John's Reviews > Elon Musk

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
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I haven't read the book yet, and I am not a fan of Musk. But I find it strange that there are several 1-star ratings for a book which hasn't been published yet. A book by Walter Isaacson for goodness sakes.
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August 22, 2023 – Shelved
August 22, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
September 23, 2023 – Started Reading
October 22, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Leighton (new)

Leighton You’re right, we need 0 stars

message 2: by Andrew (new) - added it

Andrew Dockrill Yea pretty bad when people can't be objective and impartial about isaacsons work and not the topic itself.

message 3: by Taylor (new) - added it

Taylor And for a book that has yet to be published….

message 4: by Bella (new)

Bella lol

message 5: by Will (new) - added it

Will Lennon I guess only write biographies of morally pure, uncontroversial people if you don't want trolls on Goodreads to zero-bomb your book.

message 6: by Nick (new) - added it

Nick The bias levels are about on par with the stupidity levels these days

message 7: by Peter (new) - added it

Peter Longworth I’m not a fan of Elon Musk, but really interested in Walter Isaacson’s new biography because he’s a damn good writer and I’m keen to learn more about Musk from a biographical point of view. There will be negative aspects of the subject and the major developments he’s been involved with. A good biography reveals something new and revealing about the person. I’m really looking forward to this read despite not being a Musk fan.

Kels Not surprising- lots of strangeness and stupidity these days. What’s wrong with freedom of speech? Oh yea, some people aren’t a fan. 🤦🏼‍♀️

message 9: by Aisling (last edited Sep 15, 2023 06:30AM) (new) - added it

Aisling Agreed, Elizabeth Gilbert delayed the release of a book because it was review bombed for being set in Russia. The book is what being reviewed not the person. If people dislike Musk and his actions knowing his goals and motivations can be valuable and likely contained in the book.

message 10: by Jackie (new) - added it

Jackie Book addict not recovered Yes I’m totally not a fan of Musk but when I found out that he was bullied I said to myself I have to read this book because I too was bullied! This may explain why he became the person he is because because bullied at school will stay with you for the rest of our lives , along with him having a really bad relationship with his father did not help either . I think people should give this book a chance before rating it ! Yes he is really impulsive but look what he has accomplished. No firing a lot of people at Twitter is not an accomplishment and his mood swings but you know what I mean !

message 11: by Jackie (new) - added it

Jackie Book addict not recovered Opps I didn’t want to post it because I was not finished. im not a fan actually of Musk just ask my sons but when I read that he was bullied! I said to myself oh I have to read this !

Caroline To give a rating of something you haven’t taken the time to digest might give yourself validation but it invalidates you to everyone else

There isn’t one person I can think of that I agree with 100% of the time, whether it’s family/friends/public figures. Isaacson is an incredible author with a 5-star-career, being rated poorly online by people with 1-star-lives

message 13: by Russell (new)

Russell Topp People are haters

JoAnn Not a fan of Musk, but I am a fan of Isaacson’s biographies.

Kobus Van Zyl As I wanted to respond to Tara (Coleridgelgirl) ‘s post:

“Far enough to be deliberately ignorant of what he’s achieved, but not so far that you can’t use him for a virtue signalling prop. I get it! 💪”

By only allowing her friends to comment she has access to no-cost virtue signalling 💪💪💪

Steve The stupidity of some people who are so biased, is incredible. I’m not afraid to say that I’m a fan of both Elon Musk and Tesla and the other companies and projects he’s working on. Really looking forward to reading this book!

Laura To give a rating to something you haven't read and have no intention of reading is hostile and pathetic. It's also cowardly to then turn commenting off on a provocative post.

message 18: by Mark (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mark Dunn Great point John - I’ve reported all 1-star reviews written before the book was released and would encourage others to do the same

message 19: by Ben (new) - added it

Ben Can someone succinctly summarize all of the reasons they dislike Musk here without resorting to a simple “I’m not a fan” comment. I think if you take an objective view regarding the technological advances he has driven forward across North America and abroad for climate, space travel, EV adoption, solar roofing panels, underground tunneling to improve traffic congestion and idling, internet connectivity abroad (helping Ukraine defend itself and funding it with zero government financing), helping to establish OpenAI, amongst other things, greatly exceeds his sometimes negative personality traits. It is highly likely that some of these personality traits are a byproduct of the fact that he revealed he has Asperger’s syndrome in addition to experiences some difficult circumstances during childhood.

Very few people in human history have achieved this many things during a lifetime so I think it’s a better strategy to be appreciative that we still have bright, innovative, disciplined and hardworking people in our society regardless of political orientation.

Christian Henry Just finished the book. I’m completely inspired and freaked out at the same time. I’m a huge fan of his intense sense of urgency and his ability to create a reality distortion field. I just wonder if you can have the genius without the insanity. The book is an incredible look into the life of one of the most important people in the last 100 years (in my opinion, of course)

message 21: by Or (new)

Or I've seen this before, even for untitled plotless books.

Anyway, I think I'm going to start a website called goodpeeps, if that's what the masses want.

José Ignacio Manzur You didn’t read the book and yet gave it a rating. How ironic!

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