Tips and resources to maximize your productivity with Gemini for Google Workspace


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Here are our top 5 tips and resources to maximize the potential impact of generative AI with Google Workspace in your organization. We also share additional resources, upcoming events, and resources for deploying and managing change below.

  1. Take advantage of Free Training on Google Cloud Skills Boost and bookmark the Get started with Gemini for Google Workspace support article.
  2. Sign up for live demo and Q&A events to stay up-to-date on the latest and get your questions answered. You can subscribe to be notified via email when a new event is posted by following the instructions here.
  3. Understand the art of prompting via Tips for writing prompts for Gemini resources or the recent digital event on prompting best practices. Prompting mastery is key...start practicing today. Try prompts and use Gemini daily to become a more efficient prompter. Capture those impactful prompts in a Google Doc so you can share with colleagues or revisit how you made that great project plan template.

    Feeling stuck?  Try this prompt: “Create 10 impactful Gen AI prompts for a SaaS Customer Success Manager to make me more productive in my role" - replace "SaaS Customer Success Manager" with your role.
  4. Sign up for the Google Workspace Community so you can subscribe to upcoming events, stay up-to-date on best practices, get your questions answered in Q&A forums, and more.
  5. To ensure your organization is gaining the right value at the right time, take advantage of our guided adoption resources below that are based on our learnings and best practices from numerous Gemini for Workspace customers.

Additional resources to help

Guided Adoption: The Phases of Gemini Adoption


Guided Adoption support to help you deploy and realize the full value of Gemini for Workspace.

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  • Have a formal launch with your Gemini for Workspace users to discuss functionality, walk through what to expect, and how to provide feedback
  • Follow up with users post launch to reinforce change and enable - copy and use this template to enhance your communication plan
  • Establish real time communication channels via Office Hours / Chat Space
  • Capture impactful prompts across your organization - copy and use this template to capture prompts across your organization
  • Don't forget to attend and share our Best Practices for Effective Prompting webinar (live and on demand )

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  • Create a plan to measure impact - copy and use these survey questions  and transfer to a Google Form to capture feedback
  • Leverage ongoing Gemini for Google Workspace office hours - keep an eye out for our ongoing office hours - both live and on demand. Sessions designed to provide ongoing learning for administrators, end users and leaders. Each session will be split into a topic specific deep dive (~30 minutes) with the remainder used session for live Q&A.

Educational events

Discover a series of educational events focused on Gemini for Google Workspace, available live and on-demand. You can subscribe to be notified via email when a new event is posted by following the instructions here.

Deploying Gemini for Google Workspace: From Use Cases to Change Management

Watch the recording! Now available

Unlock the Power of Generative AI in Google Workspace: Best Practices for Effective Prompting

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Watch now!

Gemini for Google Workspace: Developing tailored use cases that make a difference for your businessgws use cases gemini.png

Sign up and ask your questions in advance!

We'd love to hear this community's thoughts on resources that have helped them or other tips based on your experience, so please share via the comments.

We look forward to partnering together to maximize your productivity with Gemini for Google Workspace. 

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