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That Summer Feeling

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Turns out you're never too old for a summer camp romance. Or a change of heart. When a divorced woman attends a sleepaway camp for adults only, she reconnects with a man from her past--only to catch feelings for his sister instead.

Garland Moore used to believe in magic, the power of optimism, and signs from the universe. Then her husband surprised her with divorce papers over Valentine's Day dinner. Now Garland isn't sure what to believe anymore, except that she's clearly never meant to love again. When new friends invite her to spend a week at their reopened sleepaway camp, she and her sister decide it's an opportunity to enjoy the kind of summer getaway they never had as kids. If Garland still believed in signs, this would sure seem like one. Summer camp is a chance to let go of her past and start fresh.

Nestled into the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains, Camp Carl Cove provides the exact escape Garland always dreamed of, until she runs into Mason--the man she had a premonition about after one brief meeting years ago. No matter how she tries to run, the universe appears determined to bring love back into Garland's life. She even ends up rooming with Mason's sister Stevie, a vibrant former park ranger who is as charming as she is competitive. The more time Garland spends with Stevie, the more the signs confuse her. The stars are aligning in a way Garland never could have predicted.

Amid camp tournaments and moonlit dances, Garland continues to be pulled toward the beautiful blonde outdoorswoman who makes her laugh and swoon. Summer camp doesn't last forever, but if Garland can learn to trust her heart, the love she finds there just might.

336 pages, Paperback

First published May 30, 2023

About the author

Bridget Morrissey

7 books421 followers

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Profile Image for Bridget Morrissey.
Author 7 books421 followers
December 3, 2022
Hello Goodreads users!

As is my tradition, I come on here and leave an author’s note ahead of a book’s release, so here I am to talk to you about my fifth novel, THAT SUMMER FEELING.

I am genuinely so excited to share this book with you. It’s a sapphic love story set at a summer camp for adults. If you are like me and you never went to a real sleepaway camp as a kid, this book is for you. If you are like me and you didn’t realize you were queer until later in life, this book is for you. If you are like me and you are working on reclaiming what your inner child once loved, this book is for you.

THAT SUMMER FEELING is a story about saying yes. It’s about embracing the fact that you’re allowed to change what you want your life to be. It’s a story of sisters, a story of chosen family, and most importantly, a story of love. The romance at the heart of this book means the world to me, and I can’t wait for you to meet Garland and Stevie. This book is very queer and also a liiiitle bit magical (like for real, but also in a *the universe sends us signs* way). That’s pretty much how I would sum up many things in my own life, and this is the first time I am attempting to capture it in a book.

Thank you, as always, for being here. Within these pages, expect direct sunlight, lots of time by the lake, and a very strong chance of falling in love under a blanket of stars.

And remember, you’re never too old for a summer camp romance.
Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,085 reviews1,745 followers
June 16, 2023
✨Is this book a marshmallow?? because IT’S SO SOFT and I want S’MORE✨

I’ve wanted to be a summer camper since I read Percy Jackson, and That Summer Feeling absolutely rekindled my desire. It was such a lazy river romance—in the best way possible. The vibes lived up to the title and I think this will be a yearly reread from now on; the thought of reading this by a campfire or while floating on a lake brings me peace.

That Summer Feeling had me nostalgic for experiences I’ve never had. It was just a really nice time. I really felt Garland’s initial hate for weirdly competitive camp sports SO HARD. I was like yes!! give them nothing!! It’s what I’d have done. Also doing the Hoedown Throwdown at a summer camp is now a top-ten bucket list item.

The romance was very soft and gentle. Garland and Stevie went from strangers to roommates to friends to lovers in the span of just a week, yet I was completely convinced of their love and compatibility. They really talked to each other, so there wasn’t really a third act breakup. They had struggles throughout the book but always came out of them stronger.

While I really enjoyed the book as a whole, I definitely cared more about the characters than the plot. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED the summer camp setting, but I think the plot still needed a little charge. I hesitate to say it lacked urgency (since the span of the book happens very quickly), but I do think the ending was overly easy for the characters? We never really saw their relationship get truly tested. But I also love a low angst moment, so I see both sides.

Much like the camp itself, That Summer Feeling really felt like a safe space. It’s meant to be read outside with the birds chirping and cicadas buzzing. (Or listened to under the stars, as the audiobook was wonderful.) I definitely recommend adding this to beach read TBRs!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 🌶️*/5

*The one scene was fade to black with minimal detail before the fade.

