Goodreads Developers discussion

questions > Developer keys

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message 1: by Sharanya (new)

Sharanya | 1 comments How to access the Goodreads API now that no new developer keys are being issued? It's urgent.

message 3: by Mahabub (new)

Mahabub | 1 comments How can i get api key?

message 4: by Виктор (new)

Виктор Минин (bulletproof2k) | 4 comments Me too.

message 5: by Parthiv (new)

Parthiv | 1 comments No more keys are being issued :(

message 6: by Виктор (new)

Виктор Минин (bulletproof2k) | 4 comments Parthiv wrote: "No more keys are being issued :("

Very sorry...

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