Reading with Style discussion

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Archives > SP 2016 RwS Completed Tasks Spring 2016

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message 1: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 6459 comments Post your completed tasks here. In order to help us better manage our score keeping: PLEASE ONLY POST ONE BOOK PER MESSAGE.

Please use the add book/author link for the book titles. When claiming combo points, tell how the book qualifies, and provide a link if requested in the task description.

Reading w/Style (RwS) Sample Completed Tasks Post:

20.4 Evelyn Waugh

Collected Stories by William Faulkner

+20 Task (author died 1962)
+10 combo (20.5-approved in help thread, 20.6-approved in help thread)
+5 oldies (1946)
+15 jumbo (900 pages)
+5 multiple (second claim for 20.4)
+10 not-a-novel (short stories)

Task total: 65
Grand Total: 180

(This assumes the post is mid-challenge, and that you had previously posted 115 points)

message 2: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 6459 comments Waters of the World Sample Post

15.7 Waters of the World

The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

Atlantic Ocean: France

+15 Task (author born/nationality/setting)
+10 Bonus

Task Total: 25
Season Total: 205

(This assumes the post is mid-challenge and you previously had 180 points.)

message 3: by Heather (last edited Mar 01, 2016 05:54AM) (new)

Heather (sarielswish) | 738 comments 10.4

206 Bones by Kathy Reichs

+10 task
+10 combo (20.5 - screenplay/script (two episodes of Bones), non-fiction (academic papers and technical books), short stories, and novels; 20.6 - co-wrote an episode of Bones with her daughter Kerry and the Virals series with her son Brendan)

task total: 20
grand total: 20


Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13806 comments Heather wrote: "10.4

206 Bones by Kathy Reichs

+10 task
+10 combo (20.5 - screenplay/script (two episodes of Bones), non-fiction (academic papers and technical books), short storie..."

I'm sorry, co-writers do not qualify for the 20.6 Brontes task. See post 20 in the help thread.

message 5: by Ed (last edited Mar 01, 2016 10:48AM) (new)

Ed Lehman | 2619 comments 10.4-Popular Genre


The Hanged Man of Saint-Pholien by Georges Simenon

task +10
combo +10 (10.5- 144p, 20.5)
oldie +10 (1931)

total= 30
season total =30

message 6: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3912 comments 15.1 Waters of the World

Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

Sea of Japan: Japan

+15 Task (author born/nationality/setting)

Task Total: 15
Season Total: 15

message 7: by Heather (last edited Mar 02, 2016 06:23AM) (new)

Heather (sarielswish) | 738 comments Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Heather wrote: "10.4

206 Bones by Kathy Reichs

+10 task
+10 combo (20.5 - screenplay/script (two episodes of Bones), non-fiction (academic papers and technical book..."

Kerry Reichs has authored her own works as well.

Don (The Book Guy) (donthelibrarian) | 903 comments 10.1 Square Peg

The Finest Hours: The True Story of the U.S. Coast Guard's Most Daring Sea Rescue by Michael Tougias, lexile 1140

+10 Task
+10 Not a novel

Task Total: 20
Grand Total: 20

Ashley Campbell | 145 comments 20.3-Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Alien Hearts by Guy de Maupassant

+20 Task
+5 Combo (20.5,
+10 Oldies (p. 1890)

Task Total: 35
Grand Total: 35

message 10: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 1527 comments 10.2 Single Word

Drama by Raina Telgemeier

Graphic Novel / YA - no styles
(And not a 1001 b00k, but I have promised my daughter I will read all of her Telgemeier books this week, and they all fit for this task!)

Task Total = 10
Grand Total = 10

message 11: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5023 comments 15.1 Waters of the World

Confession of the Lioness by Mia Couto

Indian Ocean / Mozambique

+15 Task (author born/nationality/setting)

Task Total: 15
Season Total: 15

message 12: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Brown | 3007 comments 10.5 Novella

Death of a Snob by M.C. Beaton

10 task
5 combo 10.4
5 oldie (1991)

Running total 20 (woohoo, I'm on the board!)

message 13: by Denise (new)

Denise | 1706 comments 20.10 AutoBioMem

Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950's by Marijane Meaker

+20 task (Biography at Worldcat; can't find at BPL)
+10 not-a-novel

Task total=30
Grand total=30

message 14: by Lagullande (new)

Lagullande | 1109 comments 20.5-R.K. Narayan

Hard Times by Charles Dickens

+20 Task (approved in message 14 of help thread)
+5 combo (20.6-on list in message 4 of help thread)
+15 oldies (1854)

Points this post: 40
Grand Total: 40

message 15: by Ed (new)

