Goodreads Developers discussion

questions > Is Goodreads still actively developed?

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message 1: by Patrick (last edited Oct 16, 2020 12:10AM) (new)

Patrick (landroval) I'm a member of Goodreads since 2011 and check it almost daily. But ever since the reread feature was introduced in February 2017 I have not noticed a single improvement (please correct me if I'm wrong).

We get new Banners at the top every few weeks - but that is not Functionality! The IOS App seems to still get new features. The Android app gets redesigned (without adding new functionality) but basic features like switching Editions are still missing (which the IOS App has!). But let's be honest the Android app has been neglected from the beginning.

The language setting comes with the info "Goodreads is just starting to add support for languages other than English [...]" ever since I registered and after working badly back then has been turned off altogether. On top of that the apps are using a different one (which in the Android app also doesn't work).
Feature Requests and Bug Reports don't really seem to be more than acknowledged like the cors access-control-allow-origin "Feature Request" (in my opinion a Bug) that got a "We'll consider adding this in the future" back in 2016 (I think - hard to tell since the discussions don't show a year) and has been ignored ever since.

So I really wonder if Goodreads is still actively developed or are they just holding on to their status as market leader and hoping that Amazon will just buy any competition that pops up?

message 2: by Aninha (new)

Aninha Costa (aninhacosta) | 6 comments I have the same feeling.
It has been totally neglected for a long time now...
I don't even remember the last time we got a new feature on Android.

message 3: by Airton (new)

Airton Zanon | 1 comments That's a good question, I'm trying to use some of the features from the API and some just act werdly or not even work well.

message 4: by Matt (new)

Matt | 6 comments The only feature "improvement" I can remember on Android is when they changed the barcode scanner works so you have to manually shelve (very slowly!) each book individually, rather than being able to do them all at the time. But hey, at least they did *something* to it, which is more than can be said for the rest of the site!

message 5: by Zaporojan (new)

Victor Zaporojan | 5 comments this API is not maintain anymore and it will be scrap soon. as far as I remember there was a post somewhere with more info but can't remember where sorry..

message 6: by Usama (new)

Usama (0ssamaak0) | 3 comments Can't they make it opensource and let the developers contribute to it! I'm sure there are many developers among us who can redesign the whole thing in a more professional way!

message 7: by Danish (new)

Danish Shabbir | 1 comments Yeah, I wish it was opensource :( I love the network here, but the app performance and UX is stalling.

message 8: by Usama (new)

Usama (0ssamaak0) | 3 comments Can anyone or any organization contact amazon regarding this

message 9: by Nickname (new)

Nickname | 1 comments And now, goodreads starts to remove useful features like adding images to books, data about when a user purchase a book and so on. Unbelievable. I'm using goodreads because I thought it's the best site to store all data regarding my books, but since it was acquired by amazon it slowly died.

message 10: by Pola (new)

Book Friend Pola (book_friend_pola) | 1 comments You guys really got me down.
I joined GR in January and could not fathom how many errors it has. Android app is just a bad product with small number of features. I switched completely to web, non-mobile page which is least problematic.
But now they taken away option to add editions. It's such a huge deal breaker for me not to be able to have correct cover on my list.
I thought maybe they need developers. I could help. But it looks like I need to backup my data 😔

message 11: by Andrzej (new)

Andrzej (nandy_andy) | 1 comments I doubt it is. Is it only me or the Facebook App for Goodreads has stopped working today? I wasn't able to login with my Facebook account.

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