.
835 reviews22 followers
February 28, 2023
I admit, when I first saw this title I wondered if we needed another book about writing from Julia Cameron. The Artist's Way is iconic. And The Right to Write is the most highlighted book in my collection. So I was a skeptical reader. And, in a way, I was right - I found very little new in this latest book. But then. But then I found myself recommending it to various people in completely different contexts. I guess I was wrong, we do need this exact book because I keep suggesting it to: the neighbor who wants to start a writing a practice, the woman who has been carrying around her story idea for 40 years and needs help getting it on paper, a friend looking for a personal growth tool. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for this ARC. I was wrong and the world does need another writing book from Julia Cameron.

Like The Artist's Way, Write for Life is intended to be worked through over the course of several weeks. The content would get repetitive if it was read in a single sitting because each week contains a review of previous material in addition to new tools to work on and through. If used as intended, this repetitiveness becomes an asset, reminding the reader that each week builds on the last to create an effective writing practice and - bonus - a satisfying life. Cameron's advice is both sound and doable. Much of it we already know but need someone to remind us. Yes, walking in nature is one of the best things we can do for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This book inspires us to actually go do it! I truly believe anyone who follows the suggestions in this book will have a thriving writing practice in six weeks. There is no quick fix, six weeks seems like a long time in the midst of it, most of us want to hurry to the end. But six weeks is how long it takes to create habits and change attitudes. And in the grand scheme of things, how long is six weeks, really?

I have two main concerns with the book, and both surprised me. One was the fatphobia which seemed out of character. And the other was the religious talk which struck me as odd. I do think Cameron does an excellent job describing the rhythm of writing. Any aspiring writer would do well to heed her advice about writing consistently in manageable amounts, guarding your creativity, and being careful who you show your work to during vulnerable stages, plus many more nuggets of wisdom Cameron generously shares from her years of doing the work herself.
Profile Image for AnnieM.
467 reviews22 followers
January 11, 2023
I have been trying to start writing a book on working life for many years and have never been able to figure out how to get started. I realized that this is the guide and invitation I needed to get me started and to stick with it. This book is for all writers and is essentially a six week program to help us initiate writing, stick with it and complete it! But what is unique and special about this book is that it is not the typical linear prescriptive guide of following a series of steps. It is a more organic journey loaded with her wisdom and experience naming the barriers that get in our way and tips on how to overcome these. One of the barriers is the "inner critic" which I realized has been a major barrier to my ability to get started because it tells me "why would anyone care about what you are writing about? or you are not a writer." Cameron's approach for dealing with her inner critic "Nigel" - (I love that she names him), gave me incredible hope and ideas on how to break through this barrier. One of the techniques she suggests is doing Morning Pages everyday -- just write first thing. She calls it "Spiritual Chiropractic" - moving us into alignment with our own dreams, hopes and goals. And I don't want to mislead you to think there is no structure here - -at the end of each chapter is a great summary of tasks and check-ins with yourself. The other book I read by her "The Artist's Way" says "Give yourself permission to be a Beginner" -- I am using this as my guide as I begin writing. I highly recommend this book to all writers.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Faith.
780 reviews4 followers
January 3, 2024
After Julia Cameron's popular book The Artist's Way, she has now published a more focused edition for authors; Write for Life offers a six-week guide to beginning or fostering a regular practice of writing .

These pages will be familiar to readers who have encountered The Artist's Way: a focus on a higher power, artist dates, and morning pages again find a home here. At times, this text can feel repetitive, replete with testimonials and name dropping. One can understand, though, how there are only so many ways to say "just write." However, the chapter summaries are good touchstones and would be helpful to revisit when one feels stymied. Cameron's five-decade career as a writer in multiple genres is notable, though, so her expertise and qualifications aren't questioned: she has proven these habits work for her and have also worked for countless others seeking to establish successful habits.

The highlight of the book for me was the final section (Week Six: Celebrate Your Achievement), where Cameron digs into the editing process and concrete approaches to take once a first draft is finished, including outlining, how to frame requests for feedback, and similar.

For those who haven't previously read The Artist's Way but are interested in writing, this is the volume to pick up for focused advice.

The audiobook is narrated by Eliza Foss and was well done. I preferred reading the book in this medium.

(I received a digital ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.)
Profile Image for Diana.
193 reviews16 followers
February 21, 2023
A book in essays for writers who need that boost of wisdom to ignite their reason to write! Julia Cameron is unapologetic in her approach to cure writers’ ailments. She takes every problem with simplicity, confidence and precision. I would read this with pencil and highlighter in hand.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews

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