Goodreads Developers discussion

examples / showcase > Shouldreads: iOS app for tracking reading progress

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message 1: by Adam (new)

Adam Sharp | 5 comments Hey everyone, just wanted to share my new app Shouldreads, an app focused around tracking progress updates:

If you’re interested in the progress tracking features of Goodreads, I’d love to know what you think! Also happy to answer any questions about the app.

It’s written in Swift for iOS 13+, with the UI being a mix of SwiftUI and plain UIKit. The Goodreads API integration is my own library that implements OAuth 1.0 and uses ASWebAuthenticationSession to handle the web login flow. XML parsing uses Codable, via the XMLCoder library: Not currently open source but now that it’s shipped I’m open to publishing components that people might find useful.



message 2: by Letes (new)

Letes | 1 comments Hi Adam,

Your app is a great idea ! I always forget to track my reading progress in goodreads, in 90% of the books I track at the end of the book... Your app is a good step towards reading tracking, but I believe I would still forget... do you think an integration with the Kindle app is possible ?

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