Mark Donovan's Reviews > Elon Musk

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
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it was amazing

As someone who immensely enjoyed Walter Isaacson's biographies on Leonardo da Vinci, Jennifer Doudna, Jobs, Kissinger, Franklin, I was eager to dive into his latest work on Elon Musk. Isaacson's capability to produce such in-depth accounts back-to-back, especially in the wake of a global pandemic, is truly commendable. This biography isn't just another account of a tech mogul's journey; it provides an intimate, unfiltered look into the mind of one of the most polarizing figures of our time, even for readers like me who aren't ardent Elon Musk fans.

Isaacson's storytelling prowess shines through as he logically structures the narrative into two distinct yet intertwined facets: an updated account of Musk's life and a close-up look into his daily activities and decision-making processes. The first 60% of the book provides an updated account of Musk's life and accomplishments, seamlessly picking up where Ashlee Vance's book left off. However, it's in the latter 40% where Isaacson truly shines: after following Musk around for two years, he offers readers unprecedented access to Musk's daily life and even his private communications.

Isaacson's fearless approach, evident in his earlier works, is on full display here. The book wasn't vetted by Musk, and it shows. From multiple episodes of Musk yelling at staff to him dismissing loyal employees for seemingly trivial reasons, Isaacson presents a balanced, uncensored portrayal.

One of the most captivating elements of the book is its deep dive into Musk's unique decision-making processes. This resonated strongly with me, as someone who often questions the status quo at work. It's an eye-opening look at the mindset that has disrupted multiple industries.

The biography also dives deep into Musk's more controversial decisions, such as his involvement in geopolitical events like the Ukraine crisis. These insights, much like his previous works, offer readers a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved in such decisions.

Isaacson doesn't shy away from exploring the evolution of Musk's public persona, particularly his transformation on Twitter. It's a fascinating look at how one man can leverage, or mishandle, the power of social media platforms.

While I may not agree with all of Elon Musk's decisions or methods, this biography reaffirms one thing: the man is a genius. Isaacson's ability to dissect complex personalities has never been clearer. After devouring his works on Leonardo da Vinci and The Code Breaker, I can confidently say that this book is a worthy addition to Isaacson's impressive portfolio.

Another must-read from Isaacson, essential for anyone interested in technology, business, and the intricate tapestry of genius.
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Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Andrew Craig Great review and I wholeheartedly agree 👏🏽👏🏽

Godfrey Bridger Me too!

Hallbjorn Karlsson Pretty much agree with this

Judy Well said/reviewed. Agreed.

Brian Katz Interesting comment you have about Musk’s decision making process. A subject that fascinates me. This is because I view the process of making the decision as critical to a good outcome. People with a bad process make bad decisions. Could you please describe what your take away is of how Elon makes a decision. Many thanks. Then I’ll share mine, after I give it some thought.

message 6: by Pia (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pia Just wondering, what do you mean by it wasn’t “vetted”? It’s an authorized bio, I hadn’t heard anything about Musk disavowing Walter Isaacson or the book. Did he criticize the book?

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