Thanks so much to PRHaudio for an advanced listening copy. All opinions are honest and my own.
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,000 reviews12.9k followers
September 4, 2023
i knew from the first few chapters of this book that i would really love it, and although it didn't end up topping the charts for me, i had such a fun time reading this book! the main character and i have a LOT of similarities and so i was eating this up and laughing out loud, i felt so seen. i love a book that wraps it up in 300 pages but this felt a bit fast and therefore somewhat surface level, and for a book set at summer camp, i didn't get a whole lot of those scenes relaxing at the lake or doing crafts and whatnot. but this book was just SO enjoyable, i devoured it. hee-haw!!!!
Profile Image for myo ⋆。˚ ❀ *.
1,080 reviews7,807 followers
June 30, 2023
this book was fine, i loveeeed the camp part but the characters felt so much younger than what they were… like they felt like teens even though they were 30? also this was very insta-love, they were calling each other girlfriend on like day 5 of camp 😭
Profile Image for  Bon.
1,340 reviews178 followers
May 30, 2023
Happy release week!
If you're into Just Pop It In The Microwave Insta-Love, this contemporary romance set at adult summer camp is for you!

Thanks to Chelsea at Berkley, and Netgalley for a copy to review. This title will be out May 30th.

I...am not into insta-love. The characters literally meet and do a Kdrama-style fall to the floor atop one another a moment later, and my eyebrows were in the clouds. Sometimes I can do frothy, fluffy, cheesy; I watch tons of dramas, after all. But moments like this face-to-face tumble hit better for me with characters who already knew each other, who have rapport, some chemistry and will-they won't‐they tension.

I think the author's style is simply not for me, but I found dialogue either cringeworthy or immature, or both. I didn't feel immersed in the setting or summertime vibes. And these adults took fun games way too seriously, as if they were getting graded in P.E.

I'm sure this was more my tastes than the book, which was offered to me rather than me requesting it, but I didn't enjoy it much. Three stars.
Profile Image for Marta Courtenay.
103 reviews213 followers
June 28, 2023
This was the Sapphic Rom-Com of my DREAMS.

I am so happy this book exists. Sapphics deserve a cheesy, insta-love Rom Com with NO 3rd act break up. A book full of gushing adoration and love. A book filled with the Queer Found Family trope. A book that will have your heart fluttering, make you giggle and kick your feet.

I LOVED this book. Reading it felt like listening to bubblegum pop in the best way possible. I wish I could read it for the first time again.
Profile Image for theresa.
311 reviews4,709 followers
July 22, 2023
this was so sweet :')

i loved following garland's journey as she got to know herself better and let go of the fears stopping her from being exactly who she's meant to be. this story has a gorgeous nostalgic feel and some scenes were easy to imagine as old photographs, even if i've never been to sunmer camp before.

yes, feelings are very quick to develop and stevie and garland brought new meaning to the term uhauling, but it suited their characters and the story in a way that felt incredibly natural. (besides, it would be a bit hypocritical of me to underestimate how quickly feelings can develop and you just know once you find someone that clicks with you in the way stevie and garland do).
Profile Image for tane'a.
429 reviews94 followers
December 3, 2023
this could’ve been so great, granted, it did have some cute moments, but overall it was boring😭😭
Profile Image for emily.
742 reviews110 followers
July 21, 2023
I wanted to like this a little more than I did, but I enjoyed it. It was a little bit too insta love and occasionally corny for my personal tastes. These women know each other for 6 days. I just… will never believe in someone falling In Love properly in that amount of time. I just won’t. Sure, bonding in short bursts absolutely happens. It happened to me while I studied abroad in college, we latched onto each other and our friendships grew faster than they might have otherwise, but… IN LOVE, to the point of PUBLIC DECLARATIONS, my old nemesis, had me side-eyeing hard.

