Goodreads Developers discussion

questions > RECENT: Why does GR keep signing me out?

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message 1: by WillowRaven (last edited Apr 28, 2022 05:29AM) (new)

WillowRaven (willowraven1) | 24 comments Up until about a week or so ago, I would not get signed out of GoodReads. All my settings have it to keep me logged in. Now, every day, it's asking me to sign in. I have even checked off the little box to "keep me logged in" and yet, it is still logging me off every day. I have checked my account settings, my browser (Chrome) settings, even my Windows 10 settings .... nothing is set to automatically log me off:


Has something been changed recently so that people are automatically logged off each day? It's really getting beyond annoying.

message 2: by SassyReads (new)

SassyReads | 3 comments Mine did not do that to me today but did make me sign in every time for the last almost six months. I just shrugged and assumed it was because I don't visit often.

I hope you get the answer you are looking for, but I suspect that there aren't many resources devoted to Goodreads for support, and that's why they stopped growing the API. So this may be the only answer you get from anyone.

message 3: by WillowRaven (last edited Aug 05, 2022 03:06AM) (new)

WillowRaven (willowraven1) | 24 comments This has been happening *again*, over the last few days, despite having the "keep me logged in" checked. I checked my other settings - they're all to keep me logged in. I don't understand why I keep getting logged out. I am on my account at least a couple of times every day, so it couldn't be due to inactivity.

Just figured I'd write this *in case* anyone in charge sees this and can either answer or check in to this issue.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT/ADDING: It is now August 5, 2022 and this is still happening, sometimes a few times PER DAY. I don't understand why it keeps logging me out when I have it set to keep me logged in. Please, fix this.

message 4: by Vladimir (new)

Vladimir (looneybgd) | 2 comments I have the same problem! Someone should fix this, it drives me crazy.

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