Antonia Faccini's Reviews > Robert Frost Selected Poems

Robert Frost Selected Poems by Robert Frost
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's review

it was amazing

“I had not taken the first step in knowledge:
I had not learned to let go with the hands,
As still I have not learned to do with the heart,
And have no wish to with the heart— nor need
That I can see. The mind—is not the heart.
I may yet live, as I know others live,
To wish in vain to let go with the mind—
Of cares, at night, to sleep; but nothing tells me
That I need learn to let go with the heart.”
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Reading Progress

July 25, 2022 – Started Reading
July 30, 2022 – Shelved
July 30, 2022 – Finished Reading

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Isabel Toro Yeiiiii te amoo

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