That said, I enjoyed pretty much all the characters, and watching Garland come into her herself was nice. The lighthearted summer camp story was fun, esp if you're looking for a low angst (almost none, actually? read) and the narrator was wonderful. I'll be on the lookout for more audiobooks by her.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,293 reviews15k followers
August 27, 2023
4.5 stars

This was just the perfect summer read. Garland goes to summer camp with her sister to get away from life after divorcing her husband. She meets her roommate, Stevie, and they instantly hit it off. But Garland thinks she destined to be with Stevie's brother. Stevie, though, is really falling for Garland. I loved the concept of an adult summer camp and this gave all of the summer vibes with fun games and activities together. The romance was so sweet and I loved how Garland realized she was actually falling for Stevie. The family aspect was also so strong and I loved how both Garland and Stevie went through things with their siblings. Stevie's brothers were so fun! The audiobook of this one was great and I definitely recommend checking it out!
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,166 reviews1,884 followers
October 6, 2023
I don't know what to say about this story. It's a decent-enough romance and Garland and Stevie are sweet together. But so much of the worldbuilding in this little fantasy is shallow and tropey.

Okay, I called it a fantasy when it's a contemporary romance and frankly, I'm calling names doing so. The problem is that much of the instigating action derives from a vision Garland has that comes completely out of the blue and causes a bucket of bad assumptions and dumb conflict and is never questioned as being true (and is, indeed, proven so in the end). And the book practically has its own cosmology made up of platitudes being passed off as profound wisdom. All set in Camp Gay where nature meets the rainbow with nary a bigot or mosquito (but I repeat myself?) to be found.

Offsetting that, somewhat, is that Garland's gay epiphany rang true (even if it said uncomplimentary things about her, things she legitimately needed to grow out of. And did) and, as I said, the romance worked fairly well. So I struggle with how to present this review. On the one hand, it's nearly comically shallow in its most earnest attempts at the profound. On the other, I liked the characters and was invested in their relationship coming together.

I think I'll just say I was entertained three-stars worth and leave it at that. I honestly don't know if I'm interested in anything else by the author, but I probably would at least investigate it to see if I want to give it a try.

A note about Steamy: I was listening to this on an airplane and I'm almost certain there was an explicit sex scene and the words "teach me" were spoken by our baby gay. So it's steamy, but on the very lowest of my steam tolerance as I honestly can't say if this scene worked or not because I just wasn't paying attention at that point. Take that how you will, I suppose.
Profile Image for Isabella (Belleand_books).
688 reviews9 followers
October 4, 2023
This is about a grown ass woman who has never learned to communicate to others, who somehow readily accepts that she is queer despite never (in the story at least) thinking she might even be a little bit gay, and about a live story that is established in the time it takes Amazon to ship something. In all, it was, at best, an incredibly mediocre idea that was written down in the worst way possible, and at worst, just straight awful. I was so bored that I read TWO different fantasy books in the six days it took me to read this.

Gar (please who named these people) has trauma from her parents fighting, as if we all don’t, and it just hindered her ability to be a human. Not to mention, until she “realised” that she was queer, she was OBSESSED with the idea that her ex husband was going to want her back. This plot and story line was a fever dream and read like every teenage boys lesbian fantasy dream.
Profile Image for Steph.
662 reviews409 followers
December 20, 2023
like a pancake: sweet but completely flat.

this was supposed to be my final summer read, but it slogged right into fall.

the adult summer camp setting is fun, and i love a good sunny romance. but this one is rather boring and unbelievable. garland and stevie fall into insta-love and garland spends the week at camp getting closer to stevie, learning life lessons, getting to know herself, facing her fears, etc etc etc.

why does this book contain so many LESSONS? why does every chapter end with garland's musings on herself and her life? i enjoy a lil touch of corny sweetness, but it's just too exaggerated and heavy-handed here.

meanwhile, the cast of side characters sound like a fun bunch on paper. but they're all completely flat, undynamic, unbelievable. the gay asian adopted twins tim and tommy are particularly cringy and flat, in addition to stevie's gaggle of brothers. the book tries so hard to bring out a well rounded group of friends, but they feel like nothing more than sketches.

the snark and humor are definitely the strong points of the book. there's a lot of banter and clever dialogue, which almost kinda sorta makes up for the lack of chemistry between garland and stevie.
Profile Image for Dr. Andy.
2,529 reviews245 followers
July 11, 2023
HOW DARE THIS BOOK MAKE ME CRY SO MUCH. 😭😭 Loved this one so much!! I want to go to this camp!!

