Goodreads Developers discussion

feature requests > Change order of books on sortable shelf

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message 1: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Morris | 6 comments I was wondering if it'd be possible to get an API call to change the index of a book on a sortable shelf, e.g. the to-read shelf. As far as I can tell, this isn't currently possible. Thanks!

message 2: by Michael (new)

Michael Economy (michaeleconomy) I'm not sure what you mean. Can you give a more explicit example.

message 3: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Morris | 6 comments Sure. I think the term y'all actually use is a book's position on the shelf. So say I have 10 books on my to-read shelf, and I want to move the book that's currently in position 6 to position 2. If I view this shelf on the website, its position is in the # column, and I just change the number and hit Save Position Changes. It'd be nice to have API support to be able to do something similar. Let me know if this is still unclear. Thanks for such a quick response!

message 4: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Morris | 6 comments Any thoughts on this?

message 5: by Ettore (new)

Ettore Pasquini Hi Stephen, sorry for the very late reply.
Unfortunately I don't think that's possible at the moment.

message 6: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Morris | 6 comments Ok, thanks for letting me know!

message 7: by Sierra (last edited May 06, 2014 12:01PM) (new)

Sierra | 1 comments Stephen this is possible. Please see the link for details.

You can add your own number and save the position change or use the arrows to move an item up or down in the queue.

message 8: by Beluu (new)

Beluu Bz | 1 comments Hello! Excuse me for bringing this up again, but I was wondering the same question in the case of the "read" shelf.
You see, in that list there was an English edition of a book I read in Spanish. It was like that because I didn't find the edition I have in the options. However, I recently added the edition and for a moment I had both editions in my "read" shelf. I deleted the one in English, but the edition left moved a position above. :/
Can't I change this somehow? I liked that this shelf had the books in the order I read them in my life.
Thank you!

message 9: by Oleg (new)

Oleg Linkin (maledictus) | 60 comments Michiel wrote: "This isn't possible in the Goodreads API. Could we get an edit endpoint for the sorting of the to-read shelf?" method will help you.

message 10: by Lorna (new)

Lorna Collins (lorna_collins) | 3 comments This is still not possible. How long will it take to get this functionality?

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