Ed Lehman | 2619 comments 15.1 Waters of the World

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Amazon Basin / Brazil

Author born/nationality

task +15
grand total= 45

Don (The Book Guy) (donthelibrarian) | 903 comments 20.5 R. K. Narayan

Sailor and Fiddler: Reflections of a 100-Year-Old Author by Herman Wouk
Wouk wrote non-fiction, novels, plays and screenplays. His son is Joseph Wouk

+20 Task
+15 Combo, 10.7, 20.10, 20.6
+10 Not a Novel

Task Total: 45
Grand Total: 65

message 17: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2164 comments Task 20.4-Evelyn Waugh
Read a book written by an author who died during Evelyn Waugh's lifetime (1903-1966)

Irène Némirovsky died August 17, 1942, Auschwitz

The Fires of Autumn (1957 (posthumously)) by Irène Némirovsky (Paperback, 240 pages)

+20 Task
+05 Oldies -25 to 75 years old: (1941-1991)

Task Total: 20 + 05 = 25

Grand Total: 00 + 25 = 25

message 18: by Kazen (new)

Kazen | 623 comments 10.8 - License to Write

Her Sexy Vegas Cowboy by Ali Olson

+10 task (approved post 17)

Task total: 10 points
Grand total: 10 points

message 19: by Kazen (new)

Kazen | 623 comments 10.1 - Square Peg

Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China by Leslie T. Chang

+10 task
+10 NaN

Task total: 20 points
Grand total: 30 points

message 20: by Amanda (last edited Mar 05, 2016 04:02PM) (new)

Amanda | 1527 comments 15.1 Waters of the World

Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El-Saadawi

Egypt / Nile River Basin

+ 15 task (author born/nationality/setting)

Task Total = 15
Grand Total = 25

message 21: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3912 comments 20.2 Graham Greene

The Lie by Helen Dunmore

+20 task
+ 5 combo (20.5 approved )

Task total: 25
Grand Total: 40

message 22: by Lagullande (new)

Lagullande | 1109 comments 20.5-R.K. Narayan

Antidote to Venom: A British Crime Classic by Freeman Wills Crofts

+20 Task (approved in post 160 of help thread)
+15 combo (10.4, 10.8 approved in post 19 of help thread [thanks, Elizabeth], 20.4 died 1957)
+10 oldies (pub 1938)
+5 multiple (second claim for 20.5)

Points this post: 50
Grand Total: 90

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13806 comments 20.5 R.K. Narayan

A Murky Business by Honoré de Balzac

+20 Task (in help thread)
+ 5 Combo (20.3)
+15 Oldies (pub 1841)

Task Total = 40

message 24: by Rosemary (last edited Mar 04, 2016 09:46AM) (new)

Rosemary | 3912 comments 20.5 R.K. Narayan

Memento Mori by Muriel Spark

+20 task (approved )
+ 5 combo (10.4 - Mystery is second to Fiction at the time of posting)
+ 5 oldies (1959)

Task total: 30
Grand Total: 70

message 25: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 1527 comments 10.2 Single Word

Sisters by Raina Telgemeier

Graphic Novel / YA - no styles

Task Total = 10
Grand Total = 35

message 26: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 1527 comments 10.2 Single Word

Smile by Raina Telgemeier

Graphic Novel / YA - no styles

Task Total = 10
Grand Total = 45

message 27: by Amanda (last edited Mar 05, 2016 04:02PM) (new)

Amanda | 1527 comments 15.2 Waters of the World

Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

Japan / Philippine Sea

+ 15 task (author born/nationality/setting)

Task Total = 15
Grand Total = 60

message 28: by Kathleen (itpdx) (new)

Kathleen (itpdx) (itpdx) | 1614 comments 10.4 Mystery
The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
+10 Mystery listed second after fiction
Grand Total: 10

message 29: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3912 comments Rosemary wrote: "20.5 R.K. Narayan

Memento Mori by Muriel Spark

+20 task (approved"

Muriel Spark has now been approved for 10.8
so +5 combo

Grand total 75

message 30: by Ed (last edited Mar 04, 2016 09:25PM) (new)

Ed Lehman | 2619 comments 20.7 David Bowie

Billy Liar by Keith Waterhouse

task +20
combo +10 (20.2; 20.5-approved post 170)
oldie +5 (1959)

task total = 35
season total = 80

message 31: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 1527 comments 10.5 Novella

The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain

+10 task
+10 oldies
+10 combos (10.7 - Cain, 20.5 - approved)

Task Total = 30
Grand Total = 90

message 32: by Tien (last edited Mar 05, 2016 02:01PM) (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 2949 comments 15.1 Waters of the World

Sitti Nurbaya: Kasih Tak Sampai by Marah Rusli
English Ed: Sitti Nurbaya: A Love Unrealized
~first pub. 1922

South China Sea: Indonesia

+15 Task (author born & nationality & setting)

Task Total: 15
Season Total: 15

message 33: by Rosemary (last edited Mar 05, 2016 01:21PM) (new)