Rep: white questioning-bisexual cis female MC, white lesbian cis female side character, Vietnamese-American cis gay male transracial adoptees, Vietnamese-American polyam queer trans female side character, white aromantic cis female side character, white achillean-questioning cis male side character, various queer side characters.
CWs: Toxic relationship (romantic: MC to SC, mainly past), sexual content, alcohol consumption, cursing, infidelity of side character, grief, abandonment.
Profile Image for Anniek.
2,140 reviews826 followers
June 5, 2023
This is THE book to pick up this summer!

I was expecting to enjoy this, but I didn't expect to fall head over heels in love with the writing like this. I wish I had tabbed this, but at least that gives me a reason for a reread! There's such a depth to the emotions and the characterization in this book, and it really spoke to me.
Profile Image for Leah.
449 reviews203 followers
September 1, 2023
This actually turned out better than how I thought it would. The first half was a lot to get through and I stopped reading. I’m glad I came back to it though because the second half was much better.
And I’m glad they acknowledged how crazy it was that it was only 4 days and they were having big feelings. I hate when authors completely ignore it or act like it’s normal.
Profile Image for Sofia (Inked Odyssey).
477 reviews131 followers
January 7, 2023
Right now I am speechless because this has just become of of the best book I’ve ever read. I have never in my life resonated with a character more than how I did with Garland. I am so incredibly happy i got to read this book.

I’ll try to write somewhat of a review soon.
Profile Image for Cookie.
1,204 reviews224 followers
March 21, 2023
I wanted to love this book so badly, but sadly it fell short for me. I enjoyed this author's two recent publications and I was excited to jump into this story.

The main thing that I couldn't get on board with were the two main characters. I couldn't connect with them and I especially did not like Garland. She was too busy living in the past or the future and although I understand that getting out of this mindset was part of her journey, I couldn't help but be annoyed by her. Her relationship with Stevie was too familiar too fast. They literally fell in love in the five days of the camp. If you don't like insta-love, skip this one.

The storyline and the characters in general were too immature for my taste. You could have changed their ages to teens and the story would have been the same.

I know some really enjoyed this, but I didn't, unfortunately.

Steam level: 🔥🔥🔥
⚠️: mention of infidelity and divorce
Profile Image for sara.
77 reviews12 followers
July 25, 2023
Oops I did it again... I judged a book by its cover and regretted it.

I'm sorry but no one will ever convince me that you could fall in love with someone as quickly as these characters did. This book is an instalove story and it just doesn't work for me. Long story short? the MC and her love interest meet at summer camp, immediately hit it off and by the fifth and last day they already said they love each other and decide to sort of live together in a van while traveling across the country. Just... why? how?

The characters are shallow and rather boring, have no development and neither their relationship, so it's hard to feel any kind of spark or connection between them when they have literally one week together. The side characters were also so unnoticeable and forgettable I can't even remember their names or what they did.

I had to keep reminding myself these characters were in their 30s and this wasn't some YA romance, because it definitely felt like one with how childish these people acted. Garland might be the most annoying of them all, not only being obsessed over an idea of how her life should be but also trying to push these ideas into other people's lives as well, like when she tries to push her sister into this other guy because she believes they're soulmates. again, after meeting the guy for 2 days.

Something else that bugged me was how Garland's sexuality was portrayed. She suddenly realized she's queer in a random night even though her attraction to women was never mentioned in the book, and how it was so obvious to her when she always had these "thoughts" about women, which again, was never mentioned in the story. It just felt weird reading it with no context at all about these feelings she says she previously had, specially because she kept saying how badly she wanted her ex husband to come back to her and apparently wasn't open to any kind of romantic relationship anymore.

Anyways, this book was way too long for the story it's trying to tell, and it felt even longer since I was so damned bored the entire time. If you're not into instalove, I would not recommend this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sofija.
227 reviews2 followers
September 14, 2023
This was so cute, cozy and lighthearted. I liked it. I do have some notes written but I don't know if, or when I'll have time to write a review. It has the insta love trope, which I don't like, but I still thought it was cute and wholesome. The found family trope was a little underdeveloped but great. I loved the summer camp vibes (as a person who's never been to one).
To be honest, I needed a relaxing, and lighthearted sapphic romance to help me release some stress. This book was perfect for that. So, no thoughts - head empty, and good vibes only.
Profile Image for zoe.
293 reviews4 followers
July 24, 2023
enjoyable, but the characterizations felt very wish washy, particularly with the main character. it felt like the author was /trying/ to go for a more emily henry-esque women’s fiction feel in giving the MC a complexity in her divorce as well as her relationship with her family, but ultimately sidelines these issues often in favor of the romance, leading the novel to feel stunted in pace and characterization.
288 reviews111 followers
May 22, 2023
I received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

My first takeaway after I finished the story was "where can I sign up for summer camp for adults?"

