BigQuery Subscription Error Incompatible schema type DOUBLE vs. FLOAT

Hi All,

I am trying to create BigQuery Subscription from Pub/Sub topic to ingest data into BigQuery based on

First, I created an empty table on BigQuery:



CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE tibrahim_debezium.mysql_inventory_products (
  id INT64 NOT NULL,
  name STRING,
  description STRING,
  weight FLOAT64,
  __op STRING,
  __table STRING,
  __source_ts_ms INT64,
  __deleted STRING



Then, I created a Pub/Sub schema using this command:



gcloud pubsub schemas create mysql.inventory.products-schema \
        --type=AVRO \
 "type" : "record",
 "name" : "MysqlInventoryProductsSchema",
 "fields" : [
        "type": "int",
        "optional": false,
        "name": "id"
        "type": "string",
        "optional": false,
        "name": "name"
        "type": "string",
        "optional": true,
        "name": "description"
        "type": "float",
        "optional": true,
        "name": "weight"
        "type": "string",
        "optional": true,
        "name": "__op"
        "type": "string",
        "optional": true,
        "name": "__table"
        "type": "int",
        "optional": true,
        "name": "__source_ts_ms"
        "type": "string",
        "optional": true,
        "name": "__deleted"



The schema successfully created.

I continue created Pub/Sub topic with above schema.



gcloud pubsub topics create mysql.inventory.products --message-encoding=json --schema=mysql.inventory.products-schema



The topic successfully created.

Next, I created the BigQuery subscription using below command:



gcloud pubsub subscriptions create mysql.inventory.products-bq-sub --topic mysql.inventory.products --bigquery-table=<PROJECT_ID_REDACTED>.<DATASET_REDACTED>.mysql_inventory_products --use-topic-schema



It returned error: ERROR: Failed to create subscription [projects/<PROJECT_REDACTED>/subscriptions/mysql.inventory.products-bq-sub]: Incompatible schema type for field weight: DOUBLE vs. FLOAT.

The doc showing that float should be fine.

What could be the issue here?



Solved Solved
4 14 3,058

Yes, confirming this is now fixed.

View solution in original post


Having the same problem. Simple examples without floats work fine.

I also tried it with protocol buffers as the schema and had the same problem.

Yep I can confirm you're not alone.

Even protobuf float doesn't match bigquery float. 

We are aware of the issue affecting schemas that use floats and doubles and have a fix in progress. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Awaiting resolution to the issue. Also any roadmap for the following:-
1. Allowing external imports in the topic schema, like something equivalent to timestamp? As of now, the new BQ tables can only be partitioned by the ingestion_timestamp.
2. Allowing proto enums to be stored as String instead of int64 in BQ

Is there any timeline on the fix? 

We are targeting the fix to be out by August 19th.


@taarak18 wrote:

Awaiting resolution to the issue. Also any roadmap for the following:-
1. Allowing external imports in the topic schema, like something equivalent to timestamp? As of now, the new BQ tables can only be partitioned by the ingestion_timestamp.
2. Allowing proto enums to be stored as String instead of int64 in BQ



same here.
waiting for the support of Avro logicalType in BigQuery Subscription and the float/double issue

Regarding the feature requests mentioned above, they are currently under consideration.

Hello @qiqiwu ,
Is there any update about this problem? We've also stuck here, waiting for your solution.

@qiqiwu any news  on the fix? 

It's been solved guys,

BQ subscriptions allow sending float now.

Thanks Google!

Yes, confirming this is now fixed.


Was searching and found this, any update on this one:

2. Allowing proto enums to be stored as String instead of int64 in BQ
