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Martin Luther King: The Essential Box Set: The Landmark Speeches and Sermons of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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"Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is love correcting everything which stands against love."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

His words stirred a generation to change--and outlined a timeless, practical way to economic freedom and true democracy. Compiled by Dr. Clayborne Carson, director of the King Papers Project, and editor Kris Shepard, this is a milestone collection of Dr. King's most influential, best-known speeches...from the words that ignited the modern civil rights movement to the last, transcendent speech the night before Dr. King's assassination. Filled with world-renowned leaders' priceless firsthand testimony of the events that inspired these speeches, A CALL TO CONSCIENCE is a living, unforgettable record of the words that even today shape our deepest hopes and dreams for the future.

Kindle Edition

First published January 15, 2001

About the author

Clayborne Carson

91 books45 followers
Clayborne Carson is professor of history at Stanford University, and director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute. Since 1985 he has directed the Martin Luther King Papers Project, a long-term project to edit and publish the papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews
Profile Image for Lzz.
60 reviews19 followers
March 31, 2017
I listened to this as an audiobook, which is really the way to go, because it features many of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speeches and sermons as they were originally recorded (live in churches, at rallies, etc.) more than 50 years ago.

This audiobook gave me LIFE. No matter if I was in a bad mood on the way home from work, or needed a pick-me-up any old time, MLK would get me amped. Sometimes sad, sometimes elated, sometimes indignant-- but always motivated. The introductions by various pastors, actors, activists, and other people of note are also amazing. They pack a ton of history into this book.

MLK was a prophet and being able to listen to his voice and his words truly felt like a gift. I will definitely be listening to this many times over.
Profile Image for Casey Taylor.
385 reviews23 followers
May 4, 2018
Phenomenal. You can read about King, you can read King, or you can hear King. There's no substitute for the latter. To hear his words in his voice is irreplaceable. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Timothy.
Author 1 book4 followers
December 27, 2016
While MLK was first a preacher, his Biblical texts almost always turn to social justice. Hearing his passion toward helping people heightened my conviction to do more. His martyred life even before his martyr's death understandably turned almost always turned texts, which I had read spiritually with a view to eternity, with an application socially with a view to the practical here and now. Exegetically he misses the mark but not accidentally nor ignorantly. He intentionally applies his texts using his intellect and his identification with his audience to undergird God's timeless truth to timely issues.
Profile Image for Yumi.
4 reviews
October 8, 2010
My favorite speeches: I've Been to the Mountaintop and I Have a Dream
Profile Image for Shellie.
1,028 reviews
January 23, 2021
For the last four days I’ve listened to this in every spare moment. I have laughed, cried, been humbled, been taught, and a whole lot of inspiration.

“No matter where you are you are today, somebody helped you get there.” ~~MLK

We are NOT alone.

It really is amazing we have so much audio of this clearly brilliant man. I am embarrassed to admit I have never listened to one of his speeches in its entirety, only in bits and pieces. I was positively mesmerized by his cadence, tone, thought process, analogies, comparisons, testimony, knowledge, etc.

I knew he was something - but oh my he is so more than something. He is gifted beyond his years. He is blessed so fully and completely in understanding being human and frail in a very non-frail world.

I can easily see why he had such a devoted and passionate following. I can see why he still has a devoted and passionate following, and still has the ability to change hearts and lives. He has changed mine.
Profile Image for Cole Schoolland.
326 reviews4 followers
January 28, 2022
Having not engaged with Dr. King's work outside of platitudes and quotes for some time, I was amazed (and shamed) at how relevant his words still are (yes, I'm a cliché but stick with me). We have white-washed his message politeness in the exact vein he warned us about in the 1960s.
Reading is one thing, but it was an incredible experience to actually hear the recordings of this master orator. The passion of his own voice echoed by the murmuring affirmations of the crowds are something you don't get from the written version.
Profile Image for Charles.
118 reviews2 followers
September 24, 2018
Glad I skipped past the first very-hard-to-hear recording, and listened through the rest. AMAZING set of speeches, even his earlier ones where he's just preaching to other preachers. Unbelievable our country was at this point a century after the Emancipation Proclamation - and pitiful that even now another half century after MLK and the '60s civil rights protests, we still don't seem to making much progress....
Profile Image for Brian.
186 reviews6 followers
March 23, 2019
I stumbled across an audio version not knowing it was actually recordings of King himself. While he regularly spoke to the issues of his day, it’s troubling that his words still hit the mark on modern issues 50 years after his death. And hearing it in his own words and delivery was an other-worldly experience. I’ll be listening to this again and again until we have reached the promise land.
462 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2020
What an orator, but even more what a leader. What more can be said.

I was surprised just how much of his speeches were sermons. I am puzzled why I didn't realize that before listening to this set of sermons.

The only thing that keeps me from giving it a 5 stars is a desire I have to have a bit more of the history surrounding the speeches.
Profile Image for RD McClenagan.
29 reviews5 followers
January 12, 2024
Listened to this and was astounded and convicted by Dr. King’s brilliance, prophetic passion, and eloquence. His sermon “A Knock at Midnight” will be with me for a long time.
Profile Image for Kevin.
382 reviews
January 26, 2022
I cannot recommend this box set enough. The introductions and opening essays, sometimes read by the writers themselves, are insightful and heartfelt, but hearing the speeches and sermons in the voice of one of America’s greatest men ever is the real meat beneath the gravy. You don’t have to be Christian to see the wisdom layered within his sermons, and you don’t need to have been there, at that time and in that fight, to understand the messages in his speeches. None of it has lost an ounce of relevancy because of what’s going on in America today, from people who believe themselves to be and insist they are Christians yet figuratively wipe their asses on the Gospels of Jesus of Nazareth and scream F**K YOU GOD! At the sky by voting for Republicans, to those who call themselves patriots and true Americans, yet dishonor everything working-class Americans fought and died for by voting for Republicans, the war against hatred, fear, and ignorance, against manipulating and underfunding the poor to make the rich richer is still going on today. Sometimes the Reverend Doctor King Junior was speaking to audiences containing many who were poorly educated, but it’s clear from their quite audible reactions that they understood what he meant. I hope you will too. Please listen to these disks, listen carefully, and then listen again.
Profile Image for Linda Hanson.
787 reviews6 followers
December 12, 2018
I listened to the audiobook and that is how you MUST do it. Dr. King is an amazing orator and riveting preacher. While I had heard a few of his most famous speeches over my life, hearing them all in a few days was amazing. I was also impressed that a number of themes and allusions recurred in many of his speeches. Also impressive was the man's great intellect and schooling. As these were based on recordings made during the 1960s some of the quality is not what we are used to today. The first speech had the worst quality so stick to it and you will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Donna.
74 reviews
November 6, 2015
People think they know who Dr. King is but they have never listen to him. To listen to him is to know who he was and what he stood for. Dr. King had a dream that is the same dream our Creator has for mankind, that we all live together in peace and harmony. Dr. King spoke out against Communism, War, Any kind of racial Power, he was a All Lives Matter kind of guy.
Profile Image for Erwin Rossen.
89 reviews
April 24, 2016
The speeches are monumental and very inspiring. The man has a way of speaking that is pure poetry, the man has a message that is pure passion and still political.
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews

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