This was a fun story, and it centers around Garland who is divorced, a part-time Uber Driver, and feels like she is destined for unhappiness. She is talked into going to a summer camp for grown-ups by her two riders and she takes her sister with her. She has little expectations except she is happy to spend the time with her sister.

Garland recognizes one of the campers who happens to be the brother of her roommate. She believes she had a vision that she and the brother are destined to be together. She shares her vision with her roommate, Stevie, who tells her brother to be kind to Garland. But as the week of fun begins to unfold, Garland does not have that feeling of connection with Stevie's brother and is confused why she has feelings for Stevie. Garland is also learning about herself and discovers she deserves more in her life.

This story had great characters and a lot of clever banter. Garlands "awakening" was sweet, and you found yourself cheering her on and wanting her to recognize her value. The ending was fun and managed to have a good follow-up with the characters.
Profile Image for Karsyn.
422 reviews25 followers
February 27, 2024
I can’t 🥰 this was everything I could’ve ever dreamed of having from summer camp too. Summer love, conquering fears, adventure. AND so much representation!!! Garland was so relatable to me and I will cherish the quotes that this book gave me. I had to buy an ebook copy to annotate because damn were they relatable and VERY needed.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,160 reviews1,945 followers
May 20, 2023

This was a really sweet and tender romance with characters I really enjoyed and setting that really can’t be beat for summer reading. As much as it’s a romance at its core it’s also about Garland discovering things about her sexuality and dealing with the things that happen after her awakening. I thought her personal journey was really well done and I wanted a HEA for her so bad but I can’t get behind insta love and it was super fast here. That trope just isn’t for me, but if you don’t mind that aspect this was a really soft and cute sapphic romance.

Profile Image for Guerunche.
550 reviews38 followers
February 25, 2024
4.25 stars

I enjoyed this one quite a bit! It will appeal most to die-hard romantics who believe in the power of fate, and to those who are sick of the dreaded third act breakup.

Having the story set in an adult summer camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains with people of all ages and walks of life was a lot of fun and allowed the characters to bond and develop relationships more quickly than in more traditional settings.

The two main characters Garland and Stevie were so likable - both in a transition period in their lives after painful breakups. The witty banter between them and instant chemistry allowed for an early buy-in, even though Garland always thought she was straight. No one was more surprised than her that she was so drawn to Stevie from the get-go.

I purchased the audiobook version primarily for narrator Jeremy Carlisle Parker, who has become one of my new favorites, and she did a great job. I especially enjoyed her performance of Stevie, who had a delicious lower register that made her even more appealing.

I’ve tried to branch out and read books by new or unfamiliar authors this year and am happy I have done so. If you’re looking for a vacation-type read or a low angst romance with a good dose of humor, give this one a listen.
Profile Image for Katelin Deushane.
102 reviews1 follower
April 15, 2023
There's not a lot of adult books that capture that summer romance common in YA books, but this is exactly what That Summer Feeling aims to do. Even going so far as to have the location be a summer camp.

Despite the lush setting though, it fails to have 'that summer feeling'. The characters are shallow and underdeveloped. Often side characters will clearly be sinple props to co tinue the plot. This is especially true for the protagonists' exes, who try to restart relationships with as mucb rationale as they had in ending the relationshops in the first place. Really the entire cast of characters were unlikeable. Because of this, witty banter, common in romance novels, comes across not as cute, awkward bumbling but rather as eye-rollingly cringey.

Sadly, despite the nostalgic premise and the cool cover art, this is not a book I would recommend.
Profile Image for alessia.
240 reviews10 followers
July 28, 2023
THE sapphic romance book of the summer!!

A super quick and fun read taking place at a summer camp for adults full of just love and happiness and found family. The way there was no third act break up??? Iconic! A W for sapphics!

I know people constantly say this was “too insta-lovely” but like it take place at a week long summer camp so yeah duh! Anyway this was one of the most feel good reads I’ve read this year. Garland and Stevie are my besties!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,171 reviews

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