Lucas van Lierop's Reviews > The Creative Act: A Way of Being

The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
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did not like it

Not only will it have you roll your eyes at how mundane his “insights” are, his approach to telling you about them will bore you to sleep.

Comically bad.
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March 27, 2023 – Shelved

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Christina HARD AGREE

message 2: by Alex (new) - rated it 1 star

Alex Ankarr I can't quite work out how he's managed to pull the wool over so many folk's eyes for so long, with almost negative talent. Oh, let me stop myself, I'm not being fair. He HAS produced some terrific records. He MUST have some level of musical and technical ability. But as a writer, omg shite. And as a human being: well, he thinks he's above Neil Diamond, and Courtney Love, and in a position to sneer at more talented and sincere people. Let me just observe, he's really, really not.

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