Touch targets are the parts of the screen that respond to user input. They extend beyond the visual bounds of an element. For example, a button may appear to be�...
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Touch targets include the area that responds to user input. Touch targets extend beyond the visual bounds of an element: An element like an icon may appear to�...
7 ����� 2023The read-only target property of the Touch interface returns the (EventTarget) on which the touch contact started when it was first placed�...
5 ���� 2019Touch targets need to be large enough to (1) discern what the target is, and (2) to accurately acquire them. View�tap asymmetry occurs when�...
27 ����� 2023As we've seen above, target sizes change depending on where components appear on the screen. ... �Touch Targets on Touchscreens,� by Aurora Hailey�...
Touch is particularly problematic as it is an input mechanism with coarse precision. Users lack the same level of fine control when using inputs such as a mouse�...
4 ����� 2021This topic describes the use of contact geometry for touch targeting and provides best practices for targeting in Windows Runtime apps.
4 ����� 2018A touch target of this size results in a physical size of about 9mm, regardless of screen size. The recommended target size for touchscreen�...
The recommended size of touch targets is 7 � 10mm. This size is equivalent to the smallest average finger. An interactive target area should be at least 7 x 7�...