Rosemary | 3912 comments 15.2 Waters of the World

The Oxford Chekhov: Volume 5: Stories 1889-1891 by Anton Chekhov

Baltic Sea: Russia

+15 Task (author born/nationality/setting)

Task Total: 15
Grand Total: 90

message 34: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Brown | 3007 comments 10.4 Popular genre

The Diamond Caper by Peter Mayle

10 task (mystery is listed 1st)

Running total 30

message 35: by Kathleen (itpdx) (new)

Kathleen (itpdx) (itpdx) | 1614 comments 10.7 Four Letter Name
The Great Birthright: An Oregon Novel by Matt Love

+10 task
+5 combo (10.8 approved in the thread)
Task total: 15
Grand Total: 25

message 36: by Denise (new)

Denise | 1706 comments 20.5-R.K. Narayan

Fires: Essays, Poems, Stories by Raymond Carver

+20 task (post 99)
+ 5 combo (10.8 - post 51)
+10 not-a-novel
+ 5 oldies (1977)

Task total=40
Grand total=70

message 37: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2164 comments Task 20.10 AutoBioMem Elizabeth (Alaska)'s Task
Read a biography, autobiography or memoir.

Can't Is Not an Option: My American Story (2012) by Nikki Haley (Hardcover, 245 pages)

+20 Task
+10 Not-a-Novel: non-fiction

Task Total: 20 + 10 = 30

Grand Total: 30 + 25 = 55

message 38: by Ed (new)

Ed Lehman | 2619 comments 10.7 Rosemary's Task: 4 Letter Names

Death in Venice by Thomas Mann

task +10
combo +15 (20.4, 20.5, 20.6-approved at post 46)
oldie +10 (1912)

task total = 35

season total = 115

message 39: by Coralie (new)

Coralie | 2628 comments 20.3 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

+20 Task
+5 combo (20.6-approved in help thread)
+5 oldies (1974)

Task total: 30
Grand Total: 30

message 40: by Louise Bro (new)

Louise Bro | 477 comments 10.1 Square Peg

Priestess of the White by Trudi Canavan

+10 Task
+5 Jumbo (608 pages)

Task total: 15 pts
Grand total: 15 pts

message 41: by Louise Bro (last edited Mar 06, 2016 04:52AM) (new)

Louise Bro | 477 comments 10.6 Book Lovers

Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading by Nina Sankovitch

+10 Task
+5 Combo (20.10)
+10 Not-A-Novel

Task total 25 pts
Grand total: 40 pts

message 42: by Kazen (new)

Kazen | 623 comments 10.7 - Four Letter Names

The Wolf in the Attic by Paul Kearney

+10 task

Task total: 10 points
Grand total: 40 points

message 43: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3912 comments 10.4 Popular Genre

Shakespeare's Landlord by Charlaine Harris

+10 task

Task total: 10
Grand Total: 100

message 44: by Lagullande (last edited Mar 08, 2016 11:49AM) (new)

Lagullande | 1109 comments 20.6-The Bronte Sisters

Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë

+20 Task
+5 combo (10.7 Anne)
+15 oldies (pub 1847)

Points this post: 40
Grand Total: 130

message 45: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 2949 comments 20.6-The Bronte Sisters
A Tangle of Gold (The Colours of Madeleine #3) by Jaclyn Moriarty
approval post
660L only -her lowest scoring book to date :(
No style points

+20 Task

Task Total: 20
Season Total: 35

message 46: by Tien (last edited Mar 06, 2016 02:49PM) (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 2949 comments 10.2-Single Word
Akarnae (The Medoran Chronicles #1) by Lynette Noni
Not found on BPL catalogue nor rated for Lexile

+10 Task

Task Total: 10
Season Total: 45

message 47: by Rosemary (last edited Mar 06, 2016 01:26PM) (new)

Rosemary | 3912 comments 10.7 Four Letter Names

Vows to Kill by Mark Capell

+10 task (Mark)
+ 5 combo (10.4 mystery top genre)

Task total: 15
Grand Total: 115

message 48: by Coralie (new)

Coralie | 2628 comments 20.10 AutoBioMem

Worse Things Happen at Sea by William McInnes and Sarah Watt

+20 Task (approved in help thread)
+10 Not a Novel

Task total: 30
Grand Total: 60

message 49: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Brown | 3007 comments 20.2 Graham Greene

A Bend in the River by V.S. Naipaul

20 task
5 combo 20.6
5 oldie (1979)

Running total: 60

message 50: by Beth (last edited Mar 08, 2016 08:04PM) (new)

Beth Robinson (bethrobinson) | 1174 comments 20.5

Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov
Asimov approved in help

+20 task - died 1992
+5 oldies - pub 1986
+5 length - MPE is 528 pages

Task total: 30
Grand total: 30

edited because i had waugh death at 1996 in my notes. oops

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